INTRODUCTION. Rational use of natural resources means "appropriation by members of society of useful
parts of nature in order to meet their own needs." Or, he writes, the okilon use of natural resources
is a set of scientifically sound state programs and plans, legislative acts aimed at using land, subsoil,
water resources, atmospheric air, flora and fauna in order to meet the various needs of society.
That is, the concept of rational use of natural resources in this matter is a scientifically based
system of socio–economic, environmental and cultural and recreational activities aimed at meeting
the socio-economic, cultural and recreational needs of society, compliance with the requirements of
protection of natural resources in the process of economic and other activities, restoration and
conservation of natural resources." In our opinion, all the above definitions of the concept of
rational use of natural resources are descriptions aimed at the same meaning, complementing each
other in content. In particular, the third definition describes more clearly the essence of the rational
use of natural resources.
Rational use of natural resources is an important rule for maintaining a balance between
man, nature and society. N.F.Reimers, on the other hand, understands by "rational use of natural
resources" a system of activities aimed at ensuring the economically rational use of natural
resources, as well as the effective order and conditions of their reproduction, taking into account
developing economic interests and prospects for conservation people's health". According to the
author, "rational use of natural resources is a form of highly efficient farming, in which humanity is
not yet ready socio–economically for a sharp reduction in natural resources and does not cause
profound changes in the environment " [1. pp. 405-406].
In other scientific literature on ecology, it is noted that the rational use of natural resources is
"the process of ensuring the necessary economic effect in the implementation of the goals of the use
of natural resources, as well as the simultaneous protection of the natural resource used and the
environment as a whole" [2. B.31.].
Based on the considerations expressed in the special scientific literature, when interpreting
the rational use of natural resources, it is necessary to ensure by legal means the priority of the
environmental aspect of nature management, as well as to take into account environmentally
significant requirements when planning and implementing activities that can have a negative impact
on the economic and other environment.
In other words, legal scholars in the field of environmental law, when defining the concept
of rational use of natural resources, assess the rational use of natural resources and environmental
protection as two important institutions that are inextricably linked. That is, the goal of rational use
of natural resources is achieved by ensuring compliance with environmental requirements of nature