Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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A. viruses

B. genetics factor*

C. physical

D. metabolic disorders*

2427. Primary morphological elements can be:

A. proliferative*

B. indurative

C. exudative*

D. Follicular
2428. Which of the following lesions refers to exudative:

A. roseola

B. vesicle*

C. tubercle

D. Blister*
2429. What are the primary proliferative elements:

A. a knot*

B. blister

C. vesicle

D. the node*
2430. Spot C. this is the primary element resulting from:

A. answer B*

B. as a result of the accumulation of melanocytes in a particular area of the skin*

C. change of skin color as a result of acantholysis

D. color change as a result of an overactive sebaceous glands
2431. What types of spots are distinguished:

A. papillomatous*

B. iron deficiency*

C. Pigment

D. depigment
2432. Name the types of vascular stains:

A. hyperpigmentation

B. petechia*

C. telangiectasias*

D. Tattoo
2433. What types of hemorrhagic spots:

A. nevus

B. petechiae*

C. lentigo

D. hematoma*
2434. What are not characteristic symptoms of the blister:

A. bespalatnoe element, resulting from edema of the papillary layer


B. occurs as a result of acantholysis*

C. characteristic of autoimmune diseases*

D. is accompanied by subjective sensations

2435. Name the characteristic features of the bubble:

A. is formed as a result of edema of the papillary dermis*

B. is a proliferative element*

C. exudative primary element contains a liquid

D. Exsudative element
2436. What distinguishes a bubble from the bubble:

A. localization of elements

B. content of the exudate

C. grouping*

D. size C. the bubble is less than 0.5 cm, the bubble more*
2437. Name the layer of the epidermis:

A. horn*

B. papillary

C. basal*

D. Fat
2438. That refers to the appendages of the skin:

A. papillae of the dermis

B. the epidermis

C. Hair*

D. Nails *
2439. What primary morphological elements:

A. atrophy

B. papule*

C. follicle

D. the node*
2440. What kind of pustules you know:

A. ecchymosis

B. petechia

C. impetigo*

D. conflicts*
2441. What types of papules are distinguished by the size:

A. lichenoid

B. dwarf

C. lenticular*

D. Miliary*
2442. Name the characteristics of the knot:

A. bespalatnoe primary element*

B. is ephemeral

C. contains serous exudate

D. proliferative element*
2443. Name the characteristics for tubercle and host:

A. refers to the elements of exudative

B. the infiltrate is located in the epidermis*

C. are besplatnymi elements*

D. are ephemeral formations
2444. Write to the primary element and the corresponding pathological process:

A. C. vesicle atrophy

B. tuberculum –

C. proliferative*

D. the node *
2445. Locate the secondary morphological elements:

A. papule

B. erosion*

C. conflicts

D. ulcer*
2446. What are not characteristic features of lichenification:

A. atrophic changes*

B. hyperhidrosis on the hearth*

C. exudation

D. enhanced skin pattern
2447. What are the primary elements and their corresponding reverse

the development of secondary elements:

A. node

B. secondary depigmentation

C. bladder – erosion*

D. tuberculum*

2448. Name the pyoderma is not specific to childhood:

A. hydradenitis*

B. basal cell carcinoma*

C. epidemic pemphigus newborns

D. Acne
2449. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A. diabetes mellitus*

B. violation of the mechanism of division of epidermocytes

C. acantholysis

D. immunodeficit*
2450. What are the main clinical signs of scabies:

A. symptom Pospelova

B. sgruppirovany bubbles

C. paired papular or papulo-vesicular elements*

D. itching nochyu*

2451. What funds are used for the treatment of scabies:

A. a solution of Dimexidum

B. method of dem'yanovich*

C. gray mercury ointment

D. sulfur ointment*

2452. Name the basic clinical signs of head lice:

A. finding ticks*

B. paired papular elements*

C. itching

D. finding lice
2453. With what diseases differentiate scabies:

A. pruritus*

B. herpes zoster

C. leishmaniasis

D. atopic dermatitis*
2454. What are the lesions characteristic of the lepromatous type of leprosy:

A. vesicular elements

B. lepromy*

C. gummy

D. mutilate*
2455. What symptoms occur due to a variety of motor

disorders in leprosy:

A. symptom of "fish eggs"

B. symptom of "butterfly"

C. "the masque of St. Anthony"*

D. the face of La*

2456. What laboratory and instrumental methods are used to

diagnosis of leprosy:

A. larobina sample*

B. Mantoux test

C. the reaction Kahn

D. bacterioscopy*

2457. Which of these provisions are not considered when setting the correct sample:

A. tuberculous type*

B. negative sample

C. lepromatous

D. undifferentiated type*
2458. Specify what skin diseases are considered contagious:

A. psoriasis

B. pink ringworm Gibert

C. mycosis*

D. Pediculosis*
2459. Specify proliferative elementi:

A. papule*

B. nodes*

C. vesicle

D. Bulla
2460. Specify the reservoir of infection in leishmaniasis:

A. poultry

B. mosquitoes and fleas

C. ground squirrels*

D. a sick man*
2461. List the main preventive measures when


A. rodent control work in the centers*

B. disinfection of the room and linen

C. .destruction of stray dogs

D. prophylactic medical examination*

2462. What laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis

used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the skin:

A. sample of Minor

B. test Jadasson

C. Mantoux test*

D. Pirok*

2463. Specify the localized forms of tuberculosis of the skin:

A. papulonecrotic

B. ulcerative tuberculosis*

C. indurative

D. tuberculosis of the skin*
2464. What is called dermatosis scaly ringworm:

A. Allergic dermatitis

B. Toxicodermia

C. Psoriasis*

2465. Specify where the correct compliance with the pathogen diagnosis:

A. Leprosy*

B. chopsticks

C. nevi

D. the Herpes virus*
2466. Specify where the correct compliance with the pathogen diagnosis:

A. Microsporia C. Mycoplasma

B. acne rosacea C. mites of the genus Demodex*

C. Dermatophytosis C. Trichomonas

D. The herpes virus*
2467. Specify the exogenous factors of nature cause

histopathological changes in the skin:

A. Immune deficiency

B. The Alkaline*

C. the State of hypersensibility

D. Acid*
2468. Specify the endogenous nature of factors causing

histopathological changes in the skin:

A. Immune deficiency*

B. Autoimmunization*

C. Substances oncogenic action

D. Pathological fungi
2469. What layers are distinguished in the epidermis:

A. Net

B. basal*

C. Granular*

D. Lipoid
2470. That refers to the appendages of the skin:

A. Hair*

B. keratinocytes

C. connective tissue of the dermis

D. Nails*
2471. Specify where on the skin of the human body most are

apocrine sweat glands:

A. On the skin of the palms and soles skin

B. In the armpit

C. On the face*

D. groin*

2472. What physiological functions are performed by skin:

A. involved in the synthesis of sex hormones

B. the Function of the depot steroids

C. Protective*

D. dyhatelnaya*
2473. Specify primary mifologicheskie elements:

A. A Vesicle

B. Erosion

C. Atrophy

D. papule*
2474. Specify which morphological elements are not primary:

A. Abscess

B. Hemorrhagic spot

C. ulcer*

D. Scratch*
2475. Specify exudative primary element:

A. Papule

B. Tubercle

C. Vesicle*

D. Urtica*
2476. Specify primary proliferative element:

A. A Vesicle

B. Knot*

C. Scratch

D. Tuberculum*
2477. What types of spots are distinguished:

A. Faux*

B. Exudative

C. Hypertrophic

D. defintatly*
2478. Which of the following refers to vascular spots:

A. Secondary pigmentation

B. Roseola*

C. Webiress

D. petechia*
2479. With what diseases should be differentiated leishmaniasis:

A. A Disease Of Borovsk

B. Dermatitis Duhring

C. Leprosy*

D. cutaneous tuberculosis*
2480. What tests should be appointed to confirm the diagnosis


A. Biopsy*

B. Laromana sample

C. Mantoux Test*

D. Sample Of Minor

2481. What types of fungal infections differ according to the classification of A.-


A. Condylomatosis

B. Sporadicity

C. Dermatomycosis*

D. keratomas*

2482. What diseases belong to the group of ringworm:

A. pahova epidermofitia*

B. psoriasis

C. lichen planus

G dermatophytosis*
2483. What clinical forms of rubromycosis are distinguished:

A. Rubromikoz of the oral mucosa

B. Rubromikoz scalp

C. Rubromikoz of the palms and soles*

D. deep*
2484. In what diseases may occur as a symptom of alopecia:

A. Rubromikoz

B. Leishmaniasis

C. Microspores*

D. dermatophytosis*
2485. What factors lead to enhancement of Candida infection:

A. Long-term antibiotic therapy*

B. the State of hypersensibility

C. Autonomic dysfunction

D. immunodeficit*
2486. Look what disease is not consistent with the assigned


A. Dermatophytosis – griseofulvin

B. Candidiasis – metronizadol*

C. C. Pemphigus polkortolon

G mycosis metronizadol*

2487. What spots are hemorrhagic:

A. Leukoderma

B. Erythema

C. Petechiae*

D. roseola*
2488. Specify the characteristic blister:

A. the Ephemeral nature of the rash*

B. Deep exudative primary element

C. Accompanied by a feeling of soreness

D. Characteristic of viral diseases*
2489. Specify the varieties of pustules:

A. Folliculitis*

B. Granuloma

C. Comedones

D. ecthyma*
2490. Specify pinaki characteristic papules:

A. Ephemeral element C. unstable

B. After it leaves scar atrophy

C. extends above the level of the skin*

D. up To 1 cm*
2491. What histopathological changes in the skin can lead to

the formation of papules:

A. Acantholysis

B. Acanthosis*

C. hyperkeratosis*

D. Pompholyx

2492. What are the papules vary in size:

A. Skutulârnaâ

B. Miliary*

C. Hypertrophic

D. numularia*
2493. Clinical stage and types of psoriasis:

A. stationary*

B. sharp

D. subacute

E. progressive*

2494. Phenomena typical for psoriasis:

A. stearin spot*

B. terminal film *

C. Asbestos-Hansen

D. Stevens-Jones

2495. For lupus erythematosus symptoms:

A. erythema*

B. follicular hyperkeratosis*

C. grid Wickham

D. mukovidnoe peeling
2496. Stage of scleroderma:

A. atrophy*

B. edema*

C. peeling

D. hyperkeratosis
2497. Periods of the syphilis:

A. incubation*

B. sharp

C. all right

D. primary*
2498. Main clinical forms of leprosy:

A. Tuberculoid*

B. Undifferentiated*

C. Kollikvativnom

D. Tuberous
2499. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:

A. intertriginous*

B. sharp

C. worn

D. disgidroticheskaya*
2500. Diseases related to dermatophytosis:

A. dermatophytosis*

B. microspores*

C. eritrazma

D. pityriasis versicolor

2501.What distinguishes a bubble from the bubble

A. the size of the bubble is less than 05 cm bubble more*

B. mechanism of formation of ( vacuolar degeneration and acantholysis)*

C. secondary changes

D. subjective sensations

2502. Exudative morphological element is:

A. papule

B. blister*

C. abscess*

D. hump
2503. Exudative morphological element is:

A. vesicle*

B. node

C. the knot

D. bubble*
2504. Have a cavity morphological elements:

A. blister

B. bubble*

C. tubercle

D. conflicts*
2505. Have a cavity morphological elements:

A. abscess*

B. node

C. bubble*

D. papule
2506. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

A. koebner's phenomenon*

B. the nodes

C. blisters

D. severe itching*
2507. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

A. abscesses

B. polygonal papules*

C. pupkoobraznym depressions in the center*

D. bumps
2508. Agents used topically in the treatment of psoriasis:

A. Castellani paint

B. corticosteroid ointment*

C. ointment benzyl benzoate

D. mitigating and indifferent ointment*
2509. Agents used topically in the treatment of psoriasis:

A. gel Skin cap*

B. sulfuric ointment 33%.

C. salicylic ointment*

D. nizoralbuy ointment
2510. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

A. exudative

B. psoriasiform

C. leaf*

D. seborrheic*
2511. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

A. vulgar*

B. vegetative*

C. papular

D. raspostraneny
2512. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

A. exudative

B. vegetative*

C. raspostraneny

D. seborrheic*
2513. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

A. vulgar*

B. raspostraneny

C. leaf*

D. psoriasiform
2514. The antibiotics used in the treatment of candidiasis:

A. cephalosporins

B. flonal*

C. kanamycin

D. diflucan*
2515. The antibiotics used in the treatment of candidiasis:

A. nystatin*

B. doxycyclin


D. chloramphenicol
2516. The antibiotics used in the treatment of candidiasis:

A. kanamycin

B. flonal*

C. levorin*

D. doxycyclin
2517. When artropaticheskom appropriate will appoint all of the above, except:

A. antioxidants

B. penicillin*

C. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

D. terbisil*
2518. When artropaticheskom appropriate will appoint all of the above, except:

A. nizoral*

B. mineralocorticoid drugs

C. synthetic anti-malarial drugs*

D. detoxifying tools
2519. When artropaticheskom appropriate will appoint all of the above, except:

A. mineralocorticoid drugs

B. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

C. synthetic anti-malarial drugs*

D. terbisil*
2520. What type of topical treatment should be chosen in a moist inflammation of the skin:

A. lotions*

B. Prater Park

C. cream

D. wet-drying bandages*
2521. What type of topical treatment should be chosen in a moist inflammation of the skin:

A. ointment

B. aerosols*

C. aniline dyes*

D. lucky
2522. What type of topical treatment should be chosen in a moist inflammation of the skin:

A. gadgets*

B. ointment

C. aniline dyes*

D. cream
2523.What kind of lotions should choose to oozing of the infected skin surface:

A. ivanyevo*

B. lead

C. with potassium permanganate*

D. tannin
2524.What kind of lotions should choose to oozing of the infected skin surface:

A. boric acid

B. furatsilinovoy*

C. zinc

D. with a dilute solution of citala*
2525. In acute and subacute complicated gonorrhea in men and women in the complex treatment included all of the above, except-

A. antihistamines*

B. antispasmodics

C. sulfonamides

D. pirogenal*
2526. In acute and subacute complicated gonorrhea in men and women in the complex treatment included all of the above, except-

A. local therapy

B. gonovaccine*

C. the desensitization*

D. protivolodochnyi antibiotics
2526.What kind of lotions should choose to oozing of the infected skin surface:

A. zinc

B. lead

C. with potassium permanganate*

D. with a dilute solution of citala*
2527. Specify the correct tactics of treatment of torpid and chronic forms of gonorrheal infection.

A. immunotherapeutic drugs*

B. antifungal

C. calcium supplements

D. Provocation*
2528. Specify the correct tactics of treatment of torpid and chronic forms of gonorrheal infection

A. detoxification drugs

B. local treatment*

C. antibacterial*

D. antihistamines
2529.If any element of dermatitis rash is the bubble:

A. pityriasis rosea Gibert

B. pemphigus

C. tinea*

D. genital herpes*
2530.What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

Hypervitaminosis A.

B. the presence of a large number of pathogenic strains*

C. hyperthyroidism

D. microtrauma of the skin*
2531. From the ectoderm develop:

A. hypodermis

B. sebaceous glands*

C. muscles of the hair

D. integumentary epidermis*
2532. From the ectoderm develop:

A. hair*

B. dermis

C. sweat glands*

D. the vessels of the skin
2533.If any element of dermatitis rash is the bubble:

A. eczema*

B. herpes simplex*

C. erythematous

D. psoriasis
2534.What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A. disorders of carbohydrate metabolism*

B. physical activity

C. reduction of the barrier functions of the skin *

D. increased blood clotting
2535. To has is characterized by:

A. fever, malaise, headache *

B. estimatese pustules

C. favourite localization in the armpits, genitals *

D. the paired elements
2536. To a mixed pyoderma include:

A. carbuncle

B. chancriform pyoderma*

C. pyoderma of Bochart

D. vulgar impetigo*
2537. Specify the clinical form of scabies (form.:

A. squamous

B. clean*

C. erythematous

D. pastoriza lymphopenia*
2538. To has is characterized by:

A. papules

B. the formation of fistulous*

C. blister

D. the emergence of painful infiltration*
2539. To a mixed pyoderma include:

A. brimicombe*

B. the boil

C. yasenovitsa pyoderma *

D. osteo folliculitis
2540. Specify the clinical form of scabies (form.:

A. worn*

B. sharp

Norwegian C.*

D. chronic
2541. Indicate the clinical varieties of pemphigus acantholycosa:

A. circle

B. zosterifolia

C. vegeliusa*

D. seborrheic*
2542. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is a node:

A. tuberculosis of the skin*

B. urticaria

C. tertiary syphilis*

D. psoriasis
2543. Indicate the clinical varieties of pemphigus acantholycosa:

A. leaf*

B. vulgar*

C. syndrome Stevens Johnson

D. epidemic pemphigus newborns
2544. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is a node:

A. angioedema

B. leishmaniasis of the skin*

C. genital warts

D. leprosy*
2545. Under what medicine the main element of the rash is pimple:

A. molluscum contagiosum*

B. eritrazma

C. pemphigus

D. lichen planus*
2546. Under what medicine the main element of the rash is pimple:

A. herpes zoster

B. warts *

C. psoriasis*

D. pityriasis rosea Gibert
2547. Clinical symptoms of discoid lupus erythematosus:

A. erythema*

B. bubbles

C. atrophy*

D. blister
2548. Under what medicine the main element of the rash is not pimple:

A. pityriasis rosea Gibert*

B. psoriasis

C. tinea*

D. warts
2549. Clinical symptoms of discoid lupus erythematosus:

A. bullas

B. tightly sitting scales*

C. abscesses

D. deterioration after sun exposure*
2550. If any element of dermatosis rash is not a bubble:

A. herpes simplex

B. pemphigus *

C. eczema

D. psoriasis*

2551. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is not a node:

A. the leishmaniasis of the skin

B. genital warts*

C. angioedema *

D. tuberculosis skin

2552. If any element of dermatosis rash is not a bubble:

A. pityriasis rosea Gibert *

B. genital herpes

C. erythematous*

D. tinea
2553. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is not a node:

A. psoriasis*

B. tertiary syphilis

C. cutaneous leishmaniasis

D. urticaria*
2554. Add the secondary items that are not the result of the transformation of the knot:

A. secondary hypopigmented spot

B. vanish

C. scar*

D. cicatricial atrophy*
2555. Add the secondary items that are not the result of the transformation of the knot:

A. erosion*

B. ulcer *

C. scales

D. secondary hyperpigmented spot
2556. What drugs are used for photochemotherapy in psoriasis:

A. psoralen*

B. povalen*

C. acyclovir

D. nystatin
2557. What drugs are used for photochemotherapy in psoriasis:

A. psoralen*

B. povalen*

C. lamisil

D. vincristine
2558. For secondary syphilis is characterized by:

A. pustular*

B. chancre and polyadenylation

C. papular rash*

D. Gumma
2559. For secondary syphilis is characterized by:

A. syphilitic rhinitis

B. roseolous rash*

C. infiltration of Gachinger

D. extensive warts*
2560. The clinical picture disgidroticheskaya form of athlete's foot:

A. bullas*

B. bumps

C. edema*

D. peel
2561. The clinical picture disgidroticheskaya form of athlete's foot:

A. bullas*

B. blisters

C. edema*

D. lichenification
2562. The clinical picture of infiltrative-nagnoitel'noj ringworm:

A. bullas

B. pustule*

C. hair loss*

D. blisters
2563. The clinical picture of infiltrative-nagnoitel'noj ringworm:

A. inflammatory infiltrate*

B. bullas

C. nodes

D. scar*
2564.Fungal diseases of the skin are called:

A. Mycobacterium Koch

B. Trichophyton *

C. Hansen of the Mycobacterium

D. yeast*
2565.Fungal diseases of the skin are called:

A. epidermofiton*

B. Staphylococcus aureus

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