The department of roman-german philology

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37.Vocabulary practice games at advanced level(Islom)

CHAPTER II. Usage of games and activities at the English language lessons
2.1. Development of the lesson with usage of different types of games

Lesson development plan:

Book: Jeanne Perrett “Brilliant 1” pupil’s book. Macmillan.
Theme: We are pirates.
Vocabulary: colors
Type of the lesson: combined lesson
Form of the lesson: conversational lesson
Aims of the lesson:

  • Educational 1:

  1. To develop pupil’s reading and speaking skills;

  2. to learn new words;

  • Educational 2:

To distinguish what is good and what is bad on pirates’ example.

  • Developmental:

to develop critical thinking;
Lesson objectives: to learn new words, i.e. colors, through the activities.
Visual aids: a blackboard, a book, cards and pictures, computer.
The procedure of the lesson:




1. Organization moment. Lesson starts from greeting with children, conversation with a pupil on duty and checking home tasks.

T: Good morning, pupils!
S: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you!
T: I am glad to see you too! Thank you. Sit down, please. So, today is 21st of January. Who is on duty today?
Pupil on duty: I am on duty today. All are present.
T: What was your home task?
Pupil on duty: pages 32 and 33, revision units 3 and 4.
T: Ok, thank you, collect all copybooks, please. Guys, submit your copybooks.
After taking all copybooks:
T: Thank you, Amir, very much for your help. Now you can take your place.

Revision units 3 and 4, page 32

5 min.

2. Warm up. Presenting theme and revising previous lesson.

T: Now let’s divide into two groups: apple and pear, and play a game.
After dividing into two groups:
T: This game is called “Confused Letters”. Here are letters from which you should make up two words, connected with previous lesson. Is it clear?
S: Yeeees!
Students are working in in groups. Teacher is watching them.
T: Are you ready? So what words did apple team get?
Apple team: red and yellow!
T: Very good! And what about pear team?
Pear team: green and blue
T: very nice! Both teams did a good job! Today we will continue learning colors!

To play a game “Confused letters”

5 min.

3. New lesson.
Introducing new words. Playing game and singing a song in order to memorize new colors.

T: Now, open the page number 37 and look at the exercise 4. What kind of animal is it?
S: It is fish.
T: Well done! And as you can notice they are all painted in different colors. Today we will continue talking about colors. Now repeat after me: pink, orange, purple, brown, grey, black, white.
T: One more time. Excellent! One by one, read and translate please.
S1: Pink – розовый
S2: orange – оранжевый
S3: purple – фиолетовый
S4: brown – коричневый
S5: grey – серый
S6: black – черный
S7: white – белый.
T: Well done! Now let’s have a little activity. I`ll give you cards and pictures, you should place these pictures according to their color in appropriate column.
Showing an example.
T: You can start! The first three couples will get higher marks.
While pupils are working, teacher is walking through the desks and checking how they work, helping and answering the questions.
Results of activity.
Teacher checks first 3 works, and the rest we will check all together.
T: You all did a good job! Very nice! Now look at the interactive blackboard. First of all, let’s watch the video and then sing all together.
Singing a song “What colors”.
What colors? What colors do you like? What colors do you like?
I like blue sky. I like green grass.
I like purple butterflies, if you should ask.
I like yellow daisies. Red daisies too.
Pink and orange sunsets. Watching them with you.
I like white – snowy white.
The black of the night.
I like the brown of the earth on the ground.
T: Well done! Now, guys stand up and make a circle. I will give you the balloon and your aim is to keep it airborne while passing it to each other, also you must say a word phrase using colors, for example “red apple”, while passing the balloon. You will play it until the balloon hits the floor.
Teacher throws the balloon and the game starts.

To play a game “where is my home?”, to sing a song “What colors” and to play a game “Weightless balloon”

30 min

  1. The end of the lesson

T: Well done, children! Did you like it? Do you want more games?
S: Yeees!
T: Ok! Next lesson we will play more games, but now our time is up. Open you diaries and write down the home task: ex.3 and 4.
Today’s marks:
T:The lesson is over. Good bye, children.
S: Good bye, teacher.

To write down home task

5 min

We organized and prepared games and composed the lesson development plan. In the process of organizing games and activities we took into account three stages of regiment. They are:

  1. Preparation

  2. The game

  3. Debriefing

First stage. Preparation is the most important stage of organizing games. It mostly carried out during the lessons by introducing new vocabulary, drilling it and revising previous lessons’ vocabulary and grammar, so that children could use all the necessary words and word combinations.
Secondary, but not less important, part of preparation is organizing necessary visual aids: worksheet, cards, pictures, toys, video and audio materials and etc. Using well designed materials is necessary in order to catch attention of children and interest them. It is better to use not only audio, but also video materials for singing songs. This way it would be easier for children to understand the meaning of the song and to guess unfamiliar words according to context or picture in the video. But when it is about lyrics it is better to print it for each child, because it is hard to them to catch the text on the video.
In lesson development plan we have chosen activity with cards, pictures, and balloon and a song about colors. The games are easy to prepare and interesting to play. Working in pairs helps to create a kind of competition atmosphere and impacts on relationship between children in pairs, this game also helps in denoting who has leadership skills.
If to speak about song, we have chosen it because of easy lyrics and simple video, which helps to understand unknown words from the contexts. The text is not complicated and not very long, that is why this song is easy to remember.
The second stage is the game itself. We could try these activities during my future practice, which I will have between January and February, 2017. In my opinion it won’t be difficult to conduct such types of activities. However, I must be prepared to unexpected situations.
Debriefing. On these stage experts and judges have to evaluate the games and children’ active. In my case in the role of judge or expert might be form-master teacher of English language.

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