Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 343
lawyer when necessary. In such a case, the citizen should not be alone with his problem. It is
necessary and necessary for the state to extend its helping hand. For that reason, the special
provision of legal aid to needy citizens at the expense of the state in the Constitution is of great
importance from the social and legal point of view.
According to our current legislation, today free legal aid is provided mainly within the
framework of criminal law. Legal aid is not provided at the expense of the state in civil cases, labor
disputes and other areas. If these innovations are included in the Constitution, our citizens will be
able to receive legal assistance at the expense of the country not only in criminal cases, but also in
civil, labor and other areas. The inclusion of this norm in the Constitution ensures the protection of
the rights and legal interests of citizens and serves to increase access to justice.
Here we have focused on some norms of the Constitution being updated, which are specific
to the rule of law. By the way, recognition of the state of Uzbekistan as a legal country is also a
guarantee for the protection of human rights and freedoms through the new articles introduced
In conclusion, government and society in any country is implemented only through the
Constitution and the laws adopted on this basis. Therefore, the Constitution is the Basic Law that
directs our people to the future, unites them, strengthens their unity and friendship, concentrates on
work, and initiates great creative works.
Adoption of the updated Constitution will create a solid foundation for the rapid
development of the state and civil society, further improving the welfare of the population based on
the principle of "For the dignity of man".
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2019 – Б. 78
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевнинг Конституциявий комиссия
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Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada keyingi yillarda mamlakatimizda amalga oshirilayotgan konstitutsiyaviy islohotlarning asosiy maqsadi xalqimiz uchun farovon va munosib turmush sharoiti yaratish ekanligi, O‘zbekiston huquqiy davlat sifatida belgilab berilgani keng ma’noda ochib berilgan. Резюме: В данной статье в широком смысле раскрывается, что основной целью конституционных реформ в нашей стране в последующие годы является создание благополучных и достойных условий жизни для нашего народа, и что Узбекистан определяется как правовое государство.