particular foreign language. Thus, a private
Foreign Language Teaching
Methodology as An Independent
Theoretical and Applied Science
Shadmanbekova Kamola
Senior Teacher
Department of "Natural-Scientific and Humanitarian sciences" of
the Correspondence faculty, Tashkent institute of Finance
The article discusses foreign language teaching methodology as an independent
theoretical and applied science. The study of foreign languages in modern society is
becoming an inseparable component of the professional training of specialists of various
profiles, and the successful solution of professional growth issues and the expansion of
contacts with foreign partners largely depend on the quality of their language training.
General methodology, basic concepts, process, goals, content,
principles, methods, techniques, teaching aids, organizational
forms of teaching.
Volume 2| November 2021
ISSN: 2795-739X
Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching
P a g e
| 29
methodology examines the teaching of those
linguistic and speech phenomena that are
specific to a particular foreign language being
General and specific methods are
interconnected. The general methodology is
enriched on the basis of the experience of
private methods. In turn, the regularities of the
general methodology are reflected in the
private one. The subject of the methodology of
teaching foreign languages is the accumulated
knowledge about the object, a numerous theory
that simulates the learning process; these are
the patterns of the process of learning a foreign
The basic concepts that make up the
foundation of the methodology include:
process, goals, content, principles, methods,
techniques, means and organizational forms of
The basic categories of the technique are
considered to be:
as a system of purposeful actions
of the teacher, on the one hand, and educational
actions of students, on the other.
- an elementary methodical
act aimed at solving specific problems at a
certain stage of the lesson. The method is
implemented in a system of techniques. The
communication-oriented teaching method is
implemented in the following techniques:
- Technique of the formation of the
approximate ability of students
- Techniques for teaching speech
- Techniques for systematizing speech
- Techniques for deepening and
expanding content
- Increasing the intensity of independent
- Techniques for stimulating speech-
thinking activity.
- Techniques for standardized control.
The approach
is a common starting
position, starting from which the researcher
considers most of his other positions. The
question of the relationship between the
controversial. Domestic methodologists and
most foreign researchers believe that the
approach to teaching plays a fundamental role
and is the dominant idea on which the new
method is built. The method and approach are
interrelated and interdependent, they are
characterized by constant interaction.
Researchers unanimously express the
opinion that there is no absolutely correct and
effective method for all learning conditions and
come to the conclusion that it is necessary to
combine different approaches, principles and
elements of different methods, taking into
account the specifics of learning, since what is
effective in one setting can have a completely
opposite result in a different learning
The principle
is the guiding idea. It is
customary to single out the following general
didactic, general methodological, particular
methodological principles. K.V. Minyar-
Beloruchev in his research identifies the
following principles of teaching: the principle of
a differentiated approach, the principle of
managing the learning process, the principle of
isolating specific landmarks, the principle of an
integrated approach to motivation in teaching a
foreign language.
The goal of training
is what we strive for
in the process of teaching a foreign language, it
is an ideally planned result [8]. First, the goal of
training is set, only then a methodology is
developed. The goal of training is closely related
to the conditions of training, since without them
it is impossible to achieve it. Learning
conditions are the circumstances under which
learning takes place. The means of teaching are
the tools of the educational process, with the
help of which the set goals are more
successfully and in a short time achieved. The
teaching aids include: textbook, workbook, tape
recorder, cards. All of the above categories
serve the training system - a general model of
the educational process that corresponds to a
specific methodological concept. The training
system is a complete set of components
corresponding to a specific methodological
concept; it determines the goals, content,
principles, methods, techniques, methods,