The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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Korean Green Growth Trust Fund, executed by WB.
b. Agency for Development of Horticulture and Greenhouses: AMP will invest in mobile laboratories in each
region to study the suitability of soil for creating orchards and other horticulture crops. This information is
expected to reduce the risk for farmers when investing in intensive horticulture production.
c. Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization: The institute, under MOA, is responsible for generation
of new mechanization technologies and applied research for adoption of technologies on different soils and
in different agro-ecological zones. AMP would support applied research and testing of various smart-farm
mechanization technologies by financing: (i) construction of new and renovation of existing mechanization
workshop and laboratory buildings; (ii) equipment and engineering materials for workshop; (iii) agricultural
machinery and equipment; and (iv) office and ICT equipment.
d. Center for Certification and Testing of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies: This Center, under MOA,
is responsible for: (i) development of new and revision of existing standards, methodological documents and
procedures for testing of agricultural and land reclamation machinery, equipment and modern resource-
saving cultivation technologies; (ii) various types of tests of land reclamation equipment, their units and
assemblies, including imported with a view to determining the effectiveness of its application, taking into
account the specific conditions of agricultural production in the country; (iii) testing of modern resource-
saving technologies for crop cultivation with the use of new types of agricultural machinery; (iv) certification
of compliance of foreign and domestic agricultural and land reclamation technologies with international
standards and domestic regulatory and technical documents. The center has six (6) testing laboratories, 8
ha of testing ground, and 54 ha of irrigated land for machinery/equipment testing. AMP would assist to
improve the quality of testing and registration of machinery and technologies adapted to various soils and
agro-ecological zones, with the focus on promoting climate-smart mechanization. Key AMP investments
would include: (i) construction of new and renovation of existing office, training/testing, and laboratory
buildings; (ii) specialized equipment and goods for testing machinery, equipment, and technologies; and (iii)
office and ICT equipment.
e. Design and Technology Center for Agricultural Machinery: This Center conducts research on design of
agricultural machinery and equipment and develop new designs ready for production. AMP would support
development of small-scale machinery and equipment suitable for small farm-holdings, including dehkan farms and household plots, making them ready for local manufacturing by financing: (i) specialized and ICT
equipment; and (ii) materials and goods necessary for development and testing of horticulture machinery.