I. INTRODUCTION II. MAIN PART 1. Symbolism in American Literature. Creativity Nathaniel Hawthorne
2. Semantic opposition and the level of the novel "The Scarlet letter"
3. Main ideas and characters of the work
Introduction Symbolism as an ideological and artistic trend in European and American culture. 18th - 19th centuries was based on the philosophy of idealism, which asserts that spirit, consciousness, thinking, the mental are primary, and matter, nature, the physical are secondary, derivative. The central category of symbolism is the romantic dual world, “the discord between the ideal and reality, which is also characteristic of previous trends,” which acquires extraordinary sharpness and tension in symbolism1.
In our work, we consider the views of various scholars on symbolism as a trend in Western European and American literature. They were studied by such researchers as Irina Grigorievna Neupokoeva, Henry Remak, Tatyana Alexandrovna Shabalina, Viktor Maksimovich Zhirmunsky, Vladimir Andreevich Lukov and others. According to Henry Remak, it can be said that “a large and respected group of critics argues that symbolism cannot be squeezed into any framework. Individualism and instability as the main elements of symbolism are not recognized by everyone.
There are as many definitions of symbolism as there are authors. In any case, there are more differences than similarities. “Undoubtedly, there are romantic authors, features of the romantic style, there can also be types of symbolism, a romantic period, but there is no single symbolism. It is clear that critics who believe that European Symbolism is essentially one, it is much more difficult to define Symbolism than it is for their opponents. In general, it seems that there are two types of definitions and some intermediate position between them. For Remak, symbolism is "something vague and unrealistic, which is opposed to classicism and the 18th century, which contains a whole system of metaphysical ideas and which is preached by political liberalism."
The object of the course work. To carry out a comparative analysis of the short stories "The Mole" and "The Oval Portrait";
Determine what is the innovation of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe.
The subject of your course work. Our scientific hypothesis is that the general provisions of the poetics and aesthetics of symbolism should differ from the individual principles of each of the authors presented.
In our work, we use the following methods of literary research: biographical, structural, cultural-historical, comparative, method of motive analysis and method of intertextual analysis.
Structure of the work: In the theoretical part, we will get acquainted with the main provisions of European and American symbolism; with the biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Poe, with the specifics of the relationship, we will also determine their place in literature, consider the history of the creation of two works.