Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research was to develop an understanding of the perspectives of the
case study teachers teaching physical education. The research questions to be addressed
What is the participant teachers’ background?
What is current teacher practice in relation to physical education?
What is the physical education professional development history of the staff?
What are the teachers’ attitudes towards physical education and physical
What methodologies and strategies are used by the teachers in the teaching of
physical education?
What are the main barriers and supports experienced by the teacher in teaching
physical education?
What are the teachers’ professional development needs?
This study reports on the gathering of data, prior to inform the design of a professional
development programme in physical education using a whole school approach.
Methodology The research design employed mixed methods using questionnaires and
interviews. A 38 item questionnaire consisting of closed, open and 8 likert scale type
questions in 4 sections, and was developed informed by previous research surveys. The
sections were a. biographical details, b. your background in physical education, c. you
and physical education, d. your experience of teaching physical education. Data from
the questionnaire informed subsequent focus group interviews. Focus group interviews
reflected teachers’ planning groups as these were deemed the most appropriate method
of assessing teachers’ perspectives in relation to the teaching of physical education in
their school. Interviews were facilitated by the Principal. All class teachers (n=28)
consented to take part in focus group interviews. All interviews were recorded with the
teachers’ permission and transcribed verbatim, categorised and themed using systematic
content analysis as outlined by Charmaz (2006). Informal discussions took place with
the school Principal and were recorded as field notes.