Q4. When you type an e-mail, check the font size and the type of font used. Highlight the important
statements. Use bold and italics when you want to emphasize a particular statement. Do not type
everything in capitals. Make sure you follow proper layout. If it is really a long mail, try to summarize it in
short, so that the reader would get a clear picture about it.
Q5. Acronyms like BTW (by the way) and ASAP (as soon as possible) etc., may not be known to
everyone. They are not professional or formal way of communication. Do not use them in any official or
important e-mails. People tend to use emoticons or smiley in their e-mails to express their emotions. The
emotions and expressions should be conveyed through words and not through emoticons.
Q6. This will prevent a lot of unnecessary problems. Say, for example, if a virus is sent by mistake through
an e-mail by an employee of an organization and if it infects the receiver’s system, he could file a
case and sue the company for damages. Sometimes if a confidential message is shared or forwarded
between unauthorized people, the company can be sued by the affected people.
Q7. Always follow the e-mail thread. Do not delete the previous conversation or start a new e-mail when
you are about to reply a received e-mail. If you start a new one, the content may not be understood clearly
or the receiver might find it irrelevant as he might have lost track of the previous conversation. The person
at the other end may not even remember what your previous conversation was all about! So, do not break
the thread and reply accordingly.
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