Considering the variety of the available
modelling techniques in epidemiology
[49], it is detrimental that only a few
CMAST specific explanatory modelling
approaches have been published. The devel-
opment of such approaches could involve
a significant improvement in the field of
bovine mastitis research, the disease remain-
ing an economic and hygienic problem for
all dairy channels [12, 35, 46]. The next step
would be to integrate udder inflammation
markers into the CMAST explanatory
model, essentially milk somatic cell counts
(SCC), in order to model in a synthetic
attempt both clinical and subclinical masti-
tis after reviewing and discussing the
previously published SCC modelling and
simulation techniques.
Figure 3. Diagram showing the modelling elements making it possible to take into account a rela-
tionship between consecutive cases of mastitis within lactation and between consecutive lactations
in the same animal (reproduced from [37] with permission).
P. Gasqui, J. Barnouin
We sincerely thank Natacha Blaszczyk (Unité
d’Épidémiologie Animale, INRA) for the trans-
lation of this article.
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