Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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B. nodes

C. acantholysis

D. blisters

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1686. Drugs used to treat scabies:

A tincture of iodine

B. prednisolone ointment

C. nistatinovaya ointment

D. 60% sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid 6% *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1687. Morphological element characteristic clinic uncomplicated scabies:

A spot

B. bump

C. abscess

D. knot *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1688. With characteristic symptom of scabies:

A. Gorchakov-Hardy *

B. Besnier-Meshcherskiy

C. Nikolsky

D. Hensen of asbestos

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1689. Pathogens pustular skin diseases:

A v

B.tuberkuleznaya coli

C. aureus *

D. Corynebacterium

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1690. Streptococcus causes of the disease:

A. versicolor opoyasyvayushy

B. simple herpes

C. Sycosis

D. impetigo *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1691. Species strep impetigo:

A. Zayed *

B. boil

C. simple herpes

D. epidemic pemphigus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1692. Possible localization of boils:

A neck *

V. oral mucosa

C. lip

D. soles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1693. Clinical signs typical of staphylococcal deep pustules:

A liquid pus

B. is located on the smooth skin

C. surrounded by a rim of hyperemia

D. riddled hair *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1694. hydradenitis localized:

A palm

B. shin

C. soles

D. armpits *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1695. The main clinical forms of staphylococcal skin lesions:

A. chromophytosis

B. shingles

C. vulgar ecthyma

D. folliculitis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1696. Clinical varieties of strep impetigo:

Bullous impetigo A. *

B. Sycosis

C. deep folliculitis

D. simple herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1697. Complications occurring in patients with the localization of boils on his face:

A. phlebitis cerebral blood vessels *

B. neuritis of the facial nerve

C. endocarditis

D. neuralgia

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1698. Deep streptococcal form:

A strep impetigo

B. vulgar ecthyma *

Bullous impetigo C.

D. lichen simplex

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1699. Factors causing toxicoderma:

A sulfa drugs *

B. acid

C. alkalis

D. metals (cobalt, nickel, chromium)

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1700. Clinical signs of hives:

A blister *

Node B.

C. Pain

D. pustules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1701. The stimuli that cause a simple contact dermatitis:

A dosage per os

B. nutritional

C. physical (high and low temperature) *

D. Psychoemotional

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1702. For atopic dermatitis is characterized by:

A. bumps

B. nodes

C. blister

D. Erythema *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1703. Signs of the true characteristic of eczema:

A. blisters

B. scar atrophy

C. true polymorphism *

D. bumps

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1704.Dlya eczema is characterized by:

A. Moisture "serous wells" *

V. bumps

C. nodes

D. gumma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1705. Clinical manifestations of fresh secondary period of syphilis:

A. roseola *

B. bubbles

C. blisters

D. A warts

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1706. Clinical signs of syphilitic roseola:

A. itchy

B. painful

C. Do not merge *

D. purple

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1707. Clinical signs of tinea versicolor:

A. defurfuration *

B. papules

C. bumps

D. nodes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1708. The source of infection at mikrosporii:

A cat, a dog *

B. Cattle

C. rodents

D. Water

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1709. candidiasis affects:

A muscular system

B. follicular unit

C. Skeletal System

D. mucous *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1710 Primary cells in the herpes simplex:

A blister

B. abscess

C. vial *

D. knot

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1711. For viral diseases include:

A. shingles *

B. eczema

C. lupus erythematosus

D. vulgar sycosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1712. For zoster is characterized by:

A. units

B. damage along the nerve endings *

C. blisters

D. nodules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1713. Clinical manifestations characteristic of occupational eczema:

A. bumps

B. nodes

C. Moisture *

D. vegetation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1714. The bubble is allowed to form:

A. lihenifikatsiya

B. vibitsess

C. erosion *

D. ulcer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1715. Have cavity morphological elements:

A papule

B. blister

C. Spot

D. bubble *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1716. rash polymorphic at:

A. psoriasis

B. eczema *

C. lichen planus

D. molluscum contagiosum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1717. monomorphic rash when dermatoses:

A. erythema multiforme exudative

B. eczema

C. dermatitis Duhring

D. psoriasis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1718. Clinical signs of psoriasis:

A. The presence of papules *

B. hemorrhagic spots

C. blistering

D. bumps

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1719. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

A. vorotnichek Biett

B. pupkoobraznym depressions in the center *

C. blisters

D. Node

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1720. The main clinical forms of psoriasis:

A subacute

B. atrophic

C. hemorrhagic

D. vulgaris *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1721. Histologic features characteristic of psoriasis:

A. spongiosa

B. acantholysis

C. parakeratosis *

D. ballooning degeneration

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1722. Clinical stage course of psoriasis:

A subacute

* Progressive B.

C. Acute

D. Chronic

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1723. Clinical varieties of lichen planus:

A. arthropathic

B. atrophic *

C. pemfigoidnaya

D. Bugorkova

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1724. The most common form of psoriasis with the flow:

A. autumn


C. Winter *

D. total

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1725. Psoriasis must be differentiated from:

A. pemphigus

B. eczema

C. warts

D. lichen planus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1726. The phenomena characteristic of psoriasis:

A blood dew *

B. Besnier-Meshcherskiy

C. Nikolsky

D. Hansen of asbestos

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1727. For the characteristic symptoms of lupus:

Net A. Wickham

B. follicular hyperkeratosis *

C. depigmentation

D. symptom Kebnera

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1728. Stage scleroderma:

A peeling

B. Seal *

C. hyperkeratosis

D. parakeratosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1729. Drugs used to treat scleroderma:

A nicotinic acid

B. lidasa *

C. erythromycin

D. biyohinol

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1730. Connective tissue diseases:

A. lupus erythematosus *

B. psoriasis

C. allergic vasculitis

D. planus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1731. Clinical varieties of lupus:

A. seborrheic

B. discoid *

C. osteo-articular

D. muscle

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1732. Periods of syphilis:

A sharp

B. subacute

C. Primary *

D. All of the right

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1733. The main clinical forms of leprosy:

A. lepromatous *

B. kollikvativnaya

C. Acute

D. Chronic

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1734. For tinea versicolor is characterized by:

A. Balzer sample *

B. symptom Besnier - Meshcherskiy

C. green glow when the luminescence

D. roseola

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1735. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:

A. erased

B. intertriginoznoy *

C. Chronic

D. subacute

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1736. Diseases related to dermatophytes:

A. athlete's groin *

B. psoriasis

C. lichen simplex

D. erythrasma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1737. What kind of pustules:

A. folliculitis *

B. telangiectasia

C. excoriation

D. vesicle

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1738. What kind of spots:

A. roseola *

B. Acne

C. papule

D. conflict

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1739. The lesion with indistinct borders, the size of 4-5 cm, pink, not protruding above the skin. When the pressure-sensitive element disappears.

Specify the morphological element:

A spot *

B. knot

C. blister

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1740. The spot size of 4-5 cm in diameter. Specify the kind of morphological elements:

A. roseola

B. erythema *

S. Purple

D. vibitsecc

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1741. What dermatological manifestations may be markers of AIDS:

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring A.

B. neurofibromatosis

C. Lichen planus

D. Kaposi's sarcoma *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1742. Under which developed AIDS observed:

A. sarkomaKaposhi *

B. gonorrhea

S. dermatitis Duhring

D. Hutchinson's triad

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1743. The patient on the skin surface of the forearm extensor bespolostnoe proliferative precipitation measuring 0.5 0,7sm diameter, thick consistency, raised above the skin. The elements are clear lines, flat, dull shape.

Specify the morphological element:

A bundle *

B. bubble

S. blister

D. bubble

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1744. What morphological element has the ephemeral:

A spot

B. The Node

C. blister *

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1745. In place of the node is allowed:

A plague

B. pigmentation *

C. crack

D. scar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1746. For any skin disease characterized by monomorphic papuleznayasyp:

A. psoriasis *

B. Pemphigus

C. vulgar sycosis

D. Herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1747. Bugorok- proliferative cavity element towering above the skin, often ulcerate and zakanchivayuschiysyarubtsevaniem or scar atrophy

Find erroneous statements in this definition:

A. ulcerate

B. proliferative

C. cavity *

D. ends scarring

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1748. Find the right signs of tubercle:

A proliferative *

B. nevozvyshaetsya

C. neizyazvlyayushiysya

D. ends without scar pigmentation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1749. The tubercle is:

A. infectious granuloma occurring in the reticular dermis *

B. cavity element occurs in the epidermis

C. ostrovospalitelny swelling papillary dermis

D. ostrovospalitelny cavity element of the papillary dermis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1750. If any skin diseases occur tubercles:

A. Psoriasis

B. secondary syphilis

S. dermatitis Duhring

D. lupus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1751. The patient in the face and chest are abdominal elements protruding above the skin filled with serous fluid, the size of 0.3-0.5 cm in diameter.

Identify morphological element:

A. abscess

B. vial *

C. papule

D. bubble

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1752. In the formation of the bubble histologically observed:

A vacuolar degeneration *

B. acanthosis

C. granulosa

D. akantolizis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1753. The patient in the forearm skin lesion size of 5x6 cm, bright red, do not rise above the level of the skin. Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A bump

B. knot

C. Spot *

D. lihenifikatsiya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1754. Enter the kind of element size of 5x6 cm, towering above the skin, bright red color:

A. roseola

B. erythema *

C. purpura

D. Lentigo

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1755. Enter the morphological element characteristic erythema sulfa:

A spot *

B. knot

C. Node

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1756. The patient on the back of the neck lesion size 5x6 cm. The neck skin is dry, rough, thick. Skin pattern in the outbreak is significantly strengthened.

Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A. excoriation

V. vegetation

C. lihenifikatsiya *

D. scar atrophy

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1757. Lihenifikatsiya character for:

A. shingles

B. simple bubble stripping

C. pruriginous eczema

D. neurodermatitis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1758. Lihenifikatsiya appears:

A primary

B. a second time at the confluence papular elements *

C. primarily due to prolonged irritation of the skin when scratching

D. primarily as a result of burns

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1759. The patient in the tibia lesion, accompanied by a deep defect in the epidermis and dermis, the size of 2-3 cm oval, smooth edges, with sero-purulent discharge.

Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A. Erosion

B. crack

C. ulcer *

D. excoriation

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1760. In place of the ulcer will been resolved:

A scar *

B. pigmentation

C. excoriation

D. lihenifikatsiya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1761. In what appears ulcer diseases of the skin:

A tertiary syphilis *

B. lichen planus

C. scabies

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1762. The patient skin rashes torso multiple pale pink in color, the size of 0.3-0.5 cm, towering above the skin, disappearing when pressed.

Specify the kind of morphological elements:

A. roseola *

B. erythema

C. petechiae

D. ecchymosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1763. Indicate the nature of roseola:

A vascular hemorrhagic spot

B. primary lentigo

C. inflammatory vascular spot *

D. lenticular papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1764. What are the diseases of the skin accompanied by roseola:

A. erythema multiforme exudative

B. secondary syphilis *

C. psoriasis

D. planus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1765. The patient in the skin of the trunk multiple lesions rounded shape, the size of a penny coin 2, proliferative, protruding above the skin surface, dense.

Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A. nummulyarnye papules *

B. lenticular papules

C. Spot

D. blisters

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1766. The papules are located:

A. in the epidermis with the capture of the papillary dermis

B. the reticular dermis

C. Surface only within the epidermis *

D. in the subcutaneous fat

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1767. The patient on the red border of lips accumulation of small cavity elements containing serous fluid.

Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A bull

B. vesicles *

S. urticaria

D. pustules

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1768. To what morphological elements include vesicle:

A primary effusion *

B. primary proliferative

C. secondary exudative

D. specific granuloma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1769. Which diseases of the skin may appear vesicle:

A. lichen planus

B. microsporia

C. leprosy

D. simple herpes *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1770. At the site revealed the remains of vesicles:

A. erosion *

B. excoriation

C. scar

D. ulcer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1771. Histological examination of the preparation of the skin revealed a significant thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis.

Specify the nature of the disease process:

A vacuolar degeneration

B. granulёz *

C. acantholysis

D. hyperkeratosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1772. The granular layer consists of:

A 2-4 series *

B. 5-10ryadov

C. 5-6 rows of cells

D. 10-12 rows of cells

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1773. The cytoplasm of the cells of the granular layer comprises:

A. eleidin

B. keratin

C. keratohyalin *

D.net correct answer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1774. If the skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of cells found epidermisa Ttsanka.

Specify the nature of the disease process:

A. parakeratosis

B. papillomatosis

C. acanthosis

D. acantholysis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1775. spinous layer consists of:

A. 3-6 rows of cells *

V. 10-18 series

C. 12-15 series

D. 20-25 series

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1776. The skin biopsy revealed a violation of keratinization epidermotsitov, thickening of the horny layer without structural changes in the cells.

Specify the kind of pathological process:

A. parakeratosis

B. gipergranuyaez

C. hyperkeratosis *

D. spongiosa

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1777. The cells of the stratum corneum are in the form:

A ball

B. Records *

C. cylinder

D. cube

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1778. The cells of the stratum corneum are filled:

A. eleidin

B. keratin *

C. keratohyalin

D.net correct answer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1779. For what disease is characterized by a true polymorphism:

A. eczema *

B. pemphigus

C.vulgarnogo sycosis

D. shingles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1780. The biopsy of the skin marked intracellular edema in the Malpighian layer with signs of pyknosis of nuclei.

Specify the nature of pathological changes

A. spongiosa *

B. vacuolar degeneration

C. akantolizis

D. acanthosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1781. The Malpighian layer includes:

A basal layer *

B. mesh layer

C. papillary layer

D. shiny coat

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1782. For what disease is characterized by itching night:

A. Eczema

B. istinnayapuzyrchatka

C. scabies *

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1783. The patient urticaria rashes on the body, accompanied by itching.

Specify the kind of morphological elements:

A papule

B. blister *

C. Bubble

D. bubble

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1784. Indicate the nature of the blister:

A primary effusion *

B. pervichnyyproliferativny

C. secondary exudative

D. secondary proliferative

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1785. The child of 1.5 years in the congested skin face multiple microvesicles. There Moisture, worried about severe itching.

Select the method of external treatment:

A 2% solution of brilliant green *

B. sernayamaz

C. ihtiolovaya ointment

D. salicylic ointment

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1786. Types of eczema:

A.bolalar ekzemasi *

B. stroflyus

C. vulgar impetigo

D. streptakokli impetigo

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1787. bolalarda ekzemani paydo bo'lishi nima bilan kuzatiladi:

A.ekssudativ diatez *

B. qo'tir

C. pnevmaniya

D. anemiya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1788. neyrodermit bilan og'rigan bemorda terini mexanik to'mtoq predmet bilan ta'sirlanishida nerv-tomili reaksiya oq chiziq ko'rinishida kuzatiladi. Bu reaksiya nima deyiladi:

A. dermografizm *

V. «g'oz terisi»

C. eritema «uyalgandigi»

D. teri suratini kuchayishi

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1789. Which diseases of the skin, a change in dermographism:

A. versicolor Gibert

B. psoriasis

C. neurodermatitis *

D. scabies
1790. The patient in the skin of the trunk, limbs, multiple milliarnye, lenticular, numullyarnys papules, plaques, covered by silvery scales.

Determine the nature of the rash:

A monomorphic, proliferative *

B. monomorphic, exudative

C. monomorphic, urticaria

D. polymorphic, exudative

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1791. For the diagnosis of monomorphic proliferative characteristic rash:

A. urticaria

B. Scabies

C. psoriasis *

D. pyoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1792. To clarify the diagnosis of psoriasis is used:

A sample Minor

B. triad auspices *

C. Sample Balzer

D. Sample Jadassohn

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1793. The patient has lichen planus rash appeared after severe stress, fright

What kind of treatment it is advisable to appoint a general:

A suggestive therapy *

B. cytostatics

C. fungicidal

D. broad-spectrum antibiotics

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1794. Enter the character of lesions in lichen planus:


B. monomorphic Bugorkova

C. true polymorphic

D. monomorphic papular *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1795. Enter the characteristic color of lesions in lichen planus:

A yellowish brown

B. red with violet hue *

S. pink-red

D. dark brown

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1796. At the 2-year-old child on the face with a loose tire phlyctenas, sero-purulent exudate, erosion, crusts. Diagnosis:

A strep impetigo *

B. vulgar sycosis

S. hydradenitis

D. psevdofurunkulez Finger.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1797. When strep impetigo affected:

A smooth leather *

B. apocrine sweat glands

C. eccrine sweat glands

D. hair follicles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1798. strep impetigo is more common:

A. male

B. elderly

C. Children *

D. Women

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1799. The patient 22 years on his forearm a painful knot the size of a hazelnut cone-shaped with a necrotic core. A presumptive diagnosis:

A. Gunma

B. carbuncle

C.furunkul *

D. turniol

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1800Furunkula. The causative agent is:

A. aureus *

B. mushroom

C. virus

D. pallidum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1801. The child in the skin of the cheeks, legs whitish spots, rounded, with abundant melkoplastinchatym peeling. The scraping the surface of foci of fungi were found. Sample Balzer negative. Your presumptive diagnosis:

A simple zoster *

B. surface trichophytosis

C. microsporia

D. multicolored lichen

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1802. Who suffers most simple zoster:

A. Adults

B. Women

C. male

D. Children *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1803. Enter the pathogen simply depriving:

A mite

V. aureus

C. Streptococcus *

D. virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1804. With what diseases must be differentiated lichen simplex:

A. Vitiligo

B. strofulyus

C. versicolor otrubevidpy *

D. simple herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1805. A newborn in a week after birth appeared on the skin of the chest bubbles with serous-purulent exudate, located on a slightly erythematous background, erosion, crusts.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. epidemic pemphigus *

B. acantholytic pemphigus

C. syphilitic pemphigus

D. strep impetigo

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1806. The causative agent of epidemic pemphigus is:

A hemolytic streptococcus

V. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

C. Staphylococcus aureus *

D. virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1807.Pri epidemic pemphigus source of infection are:

A medical staff *

B. fathers of newborn

C. domestic cats

D. domestic dog

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1808 epidemic pemphigus often suffer

A. Adults

B. Women

C. male

D. newborns *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1809. A newborn skin on the neck, back multiple nodes reddish-bluish color, the size of a pea, palpation determined fluctuation. From penetrated nodes semi-liquid purulent-hemorrhagic content.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. psevdofurunkulez Finger *

B. hydradenitis

C. infant eczema

Bullous impetigo D.

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1810. What factors contribute to the development psevdofurunkuleza Finger:

A. overeating

B. breast feeding

C. frequent bathing

D. overheating *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1811. The patient in the left axilla painful, tight, welded assemblies undulating skin, reddish-bluish color, with a fluctuation. Necrotic core is missing. A presumptive diagnosis:

A. hydradenitis *

B. kollikvativnyytuberkulez

C. erythrasma

D. abrasions

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1812. Which group of diseases is hidradenitis:

A streptococcal

B. tinea

C. stafilodermiyam *

D. Collagen

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1813. When gidradeniteporazhayutsya:

A hair follicle

B. sebaceous glands

S. smooth skin

D. apocrine sweat glands *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1814. The average time flow gidradenita:

A. 10-15 days *

B. 2-3 months

C. b months

D. 5-7nedel

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1815. The patient on the skin of the penis size of the ulcer 2x2 cm, round shape, with dense valikoobraznymi edges, purulent discharge, painful infiltrate the base beyond the borders of ulcers. Wasserman negative.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A genital herpes

B. gonorrhea

C. shankriformnaya pyoderma *

D. chancre

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1816. The causative agent is shankriformnoy pyoderma:

A pale treponema

B. sinegnoynayapalochka

C. Staphylococcus aureus *

D. mite

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1817. When shankriformnoy pyoderma in place allowed the element remains:

A. atrophic scar *

V. vegetation

C. lihenifikatsiya

D. mosaic scar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1818. A woman of 40 years on the skin of the chin, nasolabial folds against the backdrop of reddened skin are infiltrated pustules, telangiectasia. Hypoacid suffers from gastritis. A presumptive diagnosis:

A. photodermatitis

B. shankriformnaya pyoderma

C. rosacea *

D. erythematosus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1819. What factors are important in the etiology of rozovyx ugrey:

A. angioneurosis lowered vascular tone *

B. streptococci

C. itch mites

D. fungus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1820. Distinguish following clinical variants rozovyx ugrey:

A. lichenoid

B. papules-pustular

C. erythematous *

D. warty

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1821. With what diseases is carried diff. Diagnosis rozovyx ugrey:

A. perioral dermatitis

B. psoriasis

C. simple herpes

D. discoid lupus erythematosus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1822. The patient 30 years on the skin of the chin, cheeks multiple folliculitis, sycosis, clusters of off-yellow purulent crusts. The process recurs. A presumptive diagnosis:

A vulgar sycosis *

V. acne vulgaris

C. Chronic ulcerative pyoderma

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1823. Which group of diseases is vulgar sycosis:

A. streptoderma

B. ringworm

S. stafilodermiya *

D. collagen

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1824. The etiopathogenesis vulgar sycosis matters:

A. neuroendocrine disorders

B. pyogenic staphylococci *

C.chesotochnye mites

D. overheating

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1825. The woman on the skin of the chest, abdomen, multiple excoriations, paired nodules, pustules, linear shtrihoobraznye scratching, intense itching, worse at night.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A scabies *

B. eczema

C. nodular pruritus

D. strofulyus

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1826. Indicate the most common complication of scabies:

A regional adenitis

B. neuralgia

C. pyoderma *

D. psychosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1827. A man 23 years in the pubic area, the penis, the inner thighs papules, pustules, purulent crust erosion. Worried itching noted symptom Gorchakov-Hardy.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. chancroid

B. scabies *

C. Lipschutz's disease

D. vulgar impetigo

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1828. Some other symptoms can be symptoms of scabies:

A. itchy skin only during the day

B. linear layout

C. bunching rash

D. pairing elements *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1829. What laboratory methods of research should be conducted in scabies:

A scraping on the itch mite *

B. blood tests naeozinofiliyu

S. urinalysis

D. Research on blood sugar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1830. With what diseases is carried diff. diagnostics, scabies:

A. Shingles

B. lichen planus

C. snndrom Senir-Aschner

D. pruritus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1831. The patient was 25 years old, Single The diagnosis of scabies.

What laboratory studies should be included in the plan of the survey:

A finding of scabies mite *

V. research on LE cells

C. Analysis on akantoliticheskiekletki

D. Analysis of a bullock Borowski

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1832. The female scabies mite gets:

A mesh layer in the dermis

B. horny layer of the epidermis *

C. in the subcutaneous fat

D. in the basal layer of the epidermis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1833. The incubation period for scabies is:

A. 1-4 weeks *

B. 2-3 months

C. 24-48 hours

D. 6 -8 months

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1834. The fertilized female scabies mite lays:

AB do100yaits

B. 1000 eggs

C. to 50 eggs *

D. to 200yaits

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1835. Patient itch after application of 33% sulfur ointment on the skin of the trunk appeared diffuse erythema, rash melkopapuleznaya


The contact allergic dermatitis. *

B. atopic dermatitis

C. toksikodermiya

D. erythema multiforme exudative

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1836. Specify drugs for the treatment of contact allergic dermatitis:

A 1% ointment ihtiolovaya

B. 0.1% calcium gluconate

C. Ampicillin

D. suprastin *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1837. Enter the term applying sulfur ointment in the treatment of scabies:

A. 1-2 days

B. 4- 5 days *

C. 8 days

D. 7 days

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1838. The varieties of scabies include:

A. disgidroticheskaya

B. Dutch

C. Rural

Norwegian D. *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1839. The patient skin spots round shape size of 5-6 mm with a slight melkoplastinchatym peeling. When lubricating iodine stains darken.


A multi-colored shingles *

B. allergicheskiydermatit

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring C.

D. yododerma

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1840. Multicolored zoster is more common in persons:

A pulmonary tuberculosis *

B. stradayuschihpodagroy

C. hypertensive disease

D. On zhirnoyseboreey

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1841. What other symptoms are characteristic of multi-colored lichen:

A true leucoderma

V. no subjective sensations

S. yellowish-brown spots *

D.papuleznaya rash

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1842. Click drugs for the treatment of multi-colored lichen:

A. Nizoral *

B. 20% benzyl benzoate

C. tselestoderm

D. erythromycin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1843. The patient 56 years old skin in the inguinal folds clearly limited noninflammatory spot brick-red color. There sweating.


A. candidiasis

V. limited neurodermatitis

C. erythrasma *

D. chromophytosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1844. What is important in the etiology of erythrasma:

A neurotropic virus

B. Corynebacterium *

C. Streptococcus

D. Red trihofiton

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1845. The patient 23 years in the interdigital gaps feet maceration, fracture fragments of the epidermis around the edges. The nails of the thumbs of both feet are yellow, dim, crumble.


A. mycosis fungoides

B. aktinomikoz

C. mycetoma of the foot

D. athlete's foot, onychomycosis. *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1846. Enter the clinical variety of tinea pedis, onychomycosis:

A. intertriginoznoy *

B. disgidroticheskaya

S. microbial

D. exudative

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1847. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis of tinea pedis, onychomycosis:

A microscopic examination of pathological material *

B. crop on Wednesday Saburo


D. urinalysis.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1848. The pathology is characterized by nail in the athlete's foot, onychomycosis:

A 1-2 defeat of nail plastinoktolko toes

B. defeat nail plates 3-4, 4-5 toes *

C. lack of destruction of the nail plate brushes

D. losing all nail plates

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1849. The patient suffering from diabetes at the head of the penis itchy erythematous border erosion macerated epidermisa. Worried itching, burning


A. esthiomenous chancre

V. contact dermatitis

C. candida balanoposthitis *

D. genital herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1850. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis - Candida balanoposthitis:

A study on cell acantholytic

B. iodine sample Jadassohn

C. Research on pale treponemu

D. microscopic study on yeasts *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1851. What else could be affected by Candida balanoposthitis:

A. The corners of the mouth

B. interdigital folds

C. oral mucosa *

D. scalp

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1852. Click drugs for the treatment of Candida balanoposthitis:

A. Nizoral

B. kenolog

C. Diflucan *

D. Nystatin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1853. The patient 10 years on the scalp rounded center 2x2 cm. The hair broken off at 6-8 mm at the base of-muftoobrazny Case consists.


A. microsporia *

B. alopecia baldness

C. seborrhea

D. syphilitic alopecia

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1854. What other symptoms characteristic of microsporia:

A BTE increase in lymph nodes

B. emerald glow in the rays of the lamp Wood *

C. Wood in the glow of the lamp is marked svecheniyane

D. burning and painful lesions

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1855. Patient For 15 years on the scalp is clearly limited erythematous-squamous foci to be broken off hair at the level of 6-8 mm. Under Wood's lamp-green glow.


A. trihofitnya

B. favus

C. psoriasis

D. microsporia *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1856. Enter the possible source of contamination at mikrosporii:

A sick person

B. cats and dogs *

C. Cattle

D. steppe rodents

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1857. What is striking when microsporia:

A smooth leather *

B. organs

C. bones

D. nails

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1858. Click treatments for microsporia:

A. 6-10% sulfur-tar ointment

B. griseofulvin forte *

C. kloforan

D. acyclovir

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1859 27y.o. The patient diagnosed as athlete's foot, disgidroticheskaya form.

What are the clinical signs are characteristic of this disease:

A localization in the arch of the foot *

V. formation of bubbles and bubble multi-

C. the appearance of paired vesicles-papular elements

D. groin lamfadenit

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1860. Where infection occurs most often in the athlete's foot, disgidroticheskoy form:

A. in the treatment room

B. bedside

C. At the beach

D. in the pool, sauna. *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1861. Who suffers most athlete's foot, disgidroticheskoy form:

A. athletes *

V. sellers

C. builders

D. vets

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1862. With what diseases is carried diff. diagnosis of athlete's foot, disgidroticheskoy form:

A palmoplantar pustular psoriasis

B. lichen planus

C. disgidroticheskaya eczema *

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1863. The child of 9 years at the head in the neck, there are two large pockets rezkoocherchennyh infiltrated the size of 5x6 cm, covered with a large number of purulent rich crusts. After removing the crusts noted pus from each follicle individually. The patient noted an increase in temperature headache, increase in cervical lymph nodes.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. abrasions

B. infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis *

C. microsporia

D. pustular psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1864. Who is most often the source of infection at the infiltrative-suppurative trihofitii:

A cattle *

B. cats, dogs

C. steppe rodents

D. Rat

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1865. What is a symptom characteristic of infiltrative-suppurative trihofitii:

A fish eggs

B. ladies heel

S. honeycomb *

D. apple jelly

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1866. What research is needed to infiltrative-suppurative trihofitii:

A. microscopy of hair *

B. crop on Wednesday Saburo

C. Skin biopsy histology

D. Research at Wood's lamp

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1867. A child 6 years of age on the skin in the shoulder, chest and back are eritemato-squamous lesions proper size 2x2,3x3 cm round-shaped lesions with clear boundaries, the edges of which are raised valikoobrazno and they can see small papules vesicular rashes, scales and position crusts.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A focal neurodermatitis

B. microbial eczema

C. psoriasis

D. microsporia smooth leather *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1868. What is striking when microsporia smooth skin:

A. nails

V. hair *

C. internal organs

D. mucous eye

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1869. In the infant with an inflammation of the oral mucosa diagnosed as candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush).

What features are typical for this disease:

A superficial erosion in the lesions

B. "cheesy" raid

C. whitish film can be easily removed *

D. ulcerated lesions

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1870. What can be combined lesion of the oral mucosa for candidiasis:

A defeat of the cornea

B. defeat corners of the mouth

C. defeat red border

D. losing the language *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1871. What are the allergic rashes with candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush):

A. levuridy *

B. lentikulidy

C. mikrobidy

D. epidermofitidy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1872. Click drugs for the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa:

A 1% solution of methylene blue *

B. prednisolone

C. Ampicillin

D. deksametozon

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1873. The patient on the body multiple yellowish-brown spot with defurfuration which subjectively did not bother the patient. Sample Balzer and symptom of "chips" are positive.


A pink zoster Gibert

B. secondary syphilis pigmentosa

C. versicolor raznotsvetpy *

D. dry streptoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1874. RESOLVED to sample Balzer used:

A 50% potassium iodide ointment

B. 5% tincture of iodine *

C. A 1% solution of nicotinic acid

D. 5% salicylic kisdota

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1875. What factors are important in the etiopathogenesis of candidiasis:

A. sweating

B. Corynebacterium

S. streptococci

D. Mushrooms *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1876. Click drugs for the treatment of candidiasis:

A. mikozolon *

B. tetracycline

C. erythromycin

D. deksametozon

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1877. The patient on the scalp are ocher-yellow rind with impression in the center, when removing crusts visible scar atrophy. Hair dull, as if "eclipsing" comes "barn" smell.


A. trichophytosis

B. favus *

C. erythematosus

D. streptoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1878. Which way prioskhodit infection favus:

A non-communicable disease

B. sexual contact

C. airborne droplets

D. in direct contact with the patient *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1879. What is striking in this pathology:

A hair

B. smooth skin

C. nails

D. All of the above *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1880. Enter favus clinical varieties:

A pustular

B. squamous

C. disgidroticheskaya

D. skutulyarnaya *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1881. A child of 7 years diagnosed trichophytosis scalp.

What features are typical for this disease:

A breaking of the hair at the level of 1-2 mm in the outbreaks *

B. whitish, defurfuration

C. imposition of silver-white scales

D. Case consists muftoobrazny at the base of the hair

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1882. Enter trihofitii clinical varieties:

A sharp

B. infiltrative-suppurative *

C. disgidroticheskaya

D. pustular

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1883. The patient on the face, forearms and feet are ulcer size 2x2,3x3 cm with uneven scalloped edges on the bottom of the ulcer has granular granulation as "fish eggs". Ulcers were 6 weeks after the arrival of Turkmenistan, where he was on a business trip in May.


A rural type of cutaneous leishmaniasis *

B. abrasions

C. ecthyma

D. tertiary syphilis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1884. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A study on the pale treponemu

V. research on calf Borowski *

C. Wasserman

D. All of the above

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1885. What other clinical signs are characteristic of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A symptom of "beads" *

B. symptom of falling through the probe

C. symptom of "fish-eye"

D. cimptom ladies Heel

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1886. Click drugs for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A. monomitsin *

B. ampicillin

C. prednisolone

D. Nizoral

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1887. The patient diagnosed as leishmaniasis skin, rural style.

What are the symptoms characteristic of this disease:

A. The presence of ulcers with scalloped edges

B. symptom of "the head of Medusa"

C. ulcers with even steep edges

D. symptom of "fish eggs" *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1888. Indicate the source of infection of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A cat, dog

B. gophers *

C. chickens

D. Bird

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1889. Who is the carrier of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A. Mosquitoes Phlebotomus genus *

B. flies

C. sick person

D. cockroaches

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1890. The causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis is:

A. mycobacteria

B. Leschmania tropica major *

C. Fungus

D. virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1891. The patient diagnosed as leishmaniasis skin, urban style.

What is the incubation period for this disease:

A. 2-6 months *

B. 2-3 days

C. 24 hours

D. 5-b years

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1892. Enter the characteristics of the skin leyshmanioza, city type:

A rapid development patologicheskogoprotsessa

B. slow development process *

C. poyavleniefurunkulopodobnogo infiltrate at the bite site

D. scar formation after 6 months of infection smomenta

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1893. Who is the source of infection in the skin leyshmanioze, city type:

A prairie rodents

B. Cattle

C. sick person *

D. cats, dogs

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1894. The patient 16 years diagnosed metaleyshmanioz

Specify the clinical manifestations of this disease:

A. The appearance of tubercles on the scars *

B. predominant localization on the extremities

C. bugorkinikogda on the scars do not appear

D. predominant localization on the face

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1895. What are the symptoms characteristic of metaleyshmanioza:

A symptom of "apple jelly" *

B. symptom "necklace of Venus"

C. symptom of "thimble"

D. symptom of "ladies' heel"

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1896. Enter prevention metaleyshmanioza:

A fight with flies

B. Competition mosquito *

C. control of stray cats and dogs

D. strict isolation of patients in specialized hospitals

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1897. The patient of 22 years on the skin of the face, there are bumps the size of 0.7-0.8 mm in diameter, brown-red, soft testovatoy consistency. In place of the allowed elements are marked atrophic scars resembling tissue paper. In the words of a patient sick since childhood.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A tertiary syphilis

B. lupus *

C. leprosy

D. planus, warty form

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1898. What are the symptoms characteristic of tuberculosis of the skin:

A symptom of "apple jelly"

B. symptom of "falling through the probe" *

C. symptom of "thimble"

D. symptom of "fish eggs"

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1899. At the slaughterhouse worker on the skin back of the hand and fingers were bluish-red bumps the size of a pea, on the surface of which there are warty growths. On-site allowed members celebrated scar atrophy.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. Syphilis

B. lichen planus

C. psoriasis

D. warty lupus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1900. What is important in the etiology of warty tuberculosis of the skin:

A. contact with sick animals

B. pale treponema

S. mycobacteria Koch *

D. Hansen bacillus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1901. Click drugs to treat warty tuberculosis of the skin:

A. rifampicin

B. tubazid *

C. acyclovir

D. dorungal

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1902. The patient with active TB lung mucosa of the lower lip has an ulcer 2 cm in diameter, with scalloped edges, a pale red color with grainy uneven bottom, having a sluggish, gray, granulation, bleed easily. At the bottom there are sores around the yellow lumps.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. ulcerative tuberculosis *

B. simple herpes

S. shingles

D. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1903. What other symptoms characteristic of ulcerative tuberculosis:

A. localization have orifices

B. localization only in the mouth

S. painless

D. Trela grain *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1904. The patient on his face in the brow, forehead, cheeks, nose, there are infiltrates nodes. Broken facial expressions, has a fierce infection, hair loss is noted in the lateral part of the eyebrow. There incomplete closure of the eyelids, hoarseness golosa. The patient marks a change of pain and temperature sensitivity.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. lupus

B. leprosy *

C. tertiary syphilis

D. dermatomyositis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1905. What other symptoms characteristic of leprosy:

A triad Auspittsa

B. "lion face" *

C. symptom butterfly

D. «crown of Venus"

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1906. What research is necessary to clarify to leprosy:

A scraping from the nasal mucosa on the shelves Hansen *

B. sputum on mycobacteria Koch

C. Sample production Jadassohn

D. Thompson production sample

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1907. Enter the clinical kind of leprosy:

A warty type

Tuberculoid type B.

C. lepromatous type *

D. hemorrhagic type

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1908. The patient 38 years on the skin in the chest area, the lateral surface of the abdomen are sharply defined plaques size 3x4 cm. On the periphery of the plaques are dense polygonal flat papules with a purple tint in the central part of the atrophy and depigmentation observed in the lesions is not the temperature, and pain sensitivity .

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. lupus

B. lichen planus

C. leprosy *

D. lupus erythematosus

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1909. Enter the clinical kind of leprosy:

A City type

V. Rural Type

C. tuberculoid type *

D. milliarny type
1910. The patient diagnosed lepromatous type of leprosy.

What are the clinical manifestations characteristic of this disease:

A. logoftalm

B. lion face *

S. aksifoidiya

D. labyrinthitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1911. What is the basis sample Minor:

A hypofunction of the sweat glands *

B. hyperactivity of the sweat glands

C. hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

D. hypertrichosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1912. What are the diseases carried diff. diagnosis of leprosy:

A. with all of the *

B. tertiary syphilis

C. lupus and multicolored shingles

D. vitiligo
1913. Enter the result lepraminovoy sample at lepromatous type of leprosy:

A negative *

B. Positive

C. The early positive

D. Late positive

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1914. On the skin of the perianal area warty growths like "cauliflower", on a narrow basis. PB negative cells Ttsanka absent. Diagnosis:

A. genital warts *

B. extensive warts

C. warty lichen planus

D. psevdosifilis papular

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1915. Which group of diseases is genital warts:

A. buleznym dermatoses

B. fungal infections

C. viral dermatoses *

D. vasculitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1916. Manifestations ostrokonechnyx warts in men most commonly are located:

A. on the inner layer of the foreskin *

B. around the anus

C. In language

D. groin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1917. What tools are used to treat warts ostrokonechnyx:

A. flutsinar

B. tselestoderm

C. solkoseril

D. solkoderm *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1918. A child of 5 years on the face, neck, back of hands on the size of the nodules are 5-7mm in diameter with a pearl-gray color, hemispherical shape, with "umbilicated" in the center. Subjective feelings are absent.


A. molluscum contagiosum *

B. vulgaris Warts

C. verrucose psoriasis

D. A warts

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1919. Microscopic examination of the contents of nodules when molluscum contagiosum determine:

A calf Borowski

V. Hansen sticks

C. shellfish calf *

D. virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1920. A man 23 years in the border of the pubic area and abdomen are manifestations

molluscum contagiosum. What rash characteristic of this disease:

A spherical nodules with umbilicated in the center *

B. polygonal papules with umbilicated

C. villous proliferation

D. conical tubercles

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1921. Which way is transmitted molluscum contagiosum:

A. animals

B. casual contact *

C. After insects

D. transmissible by

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1922. Which group of diseases is molluscum contagiosum:

A viral dermatoses *

B dermatozoonozam

C. pyoderma

D. fungal infections

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1923. In the etiopathogenesis of molluscum contagiosum matters:

A. Hypersensitivity Koufo

B. hypersensitivity to animal proteins

C. filterable virus *

D. simple

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1924. At 56 years old patient diagnosed with herpes zoster:

What features are typical for this disease:

A severe itching of the skin appearance

B. appearance of grouped polymorphic eruptions

C. grouped blisters *

D. paired vesicles-papular rash

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1925. Which group of diseases is herpes zoster:

A viral dermatoses *

B dermatozoonozam

C. pyoderma

D. fungal infections

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1926. The patient 62 years of age on the skin of the left half of the chest, along the intercostal nerve has grouped rash with blisters, is located on the hyperemic basis. Rash preceded paroxysmal pain, burning, fever.

Prepolagaet diagnosis:

A. pemphigus vulgaris

B. dermatitis Duhring

S. shingles *

D. buleznaya toksikodermiya

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1927. Which group of diseases is herpes zoster:

A viral dermatoses *

B. dermatozoonozam

C. pyoderma

D. fungal infections

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1928. Which drugs are used to treat herpes zoster:

A. Nizoral

B. ceftriaxone

S. diutsifon

D. acyclovir *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1929. The causative agent of shingles is:

A Streptococcus

B. neurotrophic filterable virus *

C. coli Dederleyna

D. papilomatozny human virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1930. A child 12 years of age on the skin of the dorsum of the hands are nodular lesions, the size 0,8-1sm in diameter, significantly protruding above the skin, flesh-colored, dense consistency, without subjective sensations,


A. lichen planus

B. psoriasis

C. vulgaris warts *

D. warty lupus

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1931. Enter the clinical varieties of warts:

A. verrucous

B. infiltrative nagnoitslnye

C. flat, Youth *

D. Palmoplantar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1932. B etiology of the disease is set to:

A. HSV-1

V. Koch's bacillus

C. etiology of the disease is unknown

D. dermotropny filterable virus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1933. For the treatment of warts used:

A. solkoderm *

B. 5% ointment tebrofenovaya

C. 5% Naftalan ointment

D. predinizolonovaya ointment

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1934. The patient 35 years after supercooling on the red border of lips there was redness, swelling. After 2 days, the rash appeared grouped fine bubble filled with serous fluid. Worried tingling and burning.

Predlolagaemy diagnosis:

A simple herpes *

W. multiforme exudative erythema

C. disgidroticheskaya eczema

D. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1935. At the site allowed rash herpes remains:

A. atrophic scar

B. mosaic scar

C. extruded scar

D. pigmented spot *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1936. What is important in the etiology of herpes:

A human papilloma virus

B. HSV-1 *

S. retrovirus

D. cytomegalovirus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1937. For the treatment of herpes used:

A 3% oxolinic ointment

B. Zovirax *

C. solkoderm

D. tselestoderm

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1938. A woman of 36 years of casual sex in the mucosa of the labia minora

there are small, the size of millet grain grouped vesicles, which are formed after the resolution of the erosion of bright-red color with polycyclic outlines. The rash of bubbles accompanied by a feeling of pain, burning sensation, fever do37,8.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A genital herpes *

B. Acute ulcer Lyupshittsa-Chalin

C. erythema multiforme exudative

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1939. The etiology of genital gerpesa matters:

A pale treponema

B. retrovirus

C. HSV-2 *

D. cytomegalovirus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1940. The patient addressed to the doctor with complaints of general malaise, weakness, fatigue. Over the last month weight loss of 10 kg. A history of recurrent herpes. When viewed in the oral cavity, on the hard palate are solitary, sharply circumscribed, painless, bluish-red, testovatoy consistency tumor formation size of a cherry stone.

It noted an increase in BTE and cervical lymph nodes.

A presumptive diagnosis:

A. HIV *

B. Pemphigus

C. Tuberculosis

D. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1941 HIV - associated diseases include

A. syndrome Senir-Aschner

B. Kaposi's sarcoma *

S. Syndrome Melkersson-Rosenthal

D. Bazin induratum erythema

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1942. What laboratory studies are needed to clarify the HIV infection:

A. Enzyme Immunoassay

V. research on cells akantolicheskie

C. Wasserman

D. Response immunoblotting *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1943. Who is the main risk group for HIV infection:

A staff kitchens

B. addicts *

C. homosexuals

D. Guides

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1944. The patient on the skin of the face there is a lesion, accompanied by a change in color, with indistinct boundaries, the size of 4-5 cm, pink, not protruding above the skin. When pressed elements disappear.

Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

A vascular inflammatory spot *

B. hemorrhagic spot

C. artificial spot

D. lentigo

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1945. If any skin diseases encountered inflammatory vascular spot:

A. Psoriasis

B. Syphilis *

S. skrofuloderma

D. fixed erythema

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1946. The patient has a diagnosis of HIV infection:

What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

A. Enzyme Immunoassay

B. reaction immunoblotting *

S. Wasserman


E. all answer’s are wrong.
1947. The causative agent of HIV infection is:

A. renotrophic filtriruyuschchysya virus

B. HSV-1

C. HSV-2

D. lymphotropic retrovirus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1948. The patient in the face and chest are ostrovospalitelnye abdominal rash, protruding above the skin filled with serous fluid, the size of 0.3-0.5 cm in diameter.

At a resolution of the elements left behind:

A. pigmentation *

B. scar atrophy

C. ulcers

D. hypertrophic scars

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1949. The bubble can be located:

A. intraepidermal

V. under the stratum corneum *

C. in the reticular dermis

D. in the subcutaneous fat

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1950. The patient in the skin of the trunk multiple lesions rounded shapes, the size of a penny coin 2, proliferative, protruding above the skin surface, dense.

Which diseases of the skin rash may appear like:

A scabies

B. psoriasis *

C. tertiary syphilis

D. pemphigus

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1951. Enter the kind of node:

A primary proliferative *

B. primary effusion

C. secondary proliferative

D. secondary exudative

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1952. If the skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of cells found epidermisa Ttsanka.

For a skin disease characterized histologically by this:

A true pemphigus *

B. shingles

C. eczema

D. erythema multiforme exudative

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1953. Cells Ttsanka means:

A modified cells of the granular layer

B. modified cells of the dermis

C. Changes spinous layer of cells *

D. Modification of the basal layer cells

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1954. The patient urticaria rashes on the body, accompanied by itching.

Urtika- this:

A pleural cavity element

B. pleural cavity element comprising blood

C. discoloration on the limited area as a result of vasodilatation surface

choroid plexus

D. Limitation ostrovospalitelny edema of the papillary dermis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1955. Select the method of external treatment of hives:

A. lotions furatsillinovye

B. Water talker menthol *

C. Sulfuric ointment

D. varnish

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1956. The patient neurodermatitis by mechanical stimulation of the skin with a blunt object

neuro-vascular reaction occurs in the form of a white strip.

When any skin diseases often marked white dermographism:

A. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

B. atopic dermatitis *

C. psoriasis

D. lichen planus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1957. Which drugs should not be prescribed in the white dermographism:

A calcium supplements *

B. sulfa drugs

C. corticosteroid hormones

Vitamin D.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1958. The patient 22 years on his forearm a painful knot the size of a hazelnut cone-shaped with a necrotic core.

After allowing the element will remain in place:

A vegetation

B. lihenifnkatsiya

S. mostikoobrazny scar

D. atrophic scar *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1959 Select a drug for the treatment of boils:

A corticosteroid hormones

B. antifungals

C. Antibiotics

D. anabolics

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1960. A newborn skin on the neck, back multiple nodes reddish-bluish color, the size of a pea, palpation determined fluctuation. From penetrated nodes semi-liquid purulent-hemorrhagic content.

The disease occurs as a result of the defeat:

A pilosebaceous unit

B. excretory ducts and glomeruli eccrine sweat glands *

C. smooth skin

D. follicle

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1961. With what diseases conduct differential diagnostics vezikulopustuleza

A. abrasions *

B. strofulyusom

C. exudative diathesis

D. gidradenity

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1962. The woman on the skin of the chest, abdomen, multiple excoriations, nodules, abscesses, linear shtrihoobraznye scratching, intense itching, worse at night.

Some other symptoms are symptoms of the disease:

A. The presence of paired vesicles-papular elements *

B. symptom Hissar

C. symptom Besnier-Mesherskogo

D. Net Wickham

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1963. Click medicines to treat scabies:

A 90% sulfuric ointment

B. 20% salicylic ointment

C. 20% benzyl benzoate *

D. 5% ointment naftolanovaya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1964. The patient 56 years old skin in the inguinal folds clearly limited noninflammatory spot brick-red color. There sweating.

After the resolution process is in place:

A. depigmentation

V. skin atrophy

C. mosaic scar

D. hyperpigmentation *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1965 Tattoo refers to:

A. artificial stains *

B. vascular spots

C. hemorrhagic spots

D. pigment spots

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1966. The patient 10 years on the scalp rounded center 2x2 cm. The hair broken off at 6-8 mm at the base of-muftoobrazny Case consists.

What is important in the etiology of the disease:

A. yeasts

B. rusty mikrosporum *

C. gipsovidny trihosporum

D. trihofiton Shonleyna

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1967. The most vulnerable age for this pathology:

A. 6-12 years *

B. 40-60let

C. infancy

D. 16-20 years

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1968. A child 6 years of age on the skin in the shoulder, chest and back are eritemato-squamous lesions proper size 2x2,3x3 cm round-shaped lesions with clear boundaries, the edges of which are raised valikoobrazno and they can see small papules vesicular rashes, scales and position crusts.

What matters in the etiopathogenesis of the disease:

A. Age

B. pyogenic flora

C. mushroom mikrosporum *

D. Seasonality

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1969. Click treatments for microsporia:

A. griseofulvin forte *

B. Nizoral

C. Ampicillin

D. Zovirax

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1970. A child of 7 years diagnosed trichophytosis scalp:

What the fungus causes this pathology:

A. trihofiton ektotriks *

B. mikrosporum rusty

S. candida

D. None of the above

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1971. What is striking about the fungus Trichophyton ektotriks:

A hair *

V. joints

C. oral mucosa

D. nails

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1972. The patient of 22 years on the skin of the face, there are bumps the size of 0.7-0.8 mm in diameter, brown-red, soft testovatoy consistency. In place of the allowed elements are marked atrophic scars resembling tissue paper. In the words of a patient sick with childhood

What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

A sample of histamine

B. Sample Pirke

C. probaYadassona

D. Mantoux *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1973. Clinical Pathology is a kind induratum erythema Bazin

A. lupus

B. skrofulodermy

C. lupus *

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1974. The patient with active TB lung mucosa of the lower lip has an ulcer the size of 2 cm diameter, with scalloped edges, a pale red color with grainy uneven bottom, having a sluggish, gray granulation, bleed easily. At the bottom there are sores around the yellow lumps.

What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

A direct microscopic research on mycobacteria Koch *

B. crop on flora and sensitivity

C. blood on RV

D. None of the above

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1975. How often do you get infected with tuberculosis of the skin:

A. lymphogenous

B. hematogenous *

C. airborne

D. transmissible

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1976. The patient 38 years in the skin of the breast, the side surface of the stomach, there are sharply defined plaques size 3x4 cm. On the periphery of the plaques are dense polygonal flat papules with a purple tint; in the central part is marked atrophy and depigmentation. In the lesions and no thermal pain sensitivity.

What tests are used to confirm the diagnosis:

A sample of histamine

B. Nicotine trial

C. Sample Jadassohn

D. leprominovaya sample *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1977. Click drugs to treat leprosy:

A. penicillin

B. sulfetron

S. DDS *

D. acyclovir.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1978. A child of 5 years on the face, neck, back of hands on the size of the nodules are 5-7mm in diameter with a pearl-gray color, hemispherical shape, with "umbilicate pressure" in the center. Subjective feelings are absent.

What group of diseases is the pathology:

A. neyrodermatozy

B. viral dermatoses *

C. collagen

D. pyoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1979. At 56 years old patient diagnosed with herpes zoster:

How often seen exacerbation of the disease:

A year in spring and autumn

V. leaves behind immunity, relapses were not observed *

C. exacerbated once in 3-4 years

D. Each summer

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1980. Shingles can be a manifestation of:

A. Tuberculosis

B. leukemia

C. HIV *

D. rheumatism

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1981. A woman of 36 years of casual sex in the mucosa of the labia minora were small, the size of millet grain grouped vesicles, which are formed after the resolution of the erosion of bright-red color with polycyclic outlines. The rash of bubbles accompanied by a feeling of pain, burning, increased temperature do37,8.

What group of diseases is the pathology:

A. STI: to viral dermatoses *

B. cystic dermatoses

C. etiology of the disease is unknown

D. Epstein-Barr virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1982. For the treatment of dermatoses, viral used:

A. acyclovir *

B. Nizoral

C. amphotericin

D. Lamisil

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1983. What should be differentiated disease spread


A. Herpes

B. pyoderma

S. vulgar pemphigus *

D. disease Borowski

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1984. Enter the typical localization at multiforme exudative


A scalp

V. rear brake *

S. neck

D. interdigital spaces of hands

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1985. What factors are important in the development multiforme

A.exudative erythema



D.foci of chronic infection *

E.hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

1986. What dermatoses differentiate erythema multiforme

A. Lyell's syndrome *

B. strofulyus

S. scrapie

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1987. Enter the pathogenetic factors of pink lichen Gibert

A. introduction in skin mites

B. yeasts

S. idiosyncrasy to iodine

D. viral infection *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1988. Enter the variety of microbial eczema

A. Adult

B. paratravmaticheskaya *

S. Idiopathic

D. horn

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1989. How is a clinical sign is characterized by a rash in true


B.symptom *



E.induratum edema

1990. What are the symptoms seen with discoid lupus

Net A. Wickham

B. collar Biett

C. symptom of "ladies' heel" *

D. paired elements

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1991. Enter the variety of scleroderma

A. vulgar

B. disease blind spots *

C. infiltrative

D. intertriginoznoy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1992 Lichen planus is characterized by

A. lack of itching

B. tubercles

C. Wickham Net *

D. urticaria rashes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1993. For planus characterized by

A. intercellular edema spinous layer

B. akantolizis

C. vacuolar degeneration

D. uneven thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1994. What clinical symptom pathognomonic for red

lichen planus

A."Honey cell Celsus"

B.Net Wickham *

C.cells Ttsanka

D.symptom auspices

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1995. What diseases do not belong to a group of viral dermatoses

A. warts

B. genital warts

C. psoriasis *

D. shingles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1996. Vascular spot is

A. Erythema *

B. Chloasma

C. Nevus

D. Leucoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1997. Primary morphological elements

A. scar

B. vial *

C. Erosion

D. ulcer
1998. Secondary morphological elements

A. Roseola

B. Lace

C. Node

D. ulcer *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1999. The bubble is formed at

A. Urticaria


C. Herpes Simplex *

D. Psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

2000. The end result is a node

A. Spot *

B. Atrophy

C. Ulcer

D. Tripe

E. all answer’s are wrong.

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