Movement certificates EUR.1 or EUR-MED issued retrospectively
1. Notwithstanding Article 16(9), a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED may exceptionally be issued after exportation of the products to which it relates if:
(a) it was not issued at the time of exportation because of errors or involuntary omissions or special circumstances; or
(b) it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED was issued but was not accepted at importation for technical reasons.
2. Notwithstanding Article 16(9), a movement certificate EUR-MED may be issued after exportation of the products to which it relates and for which a movement certificate EUR.1 was issued at the time of exportation, provided that it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that the conditions referred to in Article 16(5) are satisfied.
3. For the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2, the exporter shall indicate in his application the place and date of exportation of the products to which the movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR MED relates, and state the reasons for his request.
4. The customs authorities may issue a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED retrospectively only after verifying that the information supplied in the exporter's application complies with that in the corresponding file.
5. Movement certificates EUR.1 or EUR-MED issued retrospectively shall be endorsed with the following phrase in English:
Movement certificates EUR-MED issued retrospectively by application of paragraph 2 shall be endorsed with the following phrase in English:
„ISSUED RETROSPECTIVELY (Original EUR.1 No ……….[date and place of issue])”
6. The endorsement referred to in paragraph 5 shall be inserted in Box 7 of the movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED.
Issue of a duplicate movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED
1. In the event of theft, loss or destruction of a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED, the exporter may apply to the customs authorities which issued it for a duplicate made out on the basis of the export documents in their possession.
2. The duplicate issued in this way shall be endorsed with the following word in English:
3. The endorsement referred to in paragraph 2 shall be inserted in Box 7 of the duplicate movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED.
4. The duplicate, which shall bear the date of issue of the original movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED, shall take effect as from that date.
Issue of movement certificates EUR.1 or EUR-MED
on the basis of a proof of origin issued or made out previously
When originating products are placed under the control of a customs office in a Contracting Party, it shall be possible to replace the original proof of origin by one or more movement certificates EUR.1 or EUR-MED for the purpose of sending all or some of these products elsewhere within that Contracting Party. The replacement movement certificate(s) EUR.1 or EUR-MED shall be issued by the customs office under whose control the products are placed.
Accounting segregation
1. Where considerable cost or material difficulties arise in keeping separate stocks of originating and non-originating materials which are identical and interchangeable, the customs authorities may, at the written request of those concerned, authorise the so-called „accounting segregation” method (hereinafter referred to as the "method") to be used for managing such stocks.
2. The method shall ensure that, for a specific reference period, the number of products obtained which could be considered as „originating” is the same as that which would have been obtained had there been physical segregation of the stocks.
3. The customs authorities may make the grant of authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 subject to any conditions deemed appropriate.
4. The method shall be applied and the application thereof shall be recorded on the basis of the general accounting principles applicable in the country where the product was manufactured.
5. The beneficiary of the method may make out or apply for proofs of origin, as the case may be, for the quantity of products which may be considered as originating. At the request of the customs authorities, the beneficiary shall provide a statement of how the quantities have been managed.
6. The customs authorities shall monitor the use made of the authorisation and may withdraw it whenever the beneficiary makes improper use of the authorisation in any manner whatsoever or fails to fulfil any of the other conditions laid down in this Convention.
Conditions for making out an origin declaration or an origin declaration EUR-MED
1. An origin declaration or an origin declaration EUR-MED as referred to in Article 15(1)(c) may be made out:
(a) by an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 22, or
(b) by any exporter for any consignment consisting of one or more packages containing originating products the total value of which does not exceed EUR 6 000.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, an origin declaration may be made out in the following cases:
(a) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) to one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) and
(i) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the exporting Contracting Party, in the importing Contracting Party or in one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) with which cumulation is applicable, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Articles 3(2), and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, or
(ii) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) with which cumulation is applicable, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR MED has been issued in the country of origin;
(b) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) or from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) and
(i) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the exporting Contracting Party or in the importing Contracting Party, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the other Contracting Parties, and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, or
(ii) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, with which cumulation is applicable, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR MED has been issued in the country of origin;
(c) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) and
(i) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the exporting Contracting Party or in the importing Contracting Party, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the other Contracting Parties, and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, or
(ii) the products concerned can be considered as products originating in one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, with which cumulation is applicable, without application of cumulation with materials originating in one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention, provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR MED has been issued in the country of origin.
3. An origin declaration EUR-MED may be made out if the products concerned can be considered as products originating in the exporting Contracting Party, in the importing Contracting Party or in one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3 with which cumulation is applicable and fulfil the requirements of this Convention, in the following cases:
(a) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) to one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) and
(i) cumulation was applied with materials originating in one or more of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2), provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR-MED has been issued in the country of origin or
(ii) the products may be used in the importing Contracting Party as materials in the context of cumulation for the manufacture of products for export from the importing Contracting Party to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2), or
(iii) the products may be re-exported from the importing Contracting Party to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2);
(b) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) or from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(1) and
(i) cumulation was applied with materials originating in one or more of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR-MED has been issued in the country of origin, or
(ii) the products may be used in the importing Contracting Party as materials in the context of cumulation for the manufacture of products for export from the importing Contracting Party to one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, or
(iii) the products may be re-exported from the importing Contracting Party to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3;
(c) if the products are exported from one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3(2) and
(i) cumulation was applied with materials originating in one or more of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, provided a certificate EUR-MED or an origin declaration EUR-MED has been issued in the country of origin, or
(ii) the products may be used in the importing Contracting Party as materials in the context of cumulation for the manufacture of products for export from the importing Contracting Party to one of the other Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3, or
(iii) the products may be re-exported from the importing Contracting Party to one of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3.
4. An origin declaration EUR-MED shall contain one of the following statements in English:
(a) if origin has been obtained by application of cumulation with materials originating in one or more of the Contracting Parties:
„CUMULATION APPLIED WITH ……(name of the country/countries)”
(b) if origin has been obtained without the application of cumulation with materials originating in one or more of the Contracting Parties:
5. The exporter making out an origin declaration or an origin declaration EUR-MED shall be prepared to submit at any time, at the request of the customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party, all appropriate documents proving the originating status of the products concerned as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Convention.
6. An origin declaration or an origin declaration EUR-MED shall be made out by the exporter by typing, stamping or printing on the invoice, the delivery note or another commercial document, the declaration, the texts of which appear in Annexes IV a and b, using one of the linguistic versions set out in those Annexes and in accordance with the provisions of the national law of the exporting country. If the declaration is handwritten, it shall be written in ink in printed characters.
7. Origin declarations and origin declarations EUR-MED shall bear the original signature of the exporter in manuscript. However, an approved exporter within the meaning of Article 22 shall not be required to sign such declarations provided that he gives the customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party a written undertaking that he accepts full responsibility for any origin declaration which identifies him as if it had been signed in manuscript by him.
8. An origin declaration or an origin declaration EUR-MED may be made out by the exporter when the products to which it relates are exported, or after exportation on condition that it is presented in the importing country at the latest two years after the importation of the products to which it relates.
Approved exporter
1. The customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party may authorise any exporter (hereinafter referred to as „approved exporter”), who makes frequent shipments of products in accordance to the provisions of this Convention to make out origin declarations or origin declarations EUR-MED irrespective of the value of the products concerned. An exporter seeking such authorisation shall offer to the satisfaction of the customs authorities all guarantees necessary to verify the originating status of the products as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Convention.
2. The customs authorities may grant the status of approved exporter subject to any conditions which they consider appropriate.
3. The customs authorities shall grant to the approved exporter a customs authorisation number which shall appear on the origin declaration or on the origin declaration EUR-MED.
4. The customs authorities shall monitor the use of the authorisation by the approved exporter.
5. The customs authorities may withdraw the authorisation at any time. They shall do so where the approved exporter no longer offers the guarantees referred to in paragraph 1, no longer fulfils the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 or otherwise makes an incorrect use of the authorisation.
Validity of proof of origin
1. A proof of origin shall be valid for four months from the date of issue in the exporting Contracting Party, and shall be submitted within that period to the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party.
2. Proofs of origin which are submitted to the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party after the final date for presentation specified in paragraph 1 may be accepted for the purpose of applying preferential treatment, where the failure to submit these documents by the final date set is due to exceptional circumstances.
3. In other cases of belated presentation, the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party may accept the proofs of origin where the products have been submitted before the said final date.
Submission of proof of origin
Proofs of origin shall be submitted to the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party in accordance with the procedures applicable in that country. The said authorities may require a translation of a proof of origin and may also require the import declaration to be accompanied by a statement from the importer to the effect that the products meet the conditions required for the implementation of the relevant Agreement.
Importation by instalments
Where, at the request of the importer and subject to the conditions laid down by the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party, dismantled or non assembled products within the meaning of General Rule 2(a) of the Harmonised System falling within Sections XVI and XVII or headings 7308 and 9406 of the Harmonised System are imported by instalments, a single proof of origin for such products shall be submitted to the customs authorities upon importation of the first instalment.
Exemptions from proof of origin
1. Products sent as small packages from private persons to private persons or forming part of travellers' personal luggage shall be admitted as originating products without requiring the submission of a proof of origin, provided that such products are not imported by way of trade and have been declared as meeting the requirements of this Convention and where there is no doubt as to the veracity of such a declaration. In the case of products sent by post, that declaration may be made on the customs declaration CN22/CN23 or on a sheet of paper annexed to that document.
2. Imports which are occasional and consist solely of products for the personal use of the recipients or travellers or their families shall not be considered as imports by way of trade if it is evident from the nature and quantity of the products that no commercial purpose is in view.
3. Furthermore, the total value of these products shall not exceed EUR 500 in the case of small packages or EUR 1 200 in the case of products forming part of travellers' personal luggage.
Supporting documents
The documents referred to in Articles 16(3) and 21(5) used for the purpose of proving that products covered by a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED or an origin declaration or origin declaration EUR-MED may be considered as products originating in a Contracting Party and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention may consist inter alia of the following:
(1) direct evidence of the processes carried out by the exporter or supplier to obtain the goods concerned, contained for example in his accounts or internal bookkeeping;
(2) documents proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the relevant Contracting Party where these documents are used in accordance with national law;
(3) documents proving the working or processing of materials in the relevant Contracting Party, issued or made out in the relevant Contracting Party, where these documents are used in accordance with national law;
(4) movement certificates EUR.1 or EUR-MED or origin declarations or origin declarations EUR-MED proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the Contracting Parties in accordance with this Convention;
(5) appropriate evidence concerning working or processing undergone outside the relevant Contracting Party by application of Article 11, proving that the requirements of that Article have been satisfied.
Preservation of proof of origin and supporting documents
1. The exporter applying for the issue of a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED shall keep for at least three years the documents referred to in Article 16(3).
2. The exporter making out an origin declaration or origin declaration EUR-MED shall keep for at least three years a copy of this origin declaration as well as the documents referred to in Article 21(5).
3. The customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party issuing a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED shall keep for at least three years the application form referred to in Article 16(2).
4. The customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party shall keep for at least three years the movement certificates EUR.1 and EUR-MED and the origin declarations and origin declarations EUR-MED submitted to them.
Discrepancies and formal errors
1. The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the proof of origin and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the proof of origin null and void if it is duly established that this document does correspond to the products submitted.
2. Obvious formal errors such as typing errors on a proof of origin shall not cause this document to be rejected if these errors are not such as to create doubts concerning the correctness of the statements made in this document.
Amounts expressed in euro
1. For the application of the provisions of Article 21(1)(b) and Article 26(3) in cases where products are invoiced in a currency other than euro, amounts in the national currencies of the Contracting Parties equivalent to the amounts expressed in euro shall be fixed annually by each of the countries concerned.
2. A consignment shall benefit from the provisions of Article 21(1)(b) or Article 26(3) by reference to the currency in which the invoice is drawn up, according to the amount fixed by the country concerned.
3. The amounts to be used in any given national currency shall be the equivalent in that currency of the amounts expressed in euro as at the first working day of October. The amounts shall be communicated to the European Commission by 15 October and shall apply from 1 January the following year. The European Commission shall notify all countries concerned of the relevant amounts.
4. A country may round up or down the amount resulting from the conversion into its national currency of an amount expressed in euro. The rounded-off amount may not differ from the amount resulting from the conversion by more than 5 %. A country may retain unchanged its national currency equivalent of an amount expressed in euro if, at the time of the annual adjustment provided for in paragraph 3, the conversion of that amount, prior to any rounding-off, results in an increase of less than 15 % in the national currency equivalent. The national currency equivalent may be retained unchanged if the conversion were to result in a decrease in that equivalent value.
5. The amounts expressed in euro shall be reviewed by the Joint Committee at the request of any Contracting Party. When carrying out this review, the Joint Committee shall consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms. For this purpose, it may decide to modify the amounts expressed in euro.
Administrative cooperation
1. The customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall provide each other, through the European Commission, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and EUR-MED, and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates, origin declarations and origin declarations EUR-MED.
2. In order to ensure the proper application of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 and EUR-MED, the origin declarations and the origin declarations EUR-MED and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
Verification of proofs of origin
1. Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Convention.
2. For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party shall return the movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED and the invoice, if it has been submitted, the origin declaration or the origin declaration EUR MED, or a copy of these documents, to the customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party giving, where appropriate, the reasons for the request for verification. Any documents and information obtained suggesting that the information given on the proof of origin is incorrect shall be forwarded in support of the request for verification.
3. The verification shall be carried out by the customs authorities of the exporting Contracting Party. For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter's accounts or any other check considered appropriate.
4. If the customs authorities of the importing Contracting Party decide to suspend the granting of preferential treatment to the products concerned while awaiting the results of the verification, release of the products shall be offered to the importer subject to any precautionary measures judged necessary.
5. The customs authorities requesting the verification shall be informed of the results thereof as soon as possible. These results shall indicate clearly whether the documents are authentic and whether the products concerned may be considered as products originating in one of the Contracting Parties and fulfil the other requirements of this Convention.
6. If in cases of reasonable doubt there is no reply within ten months of the date of the verification request or if the reply does not contain sufficient information to determine the authenticity of the document in question or the real origin of the products, the requesting customs authorities shall, except in exceptional circumstances, refuse entitlement to the preferences.
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