Chapter Two: Literature Review There are three distinct sections to this literature review. Section one provides
information on the Irish context that informed this study. It charts the key
developments in primary education and the physical education curriculum in particular.
It provides a critical synopsis of contemporary issues, such as the 1999 curriculum
reform and initial teacher education provision and it gives an overview of the
professional development available to primary school teachers to date. Section two
reviews literature on i) critical features that define effective professional development
and ii) models of how professional development and how they work to influence teacher
change. Section three concludes this chapter with a review of Outdoor and Adventure
Activities, as this was the content focus of the programme of professional development
selected by the teachers in this study.
Literature Review Methodology The databases searched included the library catalogues (Online Public Access
Catalogues - OPACs), biographical databases (Educational Resources Information
Center -ERIC, Swetswise, EBSCOhost, SPORTSdiscus) and internet search engines
(Altavista, Google, and Google scholar). Initially, key word searches (professional
development, effective professional development, physical education professional
development, primary physical education, educational reform, teacher change) were
conducted for work published from 1980 to 2011. The focus of the reading was then
refined and key journals, authors and texts identified. Additionally, consultation with
my peers (nationally and internationally) in fields such as education, physical education,
sport and exercise science and health helped me refine and update the literature review.
Numerous national and international commissioned studies acknowledging professional
development and reviewing professional development initiatives were also reviewed.