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NAXÇIVAN MUXTAR RESPUBLİKASINDA TURİZMİN İNKİŞAF İSTİQAMƏTLƏRİ baş müəllim Flora Bəhlul qızı KƏRİMOVA Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti Abstract: The article deals with the activities carried out in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on tourism development. One of the main development trends of the modern economy is the development of the tourism sector. In recent years, wide-ranging measures are being undertaken to promote the tourism potential of Azerbaijan in the international arena, attract foreign tourists to the country and develop tourism potential. Successful implementation of state programs on socio- economic development of regions has also had a great impact on the development of tourism. Measures implemented in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which has a special place in this TOURISM AND RECREATION IN THE XXI CENTURY: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS 3-4 May 2019 73 Baku, Azerbaijan
development, have also made progress in tourism. The tourism sector plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the region. Key words: Nakhchivan, tourism, socio-economic development, ecological tourism, rural tourism, national cuisine, state program.