Innovation and potential for commercialization of the proposed research:
Risks and response strategies:
Confidentiality of research data:
Early achievements track-record (max. 2 pages):
Funding Table of Principal Investigator (PI):
Project Title
Funding source
Amount (USD)
Role of the PI
to current
Current grants
On-going and submitted grant applications (Please indicate “None” when applicable):
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Note: Applicant should highlight potential adverse events and proposed interventions.
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Note: How to deal with direct identifiers, data storage, access, and use.
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Note: Should list important achievements of PI, including his/her most important publications (up to five for Junior Researcher
Grants (JRG) and up to ten for Senior Research Grants (SRG)) highlighting that as main author and/or without the co-authorship of
your PhD supervisor. The publications should be properly referenced, including all authors in the published order. Field relevant
bibliometric indicators as well as research monographs and any translations thereof may also be included. If applicable, include the
followings: granted patent(s); invited presentations to internationally established conferences and/or international advanced
schools; Prizes/Awards/Academy memberships etc.
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Note: Identify the aspect of the proposal that are innovative and describe what socio-economic or commercial impact it will have if
successful. If possible, identify the new horizons or opportunities for science, technology, or scholarship that the proposed studies
will bring, justification of the sustainability of project results.