Topic: Classifications of English verbs Content Introduction

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1 Yodgorova Mohidil kurs ishi

Topic: Classifications of English verbs

  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….2

I-chapter Tense types of verbs in English……………………………………….7
1.1 Classification of verbs………………………………………………………7
1.2 Illegal verbs…………………………..…………………………………….12
II- chapter Other types and uses of verbs……...….…………………………..14
2.1. Other types of verbs…………………….………………………………….14
2.2. Auxiliary verbs in English………………………………………..……….19

A word is the most important spiritual unit of language that serves to name things, processes, and properties. «If the words and phrases of the Uzbek language are collected without restrictions in terms of time and space, it is possible to create a dictionary that is larger than the most vocabulary dictionaries in the world.» 'z belongs to the category, which in its representation represents all the grammatical meanings predetermined in a particular language system. Therefore, words are studied in categories. From ancient times the scholars have done a lot of research on the classification of words.
The famous Indian linguist Panini studies the views of linguists on grammar who lived in the period BC (III-II centuries). The focus on morphology dates back to the time Panini lived. The division of words into categories was first done in the East, in Indian linguistics. Divides words into nouns, verbs, auxiliaries, and prepositions. It focuses on the group of verbs, its stem and other parts. Even in Plato’s time, there was a great deal of research into the classification of words. Plato divides words into two categories, nouns and verbs. Emphasizes that words used in the possessive function - nouns, words used in the cut function - belong to the category of verbs.
In particular, according to Aristarchus’s classification, there are eight groups of words: noun, verb, adjective, member, diamond, auxiliary, form, connective. Aristotle divided words into verbs, nouns, and prepositions. In the 11th century, Mahmud Qashqari’s «Devonu lug'otit-turk», Yusuf Hos Hajib’s «Qutadg'u bilig», «Hibbat-ul haqayiq», «Tafsir» were also mentioned. The data for the z category are given. These works contain ideas about all forms and grammatical categories of verbs. Linguist Mahmud Qashqari divided words into categories such as nouns, verbs, and auxiliary words. The word is the most complex of the verbs. The ancient Greek scholar Dionysus of Thrace stated that «a verb is a compound word that takes time, person, and number to express an action or state.» The scholar also gives information about the mood, ratio, number, person, and tense of the verb. Mahmud Qashqari also paid great attention to the interpretation and analysis of words in the verb series. None of the philologists of the XI-XIX centuries was able to rise to the level of Mahmud Kashgari in the description of the morphology of the Turkic language. The scholar’s description of the morphology of the Uzbek language can compete with the description of the twentieth century and in some respects even surpass it. Mahmud Kashgari paid great attention to the formation of nouns and verbs in the Turkish language. Provides information on verb phrases. Gives detailed information about the tense, relative, personal and other grammatical categories of the verb. His grammatical form in the horse, his categorical view, formed the basis for the formation and development of modern thought.
Born in Khorezm, Mahmud Zamakhshari wrote several works on linguistics. Muqaddimat-ul-Adab consists of five parts: horse, verb, connective, horse change, verb change. Zamakhshari was the first scholar to group verbs according to their root structure. Zamakhshari’s role in the study of morphology is invaluable.5 One of the most important written sources in the study of the history of the formation of the old Uzbek literary language is «Tafsir». In addition to the peculiarities of the old Uzbek language, their aspects related to the language of the ancient Turkic period are also shown. The verb forms mentioned in the play express the grammatical meanings of the person, tense and mood.
The play uses full and abbreviated forms of the personal pronouns of the verb, and provides detailed information about the verb phrase.
Our scholars have noted that the work «Muhabbatnoma», which combines common Turkish features, is an example of the old Uzbek written literary language. Indeed, a number of morphological features are noted in the play. We can tell this by the information about the verb. Some of the verb forms in Muhabbatnoma correspond to the old Uzbek language. However, the grammatical devices used in some verb forms are more specific to the language of earlier periods.
There are two other works of the 14th century, the author of which is unknown, the first of which is the Dictionary of Translators. The dictionary is 76 pages long and consists of four sections. The first part is devoted to nouns, the second to verbs and nouns, the third to variations, and the fourth to the use of words. The first three parts of this work are devoted to morphology, mainly the study of verbs. The second work is “ At-tuhfa ”, in which the verb series is also very broad. rin is given. The categories of verb proportion, indivisibility, personality, inclination, tense are covered in detail. The play deals with the proportions of passivity, togetherness, multiplicity, and identity
A verb is a group of words that are active in all languages. The verb has a wide range of semantics, but mainly refers to a situation that gives an idea of ​​action and action. The study of verbs is inextricably linked to other phrases. The largest word group is also a verb.
Alisher Navoi also made an in-depth analysis of the verb phrase. His book Muhokamat ul-lughatayin contains some information. Alisher Navoi’s morphological view is reflected in the following opinion:
a. divided words into three categories: verb, noun, and action;
b. pays special attention to the relative form of the verb;
c. provided initial information on semantic syntax.
It is obvious that Alisher Navoi paid special attention to the verb.
Abdurauf Fitrat’s pure morphological view is reflected in his work Sarf (Morphology). Divides words into categories based on their meaning: noun, adjective, number, verb, rhyme, auxiliary. In this way, Abdurauf Fitrat dwells on all the phrases he has identified, highlighting their uniqueness. The scholar’s view of the verb family is significant. His idea that «every verb means a worker and a tense» is important for linguistics. The scholar expressed his views on the tense grammatical category of the verb, the category of person-number, as well as on the categories of indivisible, indivisible, relative.
Professor Ayub Gulyamov’s scientific outlook and scientific activity play an important role in the development and popularization of modern Uzbek morphological teaching. The creation of the book «Verb» by Professor Ayub Gulyamov was a great event in Uzbek linguistics. This is because in the history of Uzbek linguistics, the practice of seriously studying a separate group as a whole has never been done before. In this book:
a) the verb series is analyzed in depth as a whole;
b) all existing views on the verb are summarized.
c) Verb specificity: meaning and grammatical sign; grammatical category;
to be made; incomplete verb, the syntactic function of the verb is analyzed in detail.
In the 1930s, linguist Ulug Tursunov expressed his views on morphology. The scientist studied the most pressing problems of the morphology of the Uzbek language. In particular, his research, such as' 'Verb formation in Uzbek»and Verb levels in Uzbek», shows that he paid great attention to the verb phrase.
Another of our linguists, Academician A.Khojiev, has conducted research in the Uzbek language on the Uzbek nature of linguistic unity and current issues of Uzbek linguistics and published about 30 articles. The scholar also paid close attention to the study of verbs and conducted a number of scientific studies on them. His books « Verb in Uzbek «, «Auxiliary Verb in Uzbek», « Incomplete Verb in Uzbek « belong to the category of verbs. indicates how much attention is paid.
Well-known scholars such as Professor E. D. Polivanov, A. N. Kononov, V. V. Reshetov contributed to the development of the verb category. In the development of scientific research on the category of verbs from Uzbek linguists A. Gulyamov, A. H. Suleymanov, A. Hodjiev, J. Jorayeva, SH. The contributions of the Shukurovs are great. In his dissertation «The category of the past tense in the modern Uzbek literary language» written by A. H. Suleymanov in 1949, he provided information about the category of the past tense verb. Professor A. G ’. Gulyamov’s «Verb» and academician A. Hodzhiev’s «Verb» cover the history of the verb, time, relative categories, all the features of the verb. AN Kononov made a detailed analysis of the tense forms of the verb in the chapter on verb tenses in the book «Grammar of the modern Uzbek language».

Linguist M. Sodikova’s book «Verb Stylistics» studies the grammatical categories of verbs, tendencies, tenses, relative pronouns, person-number forms and their stylistic features. The scholar has made an in-depth analysis of the grammatical and stylistic features of verb infinitive, action verbs, and relational verbs. Linguist Sh. In Shukurov’s History of Verbs, the 11th-century linguist Mahmud Kashgari provides information on the study of verbs. The scholar also researched the tense, relative, and mood forms of the verb. H. Yusufkhodjayev’s monograph «Development of verbs in the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language» is devoted to the principles of the development of verbs. verb forms indicating weakness and recurrence were analyzed. Shukurov’s book «Development of verbs in the Uzbek language» is devoted to the study of the development of verbs and tenses in the Uzbek language, and the history and development of verbs in the Uzbek language is analyzed in detail. Academician Azim Hodjiev’s monograph «Incomplete verb» is one of the least studied issues in linguistics, which is devoted to the study of the meanings, functions and features of the use of incomplete verb forms and verb forms formed with their help. .15 Even after the years of independence, the verb phrase has been studied by scholars. In particular, the dissertation of linguist D. Ganieva on «Syncretism and polyfunctionality in the functional forms of verbs in the Uzbek language» is a proof of our opinion. From this information we know that from ancient times our scientists have been working on the verb phrase. So far, the phrase has been thoroughly analyzed and updated. Verbs are a very broad topic. No phrase can be imagined without a verb. The center of a sentence is the cut, and the cut is mainly represented by a verb. That is why the verb is the main content of the sentence. This phrase has been the subject of much debate and debate to this day.1

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