internet (www.youtube.com and the like) is used in lessons and whether computer
music software is used.
The basic fi le was made up of all music teachers and pupils of primary schools
in the Czech Republic. The representative sampling fi le was defi ned by the quota
selection on the basis of the statistical data and school database http://www.quatro.cz/
databaze-skol/; the questionnaire was sent to 3 524 primary schools in the CR, out of
which the sampling fi le consisted of 532 schools, 614 music teachers and 1839 pupils.
These are
quasi-representative fi les, which means the fi les are representative in the
logical, not the statistical meaning.
The questionnaire for pupils was administered by
trained interviewers in schools, the questionnaire for teachers was in the electronic
form on-line. The structure, types and ordering of questions were similar in both the
versions, but adequate to the character of fi les of teachers and pupils.
The questionnaire for teachers was construed into several selected relatively
independent problem groups
(Particularities of music education, Position of music
education at primary schools, Profession of a primary school teacher, School educa-
tion programme, School equipment, Activities of pupils in music education, Modern
popular and folk music, Computer technologies, Music software, Interactive board,
University preparation and further education, Presentation of music education), that
cover the main functioning of respondents in this fi eld and their attitudes. The qu-
estions were divided into these groups in order to make interpretations of results
easier and better arranged, but the respondents didn’t get questionnaires with these
categories, they were fi lling in the form as a whole. The questionnaire consisted of
63 numbered questions, 20 of which had subordinate questions.
The questionnaires for teachers and pupils are mutually interconnected in many
points, so that the results could be easily compared. Some of the questions were for-
mulated in the same way in order to allow for comparison,
the meaning of others was
linked more freely. The focus of the comparison of the two versions are areas of the
main aims of the project, i.e. research of material school equipment, means and form
of using multimedia applications in music lessons and means and forms of active
involvement of pupils.
The questionnaire for pupils was also made as a text document; however, unlike
in the case of teachers, it was presented by trained interviewers in this textual form
to respondents – pupils of secondary stages (6-9) of primary schools. The
itself took place in music lessons with the presence of the interviewers, and at the
end of the lesson the questionnaires were collected from all pupils, which ensured the
complete return and enabled the interviewers to react to some problems with fi lling
in immediately. All the gained data was then processed manually.
The questionnaire consisted of 52 questions, which were again divided into seve-
ral groups (
Position of music education and its meaning, Content and procedures
of lessons, Pupil’s self-assessment and assessment of teacher, Equipment, Relation
to music, Individual music activities, Favourite genres, Presenters and composers,
What could be changed in music education), that were not titled on the question
forms and they functioned as a certain aid in the interpretation stage. The hypotheses
were formulated as follows: using of multimedia technologies in the process of music
education at
primary schools is not typical, the rate of using them depends on the
material technical school equipment and teacher’s preparation for this kind of work.
The most important factor is the teacher’s age – the younger the teacher, the higher
the probability of using multimedia technologies, and vice versa.
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