THE LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPY 1. Denis Delaney, Ciaran Ward, Carla Rho Fiorina. Fields of Vision. Literature in the English language. Volumes I, II. – Pearson Education Limited. Longman. – 2007.
2. Elements of Literature, Literature of England. – Holt, Reinhart & Winston. – 1989.
3. English and American Literature: A course of Lectures. Английская и американская литература : курс лекций для школьников старших классов и студентов. – Санкт Петербург : Учитель и ученик, КОРОНА-принт. – 2002.
4. Kenneth Broadey, Fabio Malgaretti. Focus on English and American Literature. – Москва: Айрис пресс. – 2003.
5. The Wordsworth Companion to Literature in English. – Wordsworth Edition Ltd. – 1994.
6. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Third Edition. – Oxford University Press.– 2004.