pesticides noun chemicals that are sprayed on crops to prevent insects from
destroying them
pollutant noun a substance or material that damages the natural environment
pollution noun the contamination of the environment, esp. by industrial waste
products and chemicals like pesticides
premature adj. happening before the expected or normal time
priority noun something that's of most concern or the greatest importance
sewage noun human waste from toilets
smog noun air pollution caused by a reaction between chemicals in the
atmosphere and sunlight
toxic chemicals (toxins) noun poisonous substances that can cause disease
ventilation noun the replacement of unclean air with fresh air
LESSON 11. ENVIRONMENT. GLOBAL EXTINCTION Module: Vocabulary Topic: Environment.
Global extinction
Time: 80 minutes
Aim: Material: Aids:
to analyse words used in global extinction
to develop practical understanding of key terms
1. Lewis, M (1997). Implementing the Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP.
2. B.J.Tomas (1986) Intermediate Vocabulary. Cambridge
3. McCarthy, M. and O‘Dell, F (2004). English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-
intermediate and advanced. Cambridge: CUP
Text-books. charts, laptop with speakers, handouts
Answer the teacher’s question: Could you give the definition of the term “Global extinction”?