The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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development of viniculture and winemaking through policies, programs, research, and extension. AMP
would finance: (i) establishment of an experimental plantation of grapes for demonstration of various grapes
and testing farm practices; (ii) establishment of a nursery for production of seedlings and other planting
materials; and (iii) construction of new and rehabilitation/renovation of existing office, greenhouse, and
laboratory buildings for preserving wine-grape genetic materials.
i. Center for Agricultural Standardization: Main task of the Center, under MOA, is to strengthen certification
and standardization for agriculture and promote the adoption of GAP and organic farming. AMP would
finance activities and investments to: (i) enhance capability and infrastructure to develop and promote the
national GAP and organic farmers and support farmers and agribusinesses willing to adopt Global GAP; and
(ii) develop a modern system of national reference laboratories to create an independent referral or
diagnostic facility that supports the public and private laboratories with harmonized, suitable methods,
confirmation and forensic capacity, quality control and capacity building at national and sub-national levels
to allow testing that meets international standards.
j. Education and Exhibition Center for Horticulture Value Chain Development: Uzbekistan is famous for its
horticulture products. To demonstrate its potential and educate population and visitors of the country about
recent horticulture products, technologies, and scientific achievements, MOA plans to establish an
innovative education and exhibition center for horticulture development in Tashkent city. AMP would
support the establishment and management of this center.