Date: 19.11.2022 Theme: Leisure time Aims: Educational:- students will review talking about their hobbies and favorite activities Developing:- learning leisure activities - finding out about different hobbies Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of hobbies Up bringing: - to enrich pupils’ knowledge of leisure activities Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils learn the names of hobbies and talk about their favourite activities Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed Equipment of the lesson:“Guess What 5” SB, WB, pictures, internet, computers, projector TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF THE LESSON:
- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.
10 min
- To mark pupils
5 min
- Giving homework.
Procedure of the lesson: I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson. - Check for homework given on past lesson. - Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson. Warmer • Use a picture to preteach the names of the leisure activities
II. Pre-activity: Activity 1 Listen and look. • Use the pictures to introduce the activities, asking What are they doing? Students repeat the words. • Write the names Emma, Pedro, Alex, and Carla on the board. Ask Do these children have hobbies? Listen and look. Play the recording. Students point to the favourite activities in the order they hear them. • Play the recording again, pausing to ask more questions III. Main part Activity 2 Listen and repeat. Then match. • Play the recording. Students repeat and point to the activities • Play the recording again. Students match the words. • Point out capital letters are used for leisure activities
Activity 3 Listen and match. Then practice with a friend. • Say Listen and match. Play the recording, pausing for students to answer.
Activity 4 Ask and answer. • Students ask each other in pairs or groups. This could be done as a "Find someone who... "
IV. Post-activity
Workbook activity 1 Look and match the words with pictures
V. Homework Answer the questions. Write what you like/don't like
VI. Evaluation Giving marks according to pupils’ participation to the lesson
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