Dünya Tabipler Birliği Helsinki Bildirgesi’nin Geçmişten
Günümüze Değişimi
Revisions to the World Medical Association Declaration of
Helsinki from Past to Present
XVII . Yüzyılda Orta Anadolu’da Cerrahlik ve Hukuki Boyutu
Surgery and Its Legal Aspects in the XVII. Century in Central
Kemal KAYA
Tıp’ta ve Genelde Ahlâki Olmanın Ortak Ölçütü Var mı?
İslam Hukukuna Göre Tıbbî Müdahale ile İbadet İlişkisi
According to Islamic Law Relationship Between Prayers with
Medical Intervention
Yusuf EŞİT 13.00-13.30
Sözlü Bildiriler/Oral Presentations
Salon Salagrande /Salagrande Hall
İslam Tıbbında Müzelerin ve Müzeciliğin Yeri ve Önemi
The Significance of Museum and Museum Work in Islamic
Oturum Başkanları
Osmanlı Sanatında Kakma Tekniğinin Yeri ve Önemi
The Importance and Place of Inlay Technique in Ottoman Art
Türk İslam Dönemi’nde Minyatür Sanatının Sağlık Alanındaki
Miniature Art’s Implications on Health Area in the Turkish
Islamic Period
Tıp Tarihi Müzeleri İçinde İslam Tıp Tarihi’nin Yeri
Place of Islamic Medical History in the Museums of History of
Müge DEMİR, Aslıhan AKPINAR 13.30-14.00 Kapanış Oturumu-Closing Session
Salon Salagrande-Salagrande Hall
10. Yüzyıl Düşünürlerinden Yahya Ibn Adî’nin Tehzibü’l-Ahlâk Kitabında Ahlak Eğitimi Moral Education on Tehzîbu’l-Ahlâk of Yahya Ibn Adî a Thinker of the 10th Century Ayten ALTINTAŞ* * Prof.Dr.İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı e-posta:aytenaltintas@mynet.com Özet
Yahya ibn Adî (ö. 974) “mantıkî”, “feylesûf”, “tabîb”unvanlarıyla da anılan
önemli bir düşünür ve yazardır. 10. yüzyılda Bağdat Okulu’nun en önemli
şahsiyetlerindendir. Birçok düşünür onun etrafında toplanmış, onun rehberliğinde
eğitim görmüştür. Fârabî’nin en iyi öğrencisi, bilge, saygın ve entelektüel olarak
tanınmıştır. Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk adlı eseri önemli bir ahlak felsefesi kitabıdır.Bu
kitaptaahlakın nefsin bir hali olduğunubelirten Yahya ibn Adî, nefsitanıtmış ve
nefsin güçlerini sınıflandırarak açıklamıştır: “Arzu gücü” (“şehvânînefs”), “öfke
gücü” (“gazabinefs”), “düşünme gücü” (“nâtıknefs”). Bunların yanı sıra “iyilik” ve
“kötülük” açısından “insan doğası”, “faziletler” ve “reziletler”i tanıtarak, ahlak
eğitimindeki önemini vurgulamıştır.
Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk’ta ahlakı ikiye ayırır: İlki, tabii olan ahlak yani huy; küçük bir
şeyden dolayı öfke, sevinç, korku gibi duyguları hissetmek ve bunları huy edinmek-
tir ki bu huylar da mizacın özüdür.İkincisi ise, alışkanlık ve eğitimle elde edilen
Ahlak eğitimi için öncelikle kötü ahlakın tanınması gerektiğini, kötü ahlaklıların
çok sayıda olduğunu ve bu durumun da kötü alışkanlıklardan kaynaklandığını
vurgular. Eğer insan kendi tabiatına bırakılır, düşünme ve ayırt etme gücünü
kullanmazsa; hayvanlarla eşit düzeyde olur. İnsanlar düşünme ve ayırt etme gücünü
kullanarak, kötü huylarını fark edip onlardan sakınabilirler. Bu düzeyde olmayıp,
düşünme gücünü kullanamayan kişiler ise uyarma yoluyla kötülüklerden
sakınabilirler. Eğer uyarma yoluyla da kötülüklerden sakınıp iyiliğe
yaklaşmazlarsa, tedrici olarak ahlaki eğitim ve öğretimle güzel ahlakı elde edebil-
irler. Son olarak, bu da fayda vermezse kötü ahlaklı insanlardan sakınma, baskı ve
korkutma yöntemleriyle ahlaki eğitim vermeye çalışılır der.
Bu bildiride, 10. yüzyılın en önemli ahlak eğitimi kitabı tanıtılacak, buradaki
bilgilerin daha sonraki kitaplara yansıması ve geçerliliği ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Yahya ibn Adî, Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk, ahlak eğitimi, nefs, ahlak-nefs ilişkisi Summary Yahya ibn Adî (d. 974), called as a logician, philosopher and physician, was an
important thinker and writer. In the 10th century, he was one of the most significant
characters of the Baghdad School. Many thinkers gathered around him and they had
training under his guidance. He was known as the most successful student of
al-Farabi, also as an intellectual, a wise and worthy. His Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk is an
important book written on morality. Yahya ibn Adî, in his book, remarked that
morality was a state of the nafs, and he explained word of the nafs and the powers
of nafs. He classified the powers of nafs as “power of desire” (“sensual nafs”),
“power of anger” (“wrathful nafs”), “power of thinking” (“nafsnatiq”). Moreover,
he clarified “human nature” in terms of “good” and “evil”, “virtues”, and “”vices”,
and emphasized their significance for moral education.
In Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk, he divided morality in two parts: Firstly, natural morality
means habits to feel anger, joy, fear, etc. The habits are the essence of temperament.
Secondly, morality is obtained with second nature and education.
He emphasized that the essence of vices had to be explained for moral education
because there were many vicious men andreason of that situation arose from bad
habits. If people did not use the power of thinking and of differentiation by being let
them to their nature, they were equal to animals. People could refrain from bad
habits with awareness of them using the power of thinking and of differentiation.
The others, who could not use the power of thinking, were preserved from vices
with warnings. If they could not be good despite of warnings, they would obtain
good morals with moral education. Finally, until the moral education was useful,
they could be trained by pressure and dismaying, also they could be preserved from
vicious men.
In this work,Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk, which is themost important book written on moral
education in the 10th century, will be introduced,effect of this book to later works
and validity of knowledge explained on the book will be discussed.
Keywords:Yahya ibn Adî, Tehzîbü’l-Ahlâk, moral education, nafs, relation of morality and nafs Hakim Ajmal Khan: a Renowned Physician of Indian Subcontinent Anis Ahmad ANSARI Prof(Retd), Department Of Kulliyat, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh-202001-India Summary
Masihul Mulk Hakim Ajmal Khan was the scion of family of physicians, he was
not only a genius physician but vigorously advocated the cause of upliftment of
Indian Systems of Medicine i.e. Unani Tibb and Ayurveda. Besides this the Ajmal
Khan was an acclaimed physician, a statesman of National status, a poet of great
sentiments, an orator and educationist at the same time Hm. Ajmal Khan was born
in Delhi on 17 Shawwal 1284 A.H. (1863 A.D.) in a very distinguished family of
physicians who came in India from Kashghar (Turkishi an) during the period of
Mughal King Babur.
As a physician Hakim Ajmal Khan enjoyed worldwide fame as a physician. He had
an absolute command over the Unani theory and practice. Besides this, his strong
will power and spiritual force too, played an important role in his miraculous
healing power for which he was famous. A well-known anecdote of curing a French
lady whose legs contracted due to spasms accompanied by acute pain in the stom-
ach, carried his fame far and wide. This incident occurred in Paris, where a Doctor,
who spoke in derogatory manner about the Unani system challenged Hakim Ajmal
Khan to diagnose the case of a lady patient where all attempts, including the X-ray,
failed to reveal the actual nature of the disease. Ajmal Khan questioned the lady
about her hobbies and what games she played. It was found that the women played
tennis and went riding. After a thoughtful pause Hakim Sahib produced a medicine
and asked the lady to take it in butter every morning. After about two weeks she was
perfectly cured, and this resulted in the Doctor’s acceptance of the superiority of the
Unani system. For Ajmal Khan, medicine was an indivisible whole, and his
approach towards its problems and their solutions was an integrated one. He had
recognized the merits of different medical systems and tried to take good things
from each one. In his review of Dr. Ghulam Jilani’s book which was written with
the object of brining Unani medicine and modern medicine closer to each other, he
expressed his views thus:
“I und erstand that this collection may serve as a useful medium for a dialogue between Unani Tabibs and Allopathic doctors and reduce the prejudices which are there due to mutual ignorance of each other’s system. Some people might have heard the story of three persons who knew only their own languages and wanted to purchase grapes. Each of them named grapes in his own language which others could not understand. The ignorance of each other’s language led them to differ- ences which were resolved only when a passer-by incidentally he knew all the three languages – brought grapes for them and this satisfied each one of them. In Tabibs and the Allopathic doctors and now it is upto them to make use of them or not.” Ajmal Khan’s thirst for knowledge was unquenchable there. He also visited the
India office library which contained a treasure of knowledge in hand written manu-
scripts which are not to be found in India. He also visited the Oxford and Cambridge
Universities. His meeting with the famous orientalist, Prof. E.J. Brown proved to be
very interesting. Ajmal Khan was greatly impressed by the progress made in
England. During his visit to England he visited the hospitals and medical colleges.
It was during this visit that friendship was struck between Hakim Sahib and Dr.
M.A. Ansari, Dr. Ansari was house surgeon in very prestigious charry Cross Hospi-
tal. He introduced Dr. Stanley Boyd, a very senior surgeon in the hospital to Hm.
Ajmal Khan. Hakim Shaib was invited by Dr. Boyd, as an expert in the indigenous
systems of medicine, to his Clinical Surgery class where practical demonstration
was given to the medical students. Dr. Boyd was diagnosing the patient before the
students and also requested Hakim Sahib to diagnose him. After examining the
patient, Hakim Sahib declared that the patient had an ulcer in the upper part of the
intestines but Dr. Boyd held a different view. In his opinion there was a swelling in
the gall bladder of the patient and advised surgical operation. The operation, how-
ever, endorsed the Hakim Ajmal Khan opinion. Dr. Boyd congratulated Hakim
Ajmal Khan on his correct diagnosis and that too by simply feeling the pulse and
examining his urine.
On his way back from England, Ajmal Khan visited Paris, Berlin and several other
European cities and studied their systems of medicine in hospitals and medical
Hakim Ajmal Khan visualized very early the need of use of modern medical
sciences and scientific research in Indian systems of Medicine instead of following
the old prescriptions and knowledge blindly. He set up a Majles Tehqiqat Ilami
(Research Committee ) on 2nd July 1926, comprising on best of experts available
on that point of time to have the Indian systems of medicine updated.
Hakim Ajmal Khan as author also contributed the valuable books which are still
considered as resource books in the field of teaching and research of Unani tib these
He for the first time institutionalized the Indian systems of Medicine and estab-
lished on Ayurvadic and Unani Tibbiya College in Delhi with a degree course with
a integration of modern medical subjects like Anatomy and Physiology etc. with
intensive practical trainings in various practical labs and Hospital.
In view of extra ordinary services rendered by him prestigious physician Hm.
Ajmal Khan was honored with a very prestigious award. “Haziqul Mulk” by the
British Govt. in 1908, again in 1919 the British Govt. awarded “Qaiser Hind” gold
medal to Hm. Ajamal Khan.
But Hakim Ajmal Khan joined freedom struggle against British rule in India and
in protest he returned both the title “ “ and gold medal ( ) to Brit-
ish Govt. The people of India were having so much of respect and love to Hakim
Ajmal Khan that they bestowed the title of “ Masihul Mulk” to Hakim Ajmal in
1921 which he accepted.
Hakim Ajmal Khan having very much command on Arabic language and literature
that and academy ………………………………..in Damishq (Syria) had declared
honry member of this academy it is worthy to mention that since the starting of this
academy from 1919 the total seven Indian scholar have been the Hon,y member and
Hakim Ajmal Khan was the first Indian scholar to the member of this academy
As recognition of his memorable services in the field of health and Nation building.
The ministry of communication Govt. of India issued a commemorative stamp in
honor of Masihul Mulk Hm Ajmal Khan on 13th Feb. 1987.
There are people who accomplish several great feats in their lifetime. And there
are, whose life becomes a great feat in itself, But Ajmal Khan lived a life that was
both full of several great achievements and great national achievement in itself.
Minister of Human Resource Development and Health Minister Govt. of India
New Delhi
İslam Tıbbının Yazılı Kaynaklarının Korunması, Sınıflanması ve
Bilgisayar Ortamına
Sources and Methods of Collection of Islamic Medical
Literature and Their Preservation,
Classification and Digitization(1)
Oturum Başkanları-Chairpersons Funda KADIOĞLU , Selim KADIOĞLU
“Health Establishments and Medical Practices in India during
Islamic Period”
Tafseer ALI
Ibn Tufayl’s Urjuza fi al Tibb (Poem on Medicine): Unique
Manuscript at Al Quarawiyin Library of Fez
El Bachir BENJELLOUN, Mohammed El Abkari, Karima EL RHAZI , Mohammed Elbiaze, Fatima Ezzahra MERNISSI, Mohammed BERRAHO, Tazi FADL, Faouzi BELAHSEN, Abdelilah SBAI, Tarik SQUALLI, Afaf AMARTI, Chakib NEJJARI, Sidi Adil IBRAHIMI, Moulay Hassan FARIH.