In-kind transfers[edit]
If a cash is given to a poor person, he or she may not make "the best" choice in case, what to buy for this extra money. Then, there is the solution in form of the food stamps or directly the food as an in-kind transfer to the poorest.
Housing subsidies[edit]
The rent and upkeep of housing form a large portion of spending in the lower income families. Housing subsidies were designed to help the poor obtaining adequate housing.
Welfare and Unemployment benefits[edit]
This provides actual money to the people with very low or no income and gives them an absolute freedom in decision-making how to use this benefit. This works best if we assume that they are rational and make decisions in their best interest.
Income mobility[edit]
Income mobility is one of the next factors, that should be considered by studying the degree of inequality. It refers and describes, how someone can improve or worsen, generally change his economic well-being. People simply move in the hierarchy of earning power and income mobility describes these changes over the whole life time. For instance, if someone has improved his economic situation, this person is then considered upwardly mobile. We can then divide the situation into two cases that dramatically different influence the inequality. Firstly, if the rich people stay always rich and poor stay always poor, it refers, that people can not that easily change their economic status and inequality then seems as a permanent problem. If workers can easily shift their income class, e.g. from middle earning class to upper class or from lower class to middle class. This means, their change is relatively possible, inequality is fluid and temporary so it does not create such a serious problem.[6] Measuring of income mobility Mobility is measured by the association between parents´ and adult children's socioeconomic standing, where higher association means less mobility. Socioeconomic standing is captured by four different measures: