Neutrinos in the Universe. Vistas in Astronomy, 15: 161.
Nuclear Processes in the Early Universe. VIth International Seminar on Nuclear Reactions in the Cosmos. Leningrad, 329.
Kernenergie in de Kosmos [Nuclear Energy in the Cosmos]. Atoomenergie en haar Toepassingen, 81.
De Heliumabundantie in het Heelal [The Helium Abundance in the Universe]. (With W.J. Weeber). Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde, 40: 183.
De Computer en de Faculteit der Letteren [The Computer and the Faculty of Arts]. Informatiebulletin Computercommissie FdL. Groningen, 38 pp.
Vowel Analysis with the Fast Fourier Transform. Acustica, 41: 41
Ienlûd, twa lûden, twalûden [Monophthongs, Two Sounds, Diphthongs]. (with G.L. Meinsma). Us Wurk, 27: 81.
Analyse de voyelles avec des méthodes digitales [Vowel Analysis with Digital Methods]. Actes des 9èmes Journées d'Etude sur la Parole. Lannion, 233.
Linear Prediction in Speech Research. Prace XXV Seminarium Otwartego z Akustyki. Poznań, 19.
Het kenmerk <+kort> bij hoge gespannen vokalen [The Feature <+short> in High Tense Vowels]. (With N.Streekstra). TABU, 8: 40.
De Computer en Fonetisch Onderzoek [The Computer and Phonetic Research]. Informatiebulletin Computercommissie FdL. Groningen, 5 pp.
Vowel Analysis with Linear Prediction. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Copenhagen, 265.
Digital Methods for the Analysis of Speech. Proceedings of the 7th Colloquium on Acoustics. Budapest, 289.
Phonetic Aspects of Breaking in West Frisian. (With P.Tiersma). Phonetica, 37: 109.
De brekking fan sintralisearjende twalûden yn it Frysk [Breaking of Centralizing Diphthongs in Frisian]. (With G.L. Meinsma). Us Wurk, 29: 131.
Vannak-e Diftongusok a Magyar Köznyelvben? [Are there Diphthongs in Standard Hungarian?]. (With A.D. Kylstra). Nyelvtudományi Közlemények, 82: 313.
Applications of Linear Predictive Coding in Speech Analysis. Proceedings of the Symposium on Speech Acoustics, 57.
Wiskundige Modellen in het Spraakonderzoek [Mathematical Models in Speech Research]. Wiskundige Modellen: Cursusboek Stichting TELEAC, 165.
Syllabegrenzen en Fonetische Experimentatie [Syllable Boundaries and Phonetic Experiments]. GLOT, Tijdschrift voor Taalwetenschap, 4: 229.
Book Review of: Metrical Myths – An Experimental-Phonetic Investigation into the Production and Perception of Metrical Speech. Spectator, 10: 385.
Vowel Contrast Reduction in Japanese Compared to Dutch. (With F.J. Koopmans-van Beinum). Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences. Amsterdam, 7: 27.
A Sociophonetic Study of Language Change. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Linguistics. Tokyo, 602.
Phonetic Sciences in the Netherlands, Past and Present. (With other authors). Publication of the Netherlands Association for Phonetic Sciences. Dordrecht, 32 pp.
On the Reliability of the Intraoral Measuring of Subglottal Pressure. (With G.L.J. Nieboer and H.K. Schutte). Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Utrecht, 367.
Phonetic Aspects of Vowels and Breaking of Diphthongs. Fifth International Phonology Meeting. Eisenstadt, 98.
Vowel Contrast Reduction in Finnish, Hungarian and Other Languages. Dritte Tagung für Uralische Phonologie. Eisenstadt, 11.
Vowel Contrast Reduction in Terms of Acoustic System Contrast. (With F.J. Koopmans-van Beinum). Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences. Amsterdam, 8: 41.
Vokaalduur en Breking van Diftongen in het Fries [Vowel Duration and Breaking of Diphthongs in Frisian]. Verslagen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen, 54.
The Acoustic System Contrast and Vowel Contrast Reduction in Various Languages. Proceedings of the 23rd Acoustic Conference on Physiological and Psychological Acoustics. Madrid, 76.
Vowel Data Bases. (With A. Bladon en M. O'Kane). Speech Communication, 3: 169.
Nederlandse Leerboeken voor de Fonetiek van het Engels [Dutch Teaching Methods on the Phonetics of English]. (With A. van Essen en J. Posthumus). Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 20: 123-154.
Phonetic Aspects of the Frisian Vowel System. NOVELE, 5: 23-42.
Review of: Spreken en Verstaan, een nieuwe Inleiding tot de Experimentele Fonetiek [Speaking and Understanding, A New Introduction to Experimental Phonetics]. (By S. Nooteboom en A. Cohen). Logopedie en Foniatrie, 57: 106.
De Groninger Button [The Groningen Button]. (With G.L.J. Nieboer and H.K. Schutte). Verslagen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen, 57-62.
Sandhi Phenomena in West Frisian. (With G. van der Meer). Sandhi Phenomena in the Languages of Europe. Berlin, 301-328.
Review of: The Production of Speech. (By P.F. MacNeilage). Studies in Language, 10: 273-277.
Production of Different Types of Esophageal Voice Related to the Quality and the Intensity of the Sound Produced. Folia Phoniatrica, 38: 292.
De Uitspraak van het Nederlands door Buitenlanders [The Pronunciation of Dutch by Foreigners]. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 58: 343-349.
Sociophonetic Aspects of Frisian. Friser Studier IV/V. Odense, 3-21.
Een contrastief fonetisch onderzoek Japans-Nederlands [A Contrastive Phonetic Research Japanese-Dutch]. Verslagen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen, 15-24.
The Retrieval of Dialect Material from Old Phonographic Wax Cylinders. Proceedings of the Workshop on “New Methods in Dialectology”. Amsterdam, 117-125.
Acoustic and Physiological Properties of the Laryngeal and Alaryngeal (Esophageal) Voice. Proceedings of the XXXIVth Open Seminar on Acoustics. Wrocław, 10-16.
A Contrastive Study of Japanese and Dutch. Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Tallinn, 124-128.
His Master's Voice: Herkenning van de Spraakmaker [His Master’s Voice: Recognition of the Speech Producer]. TER SPRAKE: SPRAAK als betekenisvol geluid in 36 thematische hoofdstukken. Dordrecht, 200-208.
Book Review: Fonetiek en Fonologie [Phonetics and Phonology]. (By R. Collier en F.G. Droste). Logopedie en Foniatrie, 60: 195.
The Frisian Language in America. (With T. Anema and H. Schatz). NOWELE, 6: 91-108.
Esophageal Voice Quality Judgements by Means of the Semantic Differential. (With G.L.J. Nieboer and H.K. Schutte). Journal of Phonetics, 16: 417-436.
Book Review: Sprechererkennung [Speaker Recognition]. (By Hermann J. Künzel). Journal of Phonetics, 16: 459-463.
Reconstruction, Signal Enhancement and Storage of Sound Material in Japan. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Japanese Information in Science, Technology and Commerce. Berlin, 367-374.
Aerodynamic and Psycho-acoustic Properties of Esophageal Voice Production. (With G.L.J. Nieboer and H.K. Schutte). Proceedings of the Conference on Speech Research '89. Budapest, 53-58.
A Data Base of Old Sound Material. Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Data Bases. Noordwijk, 2.14.1-5.
Een contrastief fonetisch onderzoek, in het bijzonder Japans-Nederlands [Contrastive Phonetic Research, in Particular Japanese-Dutch]. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia IV. Wrocław, 140-148.
Book Review: To Siberia and Russian America, Three Centuries of Russian Eastward Expansion. Circumpolar Journal, 7: 41-46.
New Technologies in Sound Reconstruction and their Applications to the Study of the Smaller Languages of Asia. Proceedings of the IVth International Symposium “Uralische Phonologie”. Hamburg, 15-19.
GARASU-GLAS: Fonetische contrasten Japans-Nederlands [GARASU-GLAS: Phonetic Contrasts Japanese-Dutch]. TABU. Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap, 20: 49-57.
Aerodynamic and Phonetic Properties of Voice Production with the Groningen Button. TENK jaarboek, 91-97.
Laser-beam Technology in Diachronic Phonetic Research and Ethnolinguistic Field Work. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Amsterdam, 114-118.
Laut aus Wachs: Der Übergang von stoffgebundenen zum elektronischen und optischen Informationstransport [Sound from Wax: The Transition from Material-Bound to Electronic and Optic Information Transport]. TU International. Berlin, 14/15: 63-66.
The Languages of Sakhalin. Small Languages and Small Language Communities: News, Notes, and Comments. International Journal of the Sociology of Languages, 94: 185-200.
Dutch Encounters with Sakhalin and with the Ainu People. Proceedings of the International Conference 125th anniversary of the birth of Bronisaw Pisudski. Sapporo, 108-137.
The Ethnolinguistic Situation on the Island of Sakhalin. Circumpolar Journal, 6: 32-58.
Aerodynamische en fonetische eigenschappen van verschillende soorten slokdarmstem [Aerodynamic and Phonetic Features of Different Kinds of Esophageal Voice]. (With G.L.J. Nieboer and H.K. Schutte). Klinische Fysica, 8: 64-66.
The Dutch Role in the Border Area between Japan and Russian. Round Table Conference “The Territorial Problem in Russo-Japanese Relations”. Moscow, 20-26.
De Taal der Mennonieten [The Language of the Mennonites]. Syllabus NOMES Symposium Groningen, 42 pp.
Saharin ni okeru shoosuu minzoku no gengo jookyoo [The Status of Minority Languages on Sakhalin]. (With K. Murasaki). Japanese Scientific Monthly, 46: 18-24.
The Ethnolinguistic Situation on the Island of Sakhalin. Ethnic minorities on Sakhalin. Yokohama, 13-32.
Vstrechi gollandtsev c Sakhalinom i Ainami [Meetings of the Dutch with Sakhalin and the Ainu Population]. Proceedings of the International Conference “B.O. Pilsudski - issledovatel' narodov Sakhalina”. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 92-99.
De taal der Mennonieten in Siberië en hun relatie met Nederland [The Language of the Siberian Mennonites and their Relation with the Netherlands]. (With R. Nieuweboer). Doopsgezinde Bijdragen, 19: 175-189.
Languages and Cultures of the Arctic Region in the Former Soviet Union. (With R. Nieuweboer). Circumpolar Journal, 1-2: 29-42.
The Dutch Role in the Border Area between Japan and Russia. Circumpolar Journal, 3-4: 1-12.
Nederlands in Siberië [Dutch in Siberia]. (With R. Nieuweboer). TABU Taalkundig Bulletin, 24: 65-75.
The Language of the West Siberian Mennonites. (With R. Nieuweboer). RASK, Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation, 1: 47-63.
Het territoriale geschil tussen Japan en Rusland over de Koerilen [The Territorial Dispute between Japan and Russia about the Kuril Islands]. (With I. van Oosteroom). Internationale Spectator, 49: 41-46.
Dutch Encounters with Sakhalin and with the Ainu People. Linguistic and Oriental Studies from Poznań, 35-61.
The Language of the West Siberian Mennonites. (with R. Nieuweboer). Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of Phonetics Sciences. Stockholm, 4: 180-184.
Pitch Stereotypes in the Netherlands and Japan. (With R. van Bezooijen and T. Otake). Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Stockholm, 680-684.
The Reconstruction of Acoustic Data on the Ethnic Minorities of Siberia. Proceedings of the International Conference on “The Indigenous Peoples of Siberia: Studies of Endangered Languages and Cultures”. Novosibirsk, 1: 381-383.
Book Review of: Joshua A. Fishman, Yiddish: Turning to Life. Studies in Language, 20,1: 191-196.
Language Minorities in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Report Nagoya City University. Nagoya, 165-179.
Dutch Encounters with the Peoples of Eastern Asia. A Frisian and Germanic Miscellany, published in Honour of Nils Århammar on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Odense, 377-386.
Dutch Immigrants in Siberia? The Language of the Mennonites. Charisteria viro doctissimo Přemysl Janota oblata, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica. Prague, 75-86
Archives of the Languages of Russia. (With L.V. Bondarko). Reports on the INTAS Project No. 94-4758. St.-Petersburg, 120 pp.
The Reconstruction of Acoustic Data and Minority Languages in Russia. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists. Amsterdam.,44-54.
Language and Culture of the Russian Mennonites. Around Peter the Great. Three Centuries of Russian-Dutch Relations. Groningen, 132-142.
Resten van het Jiddisch in Groningen en Sint-Petersburg [Remnants of the Yiddish Language in Groningen and Saint-Petersburg]. VDW-berichten, Vereniging voor Dialectwetenschap, 1: 6-7.
The Reconstruction of Acoustic Data and the Study of Language Minorities in Russia. Language Minorities and Minority Language. Gdańsk, 131-143.
Linguistic Databases and Language Minorities around the North Pacific Rim. Lecture on the Occasion of the Doctorate Honoris Causa, St.-Petersburg, 14 pp.
Linguistic Databases: A Link between Archives and Users. Journal of the International Association of Sound Archives, 27-34.
Russian-Yiddish: Phonetic Aspects of Language Interference. (With N. Svetozarova, Yu. Kleiner and R. Nieuweboer). Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. San Francisco., 1397-1401.
Language Contact and Sound Archives in Russia. (With L. Bondarko). Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. San Francisco, 1401-1404.
Lingvisticheskie bazy dannykh i yazykovye men’shinstva po obeim storonam severnogo tikho-okeanskogo poyasa [Linguistic databases and language minorities at both sides of the North-Pacific Rim]. Yazyk i rechevaya deyatel’nost’, 2: 8-18.
Scientific Links between Russia and The Netherlands: A Study of the Languages and Cultures in the Russian Federation. Proceedings of the Conference on the Netherlands and the Russian North. Arkhangelsk. To be published.
The Language of the Siberian Mennonites. (With R. Nieuweboer). New Insights in Germanic Linguistics II. Frankfurt am Main, 21-34.
Nivkh and Kashaya: Two endangered Languages in Contact with Russian and English. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “100 let eksperimental’noy fonetike v Rossii”. St.-Petersburg, 78-83.
Data on the Languages of Russia from Historical Documents, Sound Archives and Fieldwork Expeditions. Recording and Restoration of Minority Languages, Sakhalin Ainu and Nivkh, ELPR Report A2-009. Kyoto, 13-37.
Kashaya Pomo and the Russian Influence around the North Pacific. Materials of the Third International Conference on Bronisław Piłsudski and His Scholarly Heritage. Kraków, 385-395.
Yazyk i etnos [Language and Ethnos]. (With A.S. Gerd and M. Savijärvi). Texts and Comments on Balto-Finnic and Northwestern Archaic Russian Dialects. St.-Petersburg, 206 pp.
Voices from Tundra and Taiga: Endangered Languages in Russia on the Internet. Conference Handbook on Endangered Languages. Kyoto, 57-79.
Phonetic Aspects of the Frisian Language and the Use of Sound Archives. Problemy i metody eksperimental’no-foneticheskikh issledovaniy. St.-Peterburg, 52-57.
Voices from the Shtetl: The Past and Present of the Yiddish Language in Russia. Final Report NWO Russian-Dutch Research Cooperation. Groningen, 143 pp.
The Use of Sound Archives in the Study of Endangered Languages. Music Archiving in the World, Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv. Berlin, 101-107.
The Use of Acoustic Databases and Fieldwork for the Study of the Endangered Languages of Russia. Proceedings of the International LREC Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics. Las Palmas, 29.1-4 (CD-ROM).
Yiddish in St.-Petersburg: The Last Sounds of a Language. Proceedings of the Conference “Klezmer, Klassik, jiddisches Lied. Jüdische Musik-Kultur in Osteuropa.”. Potsdam. To be published.
Yazyki severnoy i vostochnoy Tartarii – o yazykovykh svedeniyakh v knige N. Vitsena [The Languages of North and East Tartary – About the Linguistic Data in the Book of N. Witsen]. (With M. Bergmann). Proceedings of the Conference on General Linguistics. St.-Petersburg. To be published.
Description of Minority Languages in Russia on the Basis of Historical Data and Fieldwork. Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Linguists. Prague. To be published.
Voices of Tundra and Taiga: Data on Minority Languages in Russia from Historical Data and Fieldwork. Proceedings of the Conference “Formation of Educational Programs Aimed at a New Type of Humanitarian Education in Siberian Polyethnic Society, Novosibirsk. To be published.
Endangered Languages in Europe and Siberia: State of the Art, Needs and Solutions. International Expert Meeting on UNESCO Programme “Safeguarding of Endangered Languages”. Paris. To be published
Presentation of the UNESCO Document “Language Vitality and Endangerement”. Focus on Linguistic Diversity in the New Europe. European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, Brussels. To be published.
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