The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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44. Sub-component 3.3 Strengthening market information system (US$7.5 million). The objective of this sub-
component is to further develop the market information system at MOA and to promote improved use of agricultural
market intelligence and information systems on agricultural prices, market development, and other statistics. The project
will assess the system of market information and dissemination and will implement demand-based improvements in
coverage and outreach through website, extension services, and awareness raising campaigns, including on climate
change and opportunities to implement climate adaptation and mitigation approaches. The project will also invest in
human resource development, digital infrastructure and solutions and in support for market intelligence to facilitate
identification of medium-and long-term opportunities for suitable products and inform investment decisions that
respond to climate change vulnerability. The project will pay attention to channel information through technologies that
are accessible also to women farmers and agri-entrepreneurs. The system will be hosted in MOA, which will be
responsible for its maintenance and management.
45. Component 4: Supporting Project Management (US$9.0 million). This component will support project
management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and implementation of environmental and social
measures under the WB Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). A project implementation unit (PIU) will be
established to coordinate implementation, including fiduciary aspects; knowledge management/communication;
grievance redress mechanism (GRM); citizen engagement; and monitoring the implementation of ESF related issues. The
project will cover PIU staff related costs (training etc.), goods, equipment and vehicles, incremental operating costs, and
other eligible expenses associated with project implementation. PIU will be located in the Agency for Implementation of
Projects in the Field of Agroindustry and Food Security (UZAIFSA), under MOA. The breakdown of the project costs by
sub-component/component and the source of funds is presented in Table 1.