Specific educational problems

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Volume 2| November 2021 
ISSN: 2795-739X 
Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching 
P a g e
| 30 
means, forms of organization of training and, in 
turn, is conditioned by them [9]. 
The system of teaching
a foreign language 
is based on the provisions on the universal 
connection and interdependence of the 
phenomena of reality, on the integrity of the 
continuously developing world and the 
systematic reflection of our knowledge about it. 
The integrity of the system is ensured by the 
diverse connections between its elements and 
their interaction during the functioning of the 
system. With regard to teaching foreign 
languages, it is advisable to consider the 
concept of a system at two levels: at the level of 
the most significant phenomena and processes 
that determine the initial provisions of the 
methodology of teaching foreign languages; at 
the level of the pedagogical process, that is, the 
activities of the teacher and students, mediated 
by the educational complex, which determines 
the final result - a certain degree of training. 
The methodology of teaching
languages is associated with a number of other 
sciences - basic and related. The basic sciences 
include philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, 
psycholinguistics, linguistics, communication 
theory, etc. Data from related sciences are used 
by the methodology as a means of ensuring the 
effectiveness and reliability of their research. 
The connection with linguistics is 
important and necessary for the methodology. 
The subject of training is the teaching of speech 
activity on the material of the language. 
Linguistics, on the other hand, describes the 
main systemic properties of a particular 
language, formulates them in rules that are 
actively used by the methodology in the 
development of specific training models. 
The technique
is closely related to 
psychology. The methodology uses the data of 
psychological science on the peculiarities of 
perception in teaching a foreign language, the 
role of thinking and its connection with 
language, the relationship between the 
conscious and the unconscious (a combination 
of voluntary and involuntary attention, 
awareness and imitation), the formation of 
skills and abilities, the motivation of 
educational activity, etc. the provisions of the 
methodology is based on the research of L.S. 
Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leont'ev, in 
which the theory of activity, in particular 
mental activity, is developed, draws on data on 
memory problems, the formation of speech 
skills, speech mechanisms, takes into account 
the theory of attitudes, etc. A great contribution 
to the development of the methodology was 
made by scientists who devoted their works to 
the development of issues of teaching a foreign 
language. The merit of V.A. Artemova, B.A. 
Belyaev and other psychologists is that they not 
only approved speech as an object of training, 
but also provided a psychological justification 
for the need to teach speech in all forms in a 
foreign language. Based on general psychology, 
educational psychology, psychology of teaching 
a foreign language, the methodology draws 
from them data on the psychological 
characteristics of speech, on speech, oral and 
written, external and internal. 
It is undeniable that using the general 
psychological concepts of the formation of skills 
and abilities in activity, the methodology refines 
them on the material of its own subject and 
enriches the general psychological theory of 
activity with such specific categories as speech 
skill, speech skill. Consequently, the connection 
between the methodology and psychology 
should be understood not as an elementary use 
of psychological theory by the methodology, but 
as bilateral dialectical relations that contribute 
to the mutual clarification, supplement and 
enrichment of the theories of both sciences. 
which have developed at the intersection of 
psychology and linguistics and which study the 
mechanisms of speech generation (expression 
of thoughts) and speech recognition (speech 
understanding), are important for the 
methodology. Knowledge of the mechanisms 
for the implementation of speech activity is of 
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