324 Dekabr 2013
context of understanding innovation is crucial for
each research project.
But what distinguishes philosophy of
innovation? In our view, the attributes of
philosophical analysis are always theoretical
schemes – categorical and methodological which
in turn can be set in the universal sense, including
the praxeological. In philosophy the multiple fa-
cets of innovation (high tech, novelty, patenting,
techno sphere, technological innovation, ad-
vanced technology, commercialized innovation,
induced innovation, innovation creativity,
innovative changes, etc.) create certain confusions
in the determination of notional apparatus and con-
cept dichotomy, object and purpose within the
history of human activity and resources. “On the
one hand, innovation represents continuity with
the past. It is continuity in the sense that innovation
is about novelty, an idea that was present in many
As a new field of study “Innovation” is part of
forms before innovation took on a central place in
contemporary philosophical thought often
representations, as we will see. It is also continuity
grouped with social philosophy, philosophy of
in the sense that innovation is, to many, concerned
science and technology. More precisely, it is part
with technological invention, which is a dominant
of the science of praxeology. The prioritizing of
understanding of what invention came to mean
science as a key part of national development stra-
over time. However, on the other hand innovation
is a break with the past in the sense that it suggests
tegy is supported by a number of academics of the
that invention per se is not enough. There has to be
book as a prerequisite to the practice of social
use and adoption of the invention, namely
change, in accordance with the current develop-
mental stage of the globalized world.
innovation, in order for benefits to accrue.” As
There is a large body of research dedicated to
this paper does not pursue to explicitly clarify the
the socio-philosophical analysis of innovation,
terminological polemics around “innovation”, or
examining its genesis, structure and specific
its genealogical outline (about which much has
been written), we will only seek to support the
characteristics. However, in general, there is
arguments that innovations should be analyzed
insufficient attention paid to its most important
within their internal contextual and structural
aspect regarding the philosophy of its
elements related to a certain time. Thus,
measurement. This aspect is its reflective nature,
“innovation” is now more all-embracing in terms
which reveals its place and role in the development
of its internal constituents and consistent
of society through the established categorical
scheme of philosophical methodology. A justified
Today, innovations from the leading high-tech
philosophical model of innovation requires at least
industries significantly penetrate society and
the two essential conditions: recognition sequence
c u l t u r e . E n h a n c e d a p p l i c a t i o n o f I C T
of the innovation process and increased financial
technologies, biotechnology and biomedicine,
investment in science (as science is becoming
artificial intelligence and anthropomorphic robots,
more and more expensive). Thus, the economic
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