War and Peace

particularly victorious.’

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particularly victorious.’
He went on talking in this way in French, uttering only 
those words in Russian on which he wished to put a con-

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temptuous emphasis.
‘Come now! You with all your forces fall on the unfor-
tunate Mortier and his one division, and even then Mortier 
slips through your fingers! Where’s the victory?’
‘But seriously,’ said Prince Andrew, ‘we can at any rate say 
without boasting that it was a little better than at Ulm..’
‘Why didn’t you capture one, just one, marshal for us?’
‘Because not everything happens as one expects or with 
the smoothness of a parade. We had expected, as I told you, 
to get at their rear by seven in the morning but had not 
reached it by five in the afternoon.’
‘And why didn’t you do it at seven in the morning? You 
ought to have been there at seven in the morning,’ returned 
Bilibin with a smile. ‘You ought to have been there at seven 
in the morning.’
‘Why did you not succeed in impressing on Bonaparte by 
diplomatic methods that he had better leave Genoa alone?’ 
retorted Prince Andrew in the same tone.
‘I know,’ interrupted Bilibin, ‘you’re thinking it’s very easy 
to take marshals, sitting on a sofa by the fire! That is true, but 
still why didn’t you capture him? So don’t be surprised if not 
only the Minister of War but also his Most August Majesty 
the Emperor and King Francis is not much delighted by your 
victory. Even I, a poor secretary of the Russian Embassy, do 
not feel any need in token of my joy to give my Franz a thaler, 
or let him go with his Liebchen to the Prater... True, we have 
no Prater here..’
He looked straight at Prince Andrew and suddenly un-
wrinkled his forehead.

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‘It is now my turn to ask you ‘why?’ mon cher,’ said 
Bolkonski. ‘I confess I do not understand: perhaps there are 
diplomatic subtleties here beyond my feeble intelligence, but 
I can’t make it out. Mack loses a whole army, the Archduke 
Ferdinand and the Archduke Karl give no signs of life and 
make blunder after blunder. Kutuzov alone at last gains a 
real victory, destroying the spell of the invincibility of the 
French, and the Minister of War does not even care to hear 
the details.’
‘That’s just it, my dear fellow. You see it’s hurrah for the 
Tsar, for Russia, for the Orthodox Greek faith! All that is 
beautiful, but what do we, I mean the Austrian court, care 
for your victories? Bring us nice news of a victory by the 
Archduke Karl or Ferdinand (one archduke’s as good as an-
other, as you know) and even if it is only over a fire brigade 
of Bonaparte’s, that will be another story and we’ll fire off 
some cannon! But this sort of thing seems done on purpose 
to vex us. The Archduke Karl does nothing, the Archduke 
Ferdinand disgraces himself. You abandon Vienna, give up 
its defenseas much as to say: ‘Heaven is with us, but heav-
en help you and your capital!’ The one general whom we all 
loved, Schmidt, you expose to a bullet, and then you con-
gratulate us on the victory! Admit that more irritating news 
than yours could not have been conceived. It’s as if it had 
been done on purpose, on purpose. Besides, suppose you did 
gain a brilliant victory, if even the Archduke Karl gained a 
victory, what effect would that have on the general course 
of events? It’s too late now when Vienna is occupied by the 
French army!’

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‘What? Occupied? Vienna occupied?’
‘Not only occupied, but Bonaparte is at Schonbrunn, and 
the count, our dear Count Vrbna, goes to him for orders.’
After the fatigues and impressions of the journey, his re-
ception, and especially after having dined, Bolkonski felt 
that he could not take in the full significance of the words 
he heard.
‘Count Lichtenfels was here this morning,’ Bilibin con-
tinued, ‘and showed me a letter in which the parade of the 
French in Vienna was fully described: Prince Murat et tout 
le tremblement... You see that your victory is not a matter for 
great rejoicing and that you can’t be received as a savior.’
‘Really I don’t care about that, I don’t care at all,’ said 
Prince Andrew, beginning to understand that his news of 
the battle before Krems was really of small importance in 
view of such events as the fall of Austria’s capital. ‘How is 
it Vienna was taken? What of the bridge and its celebrated 
bridgehead and Prince Auersperg? We heard reports that 
Prince Auersperg was defending Vienna?’ he said.
‘Prince Auersperg is on this, on our side of the river, and 
is defending usdoing it very badly, I think, but still he is de-
fending us. But Vienna is on the other side. No, the bridge 
has not yet been taken and I hope it will not be, for it is 
mined and orders have been given to blow it up. Otherwise 
we should long ago have been in the mountains of Bohemia, 
and you and your army would have spent a bad quarter of an 
hour between two fires.’
‘But still this does not mean that the campaign is over,’ 
said Prince Andrew.

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‘Well, I think it is. The bigwigs here think so too, but 
they daren’t say so. It will be as I said at the beginning of 
the campaign, it won’t be your skirmishing at Durrenstein, 
or gunpowder at all, that will decide the matter, but those 
who devised it,’ said Bilibin quoting one of his own mots, re-
leasing the wrinkles on his forehead, and pausing. ‘The only 
question is what will come of the meeting between the Em-
peror Alexander and the King of Prussia in Berlin? If Prussia 
joins the Allies, Austria’s hand will be forced and there will 
be war. If not it is merely a question of settling where the pre-
liminaries of the new Campo Formio are to be drawn up.’
‘What an extraordinary genius!’ Prince Andrew sudden-
ly exclaimed, clenching his small hand and striking the table 
with it, ‘and what luck the man has!’
‘Buonaparte?’ said Bilibin inquiringly, puckering up his 
forehead to indicate that he was about to say something wit-
ty. ‘Buonaparte?’ he repeated, accentuating the u: ‘I think, 
however, now that he lays down laws for Austria at Schonb-
runn, il faut lui faire grace de l’u!* I shall certainly adopt an 
innovation and call him simply Bonaparte!’
*”We must let him off the u!’
‘But joking apart,’ said Prince Andrew, ‘do you really 
think the campaign is over?’
‘This is what I think. Austria has been made a fool of
and she is not used to it. She will retaliate. And she has 
been fooled in the first place because her provinces have 
been pillagedthey say the Holy Russian army loots terribly-
her army is destroyed, her capital taken, and all this for the 
beaux yeux* of His Sardinian Majesty. And thereforethis is 

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between ourselvesI instinctively feel that we are being de-
ceived, my instinct tells me of negotiations with France and 
projects for peace, a secret peace concluded separately.’
*Fine eyes.
‘Impossible!’ cried Prince Andrew. ‘That would be too 
‘If we live we shall see,’ replied Bilibin, his face again be-
coming smooth as a sign that the conversation was at an 
When Prince Andrew reached the room prepared for 
him and lay down in a clean shirt on the feather bed with its 
warmed and fragrant pillows, he felt that the battle of which 
he had brought tidings was far, far away from him. The al-
liance with Prussia, Austria’s treachery, Bonaparte’s new 
triumph, tomorrow’s levee and parade, and the audience 
with the Emperor Francis occupied his thoughts.
He closed his eyes, and immediately a sound of cannonad-
ing, of musketry and the rattling of carriage wheels seemed 
to fill his ears, and now again drawn out in a thin line the 
musketeers were descending the hill, the French were firing, 
and he felt his heart palpitating as he rode forward beside 
Schmidt with the bullets merrily whistling all around, and 
he experienced tenfold the joy of living, as he had not done 
since childhood.
He woke up...
‘Yes, that all happened!’ he said, and, smiling happily to 
himself like a child, he fell into a deep, youthful slumber.

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Chapter XI
Next day he woke late. Recalling his recent impressions, 
the first thought that came into his mind was that today 
he had to be presented to the Emperor Francis; he remem-
bered the Minister of War, the polite Austrian adjutant, 
Bilibin, and last night’s conversation. Having dressed for 
his attendance at court in full parade uniform, which he 
had not worn for a long time, he went into Bilibin’s study 
fresh, animated, and handsome, with his hand bandaged. 
In the study were four gentlemen of the diplomatic corps. 
With Prince Hippolyte Kuragin, who was a secretary to the 
embassy, Bolkonski was already acquainted. Bilibin intro-
duced him to the others.
The gentlemen assembled at Bilibin’s were young, 
wealthy, gay society men, who here, as in Vienna, formed a 
special set which Bilibin, their leader, called les notres.* This 
set, consisting almost exclusively of diplomats, evidently 
had its own interests which had nothing to do with war or 
politics but related to high society, to certain women, and 
to the official side of the service. These gentlemen received 
Prince Andrew as one of themselves, an honor they did not 
extend to many. From politeness and to start conversation, 
they asked him a few questions about the army and the bat-
tle, and then the talk went off into merry jests and gossip.

War and Peace
‘But the best of it was,’ said one, telling of the misfortune 
of a fellow diplomat, ‘that the Chancellor told him flatly that 
his appointment to London was a promotion and that he 
was so to regard it. Can you fancy the figure he cut?..’
‘But the worst of it, gentlemenI am giving Kuragin away 
to youis that that man suffers, and this Don Juan, wicked 
fellow, is taking advantage of it!’
Prince Hippolyte was lolling in a lounge chair with his 
legs over its arm. He began to laugh.
‘Tell me about that!’ he said.
‘Oh, you Don Juan! You serpent!’ cried several voices.
‘You, Bolkonski, don’t know,’ said Bilibin turning to 
Prince Andrew, ‘that all the atrocities of the French army (I 
nearly said of the Russian army) are nothing compared to 
what this man has been doing among the women!’
‘La femme est la compagne de l’homme,’* announced 
Prince Hippolyte, and began looking through a lorgnette 
at his elevated legs.
*”Woman is man’s companion.’
Bilibin and the rest of ‘ours’ burst out laughing in Hip-
polyte’s face, and Prince Andrew saw that Hippolyte, of 
whomhe had to admithe had almost been jealous on his 
wife’s account, was the butt of this set.
‘Oh, I must give you a treat,’ Bilibin whispered to Bolkon-
ski. ‘Kuragin is exquisite when he discusses politicsyou 
should see his gravity!’
He sat down beside Hippolyte and wrinkling his fore-
head began talking to him about politics. Prince Andrew 
and the others gathered round these two.

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‘The Berlin cabinet cannot express a feeling of alliance,’ 
began Hippolyte gazing round with importance at the 
others, ‘without expressing... as in its last note... you under-
stand... Besides, unless His Majesty the Emperor derogates 
from the principle of our alliance...
‘Wait, I have not finished...’ he said to Prince Andrew, 
seizing him by the arm, ‘I believe that intervention will be 
stronger than nonintervention. And...’ he paused. ‘Finally 
one cannot impute the nonreceipt of our dispatch of Novem-
ber 18. That is how it will end.’ And he released Bolkonski’s 
arm to indicate that he had now quite finished.
‘Demosthenes, I know thee by the pebble thou secretest 
in thy golden mouth!’ said Bilibin, and the mop of hair on 
his head moved with satisfaction.
Everybody laughed, and Hippolyte louder than anyone. 
He was evidently distressed, and breathed painfully, but 
could not restrain the wild laughter that convulsed his usu-
ally impassive features.
‘Well now, gentlemen,’ said Bilibin, ‘Bolkonski is my 
guest in this house and in Brunn itself. I want to entertain 
him as far as I can, with all the pleasures of life here. If we 
were in Vienna it would be easy, but here, in this wretched 
Moravian hole, it is more difficult, and I beg you all to help 
me. Brunn’s attractions must be shown him. You can un-
dertake the theater, I society, and you, Hippolyte, of course 
the women.’
‘We must let him see Amelie, she’s exquisite!’ said one of 
‘ours,’ kissing his finger tips.
‘In general we must turn this bloodthirsty soldier to 

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more humane interests,’ said Bilibin.
‘I shall scarcely be able to avail myself of your hospital-
ity, gentlemen, it is already time for me to go,’ replied Prince 
Andrew looking at his watch.
‘Where to?’
‘To the Emperor.’
‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’ Well, au revoir, Bolkonski! Au revoir, 
Prince! Come back early to dinner,’ cried several voices. 
‘We’ll take you in hand.’
‘When speaking to the Emperor, try as far as you can to 
praise the way that provisions are supplied and the routes 
indicated,’ said Bilibin, accompanying him to the hall.
‘I should like to speak well of them, but as far as I the 
facts, I can’t,’ replied Bolkonski, smiling.
‘Well, talk as much as you can, anyway. He has a passion 
for giving audiences, but he does not like talking himself 
and can’t do it, as you will see.’

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Chapter XII
At the levee Prince Andrew stood among the Austrian of-
ficers as he had been told to, and the Emperor Francis merely 
looked fixedly into his face and just nodded to him with to 
him with his long head. But after it was over, the adjutant he 
had seen the previous day ceremoniously informed Bolkon-
ski that the Emperor desired to give him an audience. The 
Emperor Francis received him standing in the middle of the 
room. Before the conversation began Prince Andrew was 
struck by the fact that the Emperor seemed confused and 
blushed as if not knowing what to say.
‘Tell me, when did the battle begin?’ he asked hurriedly.
Prince Andrew replied. Then followed other questions 
just as simple: ‘Was Kutuzov well? When had he left Krems?’ 
and so on. The Emperor spoke as if his sole aim were to put 
a given number of questionsthe answers to these questions, 
as was only too evident, did not interest him.
‘At what o’clock did the battle begin?’ asked the Emper-
‘I cannot inform Your Majesty at what o’clock the bat-
tle began at the front, but at Durrenstein, where I was, our 
attack began after five in the afternoon,’ replied Bolkonski 
growing more animated and expecting that he would have a 
chance to give a reliable account, which he had ready in his 
mind, of all he knew and had seen. But the Emperor smiled 

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and interrupted him.
‘How many miles?’
‘From where to where, Your Majesty?’
‘From Durrenstein to Krems.’
‘Three and a half miles, Your Majesty.’
‘The French have abandoned the left bank?’
‘According to the scouts the last of them crossed on rafts 
during the night.’
‘Is there sufficient forage in Krems?’
‘Forage has not been supplied to the extent..’
The Emperor interrupted him.
‘At what o’clock was General Schmidt killed?’
‘At seven o’clock, I believe.’
‘At seven o’clock? It’s very sad, very sad!’
The Emperor thanked Prince Andrew and bowed. Prince 
Andrew withdrew and was immediately surrounded by 
courtiers on all sides. Everywhere he saw friendly looks and 
heard friendly words. Yesterday’s adjutant reproached him 
for not having stayed at the palace, and offered him his own 
house. The Minister of War came up and congratulated him 
on the Maria Theresa Order of the third grade, which the 
Emperor was conferring on him. The Empress’ chamber-
lain invited him to see Her Majesty. The archduchess also 
wished to see him. He did not know whom to answer, and 
for a few seconds collected his thoughts. Then the Russian 
ambassador took him by the shoulder, led him to the win-
dow, and began to talk to him.
Contrary to Bilibin’s forecast the news he had brought 
was joyfully received. A thanksgiving service was arranged, 

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Kutuzov was awarded the Grand Cross of Maria Theresa, 
and the whole army received rewards. Bolkonski was invit-
ed everywhere, and had to spend the whole morning calling 
on the principal Austrian dignitaries. Between four and five 
in the afternoon, having made all his calls, he was returning 
to Bilibin’s house thinking out a letter to his father about 
the battle and his visit to Brunn. At the door he found a ve-
hicle half full of luggage. Franz, Bilibin’s man, was dragging 
a portmanteau with some difficulty out of the front door.
Before returning to Bilibin’s Prince Andrew had gone to 
bookshop to provide himself with some books for the cam-
paign, and had spent some time in the shop.
‘What is it?’ he asked.
‘Oh, your excellency!’ said Franz, with difficulty rolling 
the portmanteau into the vehicle, ‘we are to move on still 
farther. The scoundrel is again at our heels!’
‘Eh? What?’ asked Prince Andrew.
Bilibin came out to meet him. His usually calm face 
showed excitement.
‘There now! Confess that this is delightful,’ said he. ‘This 
affair of the Thabor Bridge, at Vienna.... They have crossed 
without striking a blow!’
Prince Andrew could not understand.
‘But where do you come from not to know what every 
coachman in the town knows?’
‘I come from the archduchess’. I heard nothing there.’
‘And you didn’t see that everybody is packing up?’
‘I did not... What is it all about?’ inquired Prince Andrew 

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‘What’s it all about? Why, the French have crossed the 
bridge that Auersperg was defending, and the bridge was 
not blown up: so Murat is now rushing along the road to 
Brunn and will be here in a day or two.’
‘What? Here? But why did they not blow up the bridge, 
if it was mined?’
‘That is what I ask you. No one, not even Bonaparte, 
knows why.’
Bolkonski shrugged his shoulders.
‘But if the bridge is crossed it means that the army too is 
lost? It will be cut off,’ said he.
‘That’s just it,’ answered Bilibin. ‘Listen! The French 
entered Vienna as I told you. Very well. Next day, which 
was yesterday, those gentlemen, messieurs les marechaux,* 
Murat, Lannes,and Belliard, mount and ride to bridge. (Ob-
serve that all three are Gascons.) ‘Gentlemen,’ says one of 
them, ‘you know the Thabor Bridge is mined and doubly 
mined and that there are menacing fortifications at its head 
and an army of fifteen thousand men has been ordered to 
blow up the bridge and not let us cross? But it will please 
our sovereign the Emperor Napoleon if we take this bridge, 
so let us three go and take it!’ ‘Yes, let’s!’ say the others. And 
off they go and take the bridge, cross it, and now with their 
whole army are on this side of the Danube, marching on us, 
you, and your lines of communication.’
*The marshalls.
‘Stop jesting,’ said Prince Andrew sadly and seriously. 
This news grieved him and yet he was pleased.
As soon as he learned that the Russian army was in such 

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a hopeless situation it occurred to him that it was he who 
was destined to lead it out of this position; that here was 
the Toulon that would lift him from the ranks of obscure 
officers and offer him the first step to fame! Listening to Bil-
ibin he was already imagining how on reaching the army 
he would give an opinion at the war council which would 
be the only one that could save the army, and how he alone 
would be entrusted with the executing of the plan.
‘Stop this jesting,’ he said
‘I am not jesting,’ Bilibin went on. ‘Nothing is truer or 
sadder. These gentlemen ride onto the bridge alone and 
wave white handkerchiefs; they assure the officer on duty 
that they, the marshals, are on their way to negotiate with 
Prince Auersperg. He lets them enter the tete-de-pont.* 
They spin him a thousand gasconades, saying that the war 
is over, that the Emperor Francis is arranging a meeting 
with Bonaparte, that they desire to see Prince Auersperg, 
and so on. The officer sends for Auersperg; these gentlemen 
embrace the officers, crack jokes, sit on the cannon, and 
meanwhile a French battalion gets to the bridge unobserved, 
flings the bags of incendiary material into the water, and ap-
proaches the tete-de-pont. At length appears the lieutenant 
general, our dear Prince Auersperg von Mautern himself. 
‘Dearest foe! Flower of the Austrian army, hero of the Turk-
ish wars Hostilities are ended, we can shake one another’s 
hand.... The Emperor Napoleon burns with impatience to 
make Prince Auersperg’s acquaintance.’ In a word, those 
gentlemen, Gascons indeed, so bewildered him with fine 
words, and he is so flattered by his rapidly established inti-

War and Peace
macy with the French marshals, and so dazzled by the sight 
of Murat’s mantle and ostrich plumes, qu’il n’y voit que du 
feu, et oublie celui qu’il devait faire faire sur l’ennemi!’*[2] 
In spite of the animation of his speech, Bilibin did not forget 
to pause after this mot to give time for its due appreciation. 
‘The French battalion rushes to the bridgehead, spikes the 
guns, and the bridge is taken! But what is best of all,’ he went 
on, his excitement subsiding under the delightful interest 
of his own story, ‘is that the sergeant in charge of the can-
non which was to give the signal to fire the mines and blow 
up the bridge, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops 
were running onto the bridge, was about to fire, but Lannes 
stayed his hand. The sergeant, who was evidently wiser than 
his general, goes up to Auersperg and says: ‘Prince, you are 
being deceived, here are the French!’ Murat, seeing that all 
is lost if the sergeant is allowed to speak, turns to Auersperg 
with feigned astonishment (he is a true Gascon) and says: 
‘I don’t recognize the world-famous Austrian discipline, if 
you allow a subordinate to address you like that!’ It was a 
stroke of genius. Prince Auersperg feels his dignity at stake 
and orders the sergeant to be arrested. Come, you must own 
that this affair of the Thabor Bridge is delightful! It is not 
exactly stupidity, nor rascality...’
*[2] That their fire gets into his eyes and he forgets that he 
ought to be firing at the enemy.
‘It may be treachery,’ said Prince Andrew, vividly imag-
ining the gray overcoats, wounds, the smoke of gunpowder, 
the sounds of firing, and the glory that awaited him.

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‘Not that either. That puts the court in too bad a light,’ 
replied Bilibin.’It’s not treachery nor rascality nor stupid-
ity: it is just as at Ulm... it is...’he seemed to be trying to 
find the right expression. ‘C’est... c’est du Mack. Nous som-
mes mackes [It is... it is a bit of Mack. We are Macked],’ he 
concluded, feeling that he had produced a good epigram, 
a fresh one that would be repeated. His hitherto puckered 
brow became smooth as a sign of pleasure, and with a slight 
smile he began to examine his nails.
‘Where are you off to?’ he said suddenly to Prince An-
drew who had risen and was going toward his room.
‘I am going away.’
‘Where to?’
‘To the army.’
‘But you meant to stay another two days?’
‘But now I am off at once.’
And Prince Andrew after giving directions about his de-
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