Volume 2| November 2021
ISSN: 2795-739X
Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching
P a g e
| 31
situational nature of speech and the presence of
relevant situations are taken into account; the
exercises should be a task, the solution of which
develops the skills of the student, at the same
time activating his mental activity; in order for
speech activity to interest students, motivation
is necessary.
A special place belongs to didactics, which,
together with the methodology, have a common
object of research - the educational process. The
difference lies in the fact that didactics studies
this process as a whole, and methodology - in
relation to a specific academic subject. The
nature of the relationship between these
sciences can be defined as the relationship of a
general theory
to a particular form of its
implementation on the material of a specific
subject. This connection is manifested in the
commonality of the main categories that make
up the conceptual
apparatus of both sciences,
and can also be traced in their basic teaching
principles. Methods of research are also elin.
This does not mean, however, that in relation to
didactics, methodology is only an applied
discipline, it is
an independent pedagogical
science. Moreover, the methodology of teaching
foreign languages opens up opportunities for
expanding the base of didactics, the theoretical
provisions of which are developed mainly on
the basis of the study of teaching the basics of
science, i.e. in the
center of attention is the
cognitive activity of students. The methodology
of teaching foreign languages studies the
patterns of
communicative and cognitive
activity of students. The methodology solves
not only the problems of teaching, but also the
problems of upbringing by means of a foreign
language, which is not included in the range of
problems studied by didactics.
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