Sobirjon Shoyimardonov

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CV Sobirjon Shoyimardonov

Sobirjon Shoyimardonov


Curriculum Vitae


Mobile: +998933934282



■ National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek, Tashkent,


Master of Mathematics, in Geometry and Topology, June, 2014

Thesis: (GPA 97%) “Fundamental Equations of Submersion”, Advisor:

Pr. Narmanov A.Y.

■ National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek, Tashkent,

Bachelor, in Geometry and Topology, June, 2012

Thesis: (GPA 88%) Title “Curves of the Second Order on the Projective

Plane”, Advisor: Pr. Narmanov A.Y.


■ Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT), Tashkent,


Assistant Teacher--Department of Higher Mathematics, Sep. 2014~current


  • Government scholarship covered my four-year bachelor education and two-year master education fully.

  • The scholarship of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulughbek for excellent study.

  • The award for the best student in Bachelor

  • Bachelor's degree with honors


  • Higher mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics


  • Math packets: Maple, MATLAB, Mathematica Wolfram, LaTex, MathCAD.

  • Languages: Russian , English.


Topology, dynamical systems, differential equations, mathematical biology.


  • On ocean ecosystem discrete time dynamics generated by l-Volterra operators” U.Rozikov, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “International journal of Biomathematics”, in publication.

  • Discrete-time dynamics of an ocean ecosystem ”, U.Rozikov, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Journal of Dokladi”, in publication.

  • A Note Networks Of Topological Spaces And Hyperspaces”, Beshimov R.B., S.K.Shoyimardonov, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research16(3): 162

  • Some Properties of the Networks”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Science and
    World” , International Scientific Journal, 5(33) 2016, Vol.1.

  • Finite product of Frechet-Urysohn space”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
    “Problems of Modern topology and its Applications”, 5-6 May, 2016,

  • The connection with prefilter between network and strongly FrechetUrysohn spaces”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Problems of Modern topology and
    its Applications”, 5-6 May, 2016, Uzbekistan.

  • Some Properties of k-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Mathematical
    physics and modern analysis related questions the Republican Scientific and
    Practical Conference”, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 2015.

  • Some Properties of cs-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, A.R.Saidova,
    “Limit Theorems of Probability Theory and Their Applications”, Namangan,
    Uzbekistan, 2015, pp: 294-295.

  • Some Properties of cs*-Network”, S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Modern
    Methods of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications”, NUUZ, 2015.

  • The Continuous image of CS and CS* Networks”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
    “Modern Methods of Scientific Research in System of Global Higher
    Education”, International scientific conference, 9th April 2015.

  • The Fundamental Equation of the Submersion”, S.K.Shoyimardonov,
    “Dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the National University” (Collection
    of abstracts), 2014, pp. 148-151.

  • Connectivity and weakly normal functor”, R.Beshimov,
    S.K.Shoyimardonov, “Geometry in Odessa-2011”, Abstract of International
    Conference, Odessa, 2011.

October 26, 2018
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