Abishov Vaqif
Great historical events occurred in the early XX century in the world-World War 1(1914-
1918), political revolutions in the territory of the Russian Empire (February
and October revolutions
of 1917 are meant- A.V.).
Splits in world social, economic and political system happened at the result of these events
caused the world to worry greatly.
Different nations, including Azerbaijani people being enslaved by Russian Empire had to
face a very great and hard historical events.
Bitter enemies of Turks the Armenians-taking advantage of the Western States, in particular
of Russia's support intended to establish by force their own state on the account of the lands which
belonged to the ancestors of Turks from the very outset. They tried to realize their insidious plan on
the account of the lands of Ottoman State Turkey and Azerbaijan.
The subject of the monograph is very actual for the history of Azerbaijan.
Although the soviet
historians had partially given share to Baku bloodshed's of 1918, but had deliberately hid the main
essence of the matter and assessed the bloodshed's committed by Armenians against the Turks as a
class struggle or a civil war.
The main goal of the monograph is to reveal the Armenians in-dicious plans against the
Azerbaijanis in the struggle among different organizations for political power in Azerbaijan in
It should be noted that these bloodshed's had been committed not only against the Turkish,
but as well as the other nations living in Azerbaijan.
As well as how the Armenians intending to establish "Armenia" created bloodshed's against
the Azerbaijanis and driving them out, from their ancestral lands robbed
their property had found
its reflection in the monograph.
The monograph "Genocide of Azerbaijanis (1917-1918)" consists of the introduction, two
chapters and conclusion.
In chapter I is spoken about the political events happening in Azerbaijan in 1917. In this
chapter is noted how the struggle among the different political forces had aggravated in Azerbaijan
for seizure
of the power and is revealed the aims of political parties functioning i
Baku being the
main political and economic center in South Caucasus
Basing on different archieve materials and documents the Armenians
confusion activity not
only in Baku, but as well as in other towns and villages of Azerbaijan, including in the Azerbaijani
lands of Iran is brought to wide readers attention in the monograph.
When the Armenian's plans to create in the territory of Turkey an Armenian state with the
help of the bayonets of Great Britain France and Russia failed, then they turned the main blow at
Azerbaijan which for her territory and the amount of population had superiority in South Caucasus.
Let's look through some facts: In the calendar of 1920 based on the calendar of the Caucasus
compiled in 1917 is shown that the territory of Baku province covered (in km
) -39.075.15, Ganja -
44.371.29; Zagatala - 3.992.54; fravan - 9.858.69, besides disputable areas with the Armenians in
Iravan province (km
) 7.913.17 and in Tiflis province 8.685.13. The figures prove that at the time of
the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic the territory of Azerbaijan covered 113.895.97 km
. And the
amount of the population was: in Baku province 1.281.575; Ganja province 1.275.131; in Zagatala
district 92698, in Iravan province 212458 and finally in the whole Azerbaijan Republic 2.861.862.
As the Armenian attacks was turned against the Azerbaijani
people it brought to hard
confrontation in the region.
The main goal of the alliance among the Bolshevik party lead by St.Shaumyan,
"Dashnaksutyun" and the Armenian National Soviet was acting under the Soviet flag not th give
the Azerbaijanis a chance to be organized both politically and militarily in the South Caucasus, to
kill them, burning their houses to rob their property, to drive those people out who had survived
and to clear out vast areas, in order to create in the future the Armenian state in these areas.
If the Baku Soviet headed by St.Shaumyan hadn't used the Armenian armed bands and
hadn't entered into the alliance with the National Soviet which represented the interests of
"Dashnaksutyun", "Hnchag" and other reactionary-terrorist
Armenian organizations, then, no
doubt, the Armenians wouldn't be able to commit mass bloodsheds against the peaceful
Azerbaijanis in Baku and in other towns of Azerbaijan. St.Shaumyan couldn't realize V.I.Lenin's
Decree about the "Turkish Armenia" (The Decree was issued on December
29,1917, but was affirmed in the III All-Russian Congress of the Soviets held on January 15-28,
1918), then he began to realize it in Azerbaijan in the alliance of the Armenian "Dashnaksutyun"
party and the Armenian National Soviet.
Being supported by the political power of Bolsheviks the Armenian dasnaks weren't been
able to realize their plan in Turkey intended to create the Armenian State in the Caucasus on the
account of the lands which belonged to ancestors of the Azerbaijani Turks.
In the chapter II basing on numerous archieve documents and scientific literature is
accounted how the Armenian-dashnak armed forces being supported by Anglo-Russian bayonets
committed terrible bloodsheds against the Azerbaijanis in the main towns of north Azerbaijan-Baku
and Shamakhy, as well as in Guba, Garabagh, Kurdamir, Salyan,
Lankaran, and also in Salmas,
Khoy, Urmiya, Maku and other places of South Azerbaijan.
In the monograph is spoken how the Armenians began to realize their perfidious plans
against the Azerbaijanis at first under the patronage of the Provisional Government, then of the
Soviet Russia and Baku People Commissars Soviet, as well as Centrocaspian Dictatorship.
Besides in the monograph has found reflection how the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic's
Army joining with the victorious Turkish military forces drove out the Anglo-Russian and Armenian
armed units from Baku, as well as the other areas of Azerbaijan.
After the restoration of Azerbaijan's independence in 1991 began
the serious and systematic
researches of the genocide committed by the Armenians against our nation at the beginning of the
XX century.
That's why not only Azerbaijan historical science, but all the
Azerbaijani people who honors the memory of their shahid sons, who
don't reconcile with the seizure of historically native lands, who don't
lose their optimism and believe that some day the justice will give a
particular consideration to this actual and serious problem and to re
search it.
But, unfortunately, now at the beginning of the XXI century illegal
actions of the Armenians
contradicting the human lows is supported by some states.
And still more than 20 per cent of our lands being seized at early 90s of the XX century are
under the occupation of the Armenians.
That's why a special consideration should be given to the research of this problem.