Sobirjon Shoyimardonov
Curriculum Vitae
Mobile: +998933934282
■ National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek, Tashkent,
Master of Mathematics, in Geometry and Topology, June, 2014
Thesis: (GPA 97%) “Fundamental Equations of Submersion”, Advisor:
Pr. Narmanov A.Y.
■ National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek, Tashkent,
Bachelor, in Geometry and Topology, June, 2012
Thesis: (GPA 88%) Title “Curves of the Second Order on the Projective
Plane”, Advisor: Pr. Narmanov A.Y.
■ Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT), Tashkent,
Assistant Teacher--Department of Higher Mathematics, Sep. 2014~current
Government scholarship covered my four-year bachelor education and two-year master education fully.
The scholarship of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek for excellent study.
The award for the best student in Bachelor
Bachelor's degree with honors
Higher mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics
Math packets: Maple, MATLAB, Mathematica Wolfram, LaTex, MathCAD.
Languages: Russian , English.
Topology, dynamical systems, differential equations, mathematical biology.
“On ocean ecosystem discrete time dynamics generated by l-Volterra operators” U.Rozikov, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “International journal of Biomathematics”, in publication.
“Discrete-time dynamics of an ocean ecosystem ”, U.Rozikov, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Journal of Dokladi”, in publication.
“A Note Networks Of Topological Spaces And Hyperspaces”, Beshimov R.B., S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research” 16(3): 162
“Some Properties of the Networks”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Science and
World” , International Scientific Journal, 5(33) 2016, Vol.1.
“Finite product of Frechet-Urysohn space”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
“Problems of Modern topology and its Applications”, 5-6 May, 2016,
“The connection with prefilter between network and strongly FrechetUrysohn spaces”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Problems of Modern topology and
its Applications”, 5-6 May, 2016, Uzbekistan.
“Some Properties of k-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Mathematical
physics and modern analysis related questions the Republican Scientific and
Practical Conference”, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 2015.
“Some Properties of cs-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, A.R.Saidova,
“Limit Theorems of Probability Theory and Their Applications”, Namangan,
Uzbekistan, 2015, pp: 294-295.
“Some Properties of cs*-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Modern
Methods of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications”, NUUZ, 2015.
“The Continuous image of CS and CS* Networks”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
“Modern Methods of Scientific Research in System of Global Higher
Education”, International scientific conference, 9th April 2015.
“The Fundamental Equation of the Submersion”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
“Dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the National University” (Collection
of abstracts), 2014, pp. 148-151.
“Connectivity and weakly normal functor”, R.Beshimov,
S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Geometry in Odessa-2011”, Abstract of International
Conference, Odessa, 2011.
October 26, 2018
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