International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2012;25(4):506 – 512
DOI 10.2478/S13382-012-0060-4
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Chair of Occupational Medicine, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine
We present the case of a subject developing anosmia, preceded by nasal transient irritation and short lasting phantosmia and
torqosmia, upon re-entrance into a room treated with a pyrethrin-based insecticide. The concentration of the insecticide in the
room is unknown, but relatively high levels are predicted basing upon the modality of exposure and by the irritation symptoms
in the subject. Despite corticosteroids therapy, anosmia has persisted unmodified for more than three years; according to,
and based on evidence in the literature on olfactory disturbance prognosis, anosmia in this patient is likely to be permanent.
The significance of this case report is related to the current wide use of insecticides containing pyrethrin and pyrethroids and
highlights the need for more adequate attention to lowering airborne concentrations of pyrethrins and pyrethroids prior to
re-entering the treated rooms. In particular, in a closed space sprayed with pyrethrins and pyrethroids insecticide, any irritant
symptoms and/or dysosmia should be immediately considered relevant warning signs, and must be avoided.
Key words:
Insecticides exposure, Adverse effects, Pyrethrins, Irritant symptoms, Anosmia
Received: January 12, 2012. Accepted: September 26, 2012.
Address reprint request to F. Gobba, Chair of Occupational Medicine, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, Via Campi 287-41125 Modena,
Italy (e-mail: fabriziomaria.gobba@unimore.it).
Olfactory impairment has historically been overlooked
as a problem of public health, and has been frequently
relegated to the status of a mere annoyance, rather than
a medical disability. However, olfaction is a critical physio-
logic function in humans: normal perception is fundamen-
tal for detection of many warning signals of life-threa-
tening situations, such as smoke, spoiled food, dangerous
chemicals, gas leaks, etc.: in some studies a relation was
observed between the degree of olfactory loss and the risk
of hazardous events [1,2]. Furthermore, nutritional status
and many other topics related to the quality of life may
be affected by the impairment of olfactory function [3],
and loss of smell is accompanied by an increased risk of
depression [4]. In addition, it is present in up to the 90%
of Parkinson’s Disease patients, and is considered one
of the most prevalent troublesome nonmotor problems
in this disease [5].
The prevalence of subjects with the impairment of olfac-
tory perception in the general population ranges from
1 up to 20% [6–8]. However, this is likely an underesti-
mation, especially considering the fact that many people
with a reduced olfactory sensitivity are unaware of their
situation [3].
The terms ‘anosmia’ and ‘hyposmia’ are usually applied
to describe the absence or diminished smell function,
respectively (even if, apparently, ‘anosmia’ has been occa-
sionally used in a broad sense, to include both conditions).
‘Dysosmia’ is an altered perception of smell and includes
‘cacosmia’ (altered perception of a stimulus present) and
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland
IJOMEH 2012;25(4)
Furthermore, in a large proportion of olfactory disorders
no specific cause is identified. Approximately 10–25%
of all smell impairments in the general population are cur-
rently classified as ‘idiopathic’ [6,9,21]; some of these idio-
pathic olfactory losses are likely to be related to unnoticed
chemical exposure.
Accordingly, more attention is needed to airborne chemi-
cals as a cause of olfactory dysfunction [1,20].
As there is no particular test for environmental toxins as
a source of olfactory loss, the causative agent is commonly
based on a detailed history: a significant exposure history
in an absence of other common causes of olfactory loss
strengthens an argument for environmental toxins as the
etiology of the smell loss.
We describe here a case of anosmia following an acute
exposure to a pyrethrin-based insecticide.
In May 2008, in a large Hospital in North Italy a wall and
a part of the examining room used by a 50-year-old male
physician was infested by parasites coming from the out-
side through the windows. To disinfest the parasites, an
exterminating company sprayed the room with an insecti-
cide composed of a mixture of pyrethrin, 2-butoxiethanol
and 2-etil 6-propilpiperonil ether dissolved in water. The
quantity of the insecticide sprayed is unknown, as are its
airborne concentrations. After the treatment, the door
and the 3 windows of the room were left shut, as requested
by the exterminating company.
The subject, as indicated, returned to work in the
room 24 hours after the treatment, but no forced exchange
of air was provided prior to the work. For practical reasons,
only one of the windows could be left open; it was a ‘vasistas’
type window, i.e. a small secondary window opening in the
window. Thus the flow of indoor air was limited.
Upon entering the room, the subject immediately per-
ceived an intense disagreeable odour, qualitatively
‘phantosmia’ (odour perception without stimulus). The sen-
sation of the smell of burnt or metallic smell in the absence
of the stimulus is sometimes defined as ‘torqosmia’ [9].
In a large Swedish study, overall prevalence of hypos-
mia and anosmia in the general population were 13.3%
and 5.8%, respectively [6], and similar proportions were
reported in Germany [8].
One of the main factors related to olfactory dysfunction is
aging [11], but several other causes are also known. Among
the most important are: head trauma [12], infections of the
upper respiratory tract, nasal and paranasal sinus diseas-
es [13] and tumours [14]. Loss of olfactory function can
be also related to neurodegenerative disease [15], and, in
fact, it is an early sign of Parkinson’s disease [5,16,17] and
Alzheimer’s disease [18], and can also be associated with
several psychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia [14].
Other uncommon possible causes, including endocrine
conditions, immune disorders, pharmaceutical drugs con-
sumption, cocaine addiction and congenital causes have
also been reported [1,9].
Smell dysfunction is a common outcome of exposure to
some airborne chemicals. This is not unexpected, as recep-
tors of the olfactory neurons are relatively unprotected.
A comprehensive list, including more than 120 substances,
including drugs, possibly affecting the olfactory function
was published several years ago by Amoore [19], however
several new chemicals have been recently added [1].
A relevant limit in the current knowledge on the effect
of chemicals on olfactory function is that, up to now,
it is mainly based on animal studies, on occasional case
reports and on the relatively few epidemiological studies
in workers [1,20]. Accordingly, the prevalence of olfactory
dysfunction caused by airborne exposure to chemicals is
difficult to estimate; values ranging 0.5 up 5% of all ol-
factory disorders have been proposed [21–23], but these
data may be an underestimation. In effect, one theory for
age-related loss of olfaction invokes cumulative damage
to the epithelium from the lifetime toxic exposures [23].
IJOMEH 2012;25(4)
otolaryngologist and seek medical assistance. According
to medical history, findings of the visit, including rhinos-
copy, did not reveal overt significant clinical picture; ac-
cordingly symptom was regarded as the consequence
of a non-specific irritation related to inhalation of the
insecticide; due to the informal circumstances no written
medical report including a description of the conditions
of the mucosa was prepared. The patient was prescribed
per os corticosteroids, nasal spray corticosteroids and na-
sal washing cycles.
Despite the treatment, anosmia and hypogeusia per-
sisted for several months. The corticosteroids therapy
was repeated, but without significant improvement. In
Autumn 2010, 20 months after the exposure, the subject
once again contacted the otorhinolaryngologist. The lat-
ter explained to the patient that he suspected a permanent
nervous damage and advised further medical examinations.
In October 2010, a neuropsychological evaluation was per-
formed: no neurodegenerative diseases (as amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases)
or psychiatric diseases were identified. During the visit,
a clinical odour identification test, based on recognition
of solutions of 15 substances of common use (lavender,
sage, rosemary, mint, mandarin, rose, aniseed, coconut,
coffee, ammonia, strawberry, almond, banana and vanilla)
was performed, revealing anosmia (0/15 substances identi-
fied); the test was not aimed at an evaluation of thresh-
olds, so suprathreshold concentrations of the odorants
were tested. No other significant signs or symptoms were
observed during neuropsychological evaluation. Based on
these finding, the diagnosis was “anosmia probably related
to a nervous receptorial damage”.
In November 2010, a rhinofibroscopia failed to identify
anatomical alterations which could explain anosmia. The
morphology of nasal sinus was normal, and significant in-
flammatory aspects were absent.
In December 2010, a head magnetic resonance im-
aging (MRI) showed normality of the dimension
described as ‘sweetish’. Within a few minutes, subjective
nasal irritation, but no nasal discharge, appeared. In the
meantime the subject also noted a progressive reduction
in odour perception. Despite the symptoms, the subject
worked for about 6 hours in the room. According to the
medical history, the subject had never smoked, and had
no upper respiratory tract infections, allergies or known
nasal sinus diseases ongoing, or in the previous weeks. The
presence of potential allergens or irritants in the examin-
ing room can be ruled out as medical visit to outpatients,
but not medical treatments, were performed. Obviously,
smoking was strictly forbidden in the whole area.
Some of the patients examined by the physician during the
day, in the course of the visit spontaneously referred the
perception of an intense odour, but none complained of
adverse effects, possibly due to the very limited time they
spent in the room.
The subjective intense nasal irritation experienced by the
physician persisted also at home, after work and remained
substantially unmodified next morning, when the subject
went to work.
Over the next few days, the physician carried on his duties
in the same examining room for approximately 6 hours/
day. The subjective nasal irritation was progressively
reduced, but phantosmia persisted, with progressive ap-
pearance of torqosmia (described as a subjective percep-
tion of an intense, unpleasant smell of burnt). At the same
time, the perception of odour progressively decreased,
and, within a few days, complete anosmia appeared. Con-
comitantly, taste was also largely compromised.
At the anamnesis, no upper respiratory infections devel-
oped, or head trauma occurred at the time of inhalational
exposure to the insecticide, or in the weeks before.
Over the next few days the subject considered the symp-
toms as nonspecific, transitory effect of irritation. Ac-
cordingly, no medical advice was requested. Approxi-
mately one month after the exposure the persistence of
anosmia convinced the physician to contact a colleague
IJOMEH 2012;25(4)
course, suggest a role of insecticide inhalation as the prin-
cipal cause of his olfactory dysfunction.
The main active components of the insecticide were py-
rethrins. In the formulation, 2-etil 6-propilpiperonil ether
and 2-butoxiethanol were also present, but these com-
pounds can be considered less relevant from the toxico-
logical point of view, even if butoxiethanol is moderately
irritant following inhalational exposure [25].
Pyrethrins, the active insecticidal compounds of pyrethrum
derived from the flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium
and Chrysanthemum cineum, and their synthetic analogues
and derivatives, the pyrethroids, are commonly used due
to their rapid paralyzing activity in insects, but low environ-
mental persistence and low general toxicity to mammals.
In humans they are considered to be one of the least poison-
ous insecticides [26]. A few cases of systemic poisoning due
to pyrethrins and pyrethroids have been reported, almost all
related to their effect on the nervous system [27]. The main
mechanisms of toxicity of pyrethrin and pyrethroids in mam-
mals are well documented, affecting sodium channels and
cellular depolarization [28,29]. The effect on sodium chan-
nel is related to the loss of olfaction in insects [30]; a critical
role for sodium channels in olfactory function has also been
recently documented in humans [31].
In reported cases of inhalational exposure in humans, re-
spiratory irritation is the most common effect, but hyper-
sensitivity pneumonitis have also been described [26]. The
signs of respiratory irritation, such as shortness of breath,
cough, and congestion, were reported among office
workers, commencing upon entry into a building that had
been 2 days previously treated for termites with a cyper-
methrin based insecticide [32].
A problem in our study is that the environmental concentra-
tion of pyrethrins (and of 2-butoxiethanol and 2-etil 6-pro-
pilpiperonil ether) in the subject’s inhaled air is unknown,
nor it is possible to reliably estimate it. Concentrations in
the μg/m
range can be expected after treatment analogous
to the one carried out in the case described herein [33]
and morphology of the ventricular system, regular sub-
aracnoidal spaces over and undertentorial, and normal
signal from cerebral parenchyma; a mild hypertrophy of
inferior turbinates was observed.
In January 2011, a revised diagnosis was issued. As no
known common causes of anosmia were noted at the an-
amnesis and physical examination, and the results of neu-
ropsychological and ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist
visits and MRI did not show specific pathological condi-
tions inducing anosmia, the final diagnosis was “anosmia
probably related to a nervous receptorial damage”.
The significant acute exposure and the evolution of the
symptoms, in an absence of other common causes of olfac-
tory loss, support the role of insecticide inhalation in the
etiology. The mild hypertrophy of inferior turbinates ob-
served at MRI may represent an unspecific consequence
of an inflammatory response to the insecticide exposure.
Currently (September 2011), the symptoms are un-
changed: due to their long persistence (more than two
years), and based on data from the literature on progno-
sis of patients with olfactory disturbances [24], anosmia in
the subject is likely to remain permanent. No symptoms
or signs of any other disease are currently present.
In the case presented here, we describe a subject develop-
ing permanent anosmia, preceded by nasal irritation and
short lasting phantosmia and torqosmia, after working
several hours in a room treated with an insecticide sprayed
to control infestation of parasites.
The results of medical examinations, including ENT spe-
cialist repeated visits, neuropsychological evaluation and
head MRI, failed to illuminate the presence of any of the
principal known causes of anosmia, including head trau-
ma, upper respiratory infections, tumours, neurodegen-
erative (e.g. Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease) or psy-
chiatric diseases, endocrine conditions, immune disorders,
and use of pharmaceutical drugs inducing olfactory loss.
Consistent with the course of the patient’s clinical pre-
sentation, the time sequence of symptoms and the clinical
IJOMEH 2012;25(4)
cells of human nasal mucosa has been observed [37]. These
studies lend support to the hypothesis of the insecticide
exposure as the primary cause for the permanent anosmia
As no particular test is available to confirm the role of en-
vironmental toxins as a source of olfactory loss, the diag-
nosis is mainly based on an accurate history showing a sig-
nificant exposure, a coherent time course and the lack of
other common causes: all these criteria have been met in
this case report. Accordingly, we conclude that the anos-
mia observed in the physician is very likely related to the
exposure to inhalation of relatively high concentrations of
pyrethrins, even if the role of 2-butoxiethanol, 2-etil 6-pro-
pilpiperonil ether, or a synergistic effect of co-exposure
cannot be totally discarded.
The case discussed herein shows the possibility that
an acute inhalational exposure to a pyrethrin-based insec-
ticide can induce permanent anosmia. The environmental
concentration of the insecticide is unknown, but relatively
high levels are suggested by exposure modality (spraying
for parasites disinfestations, no forced exchange of air be-
fore re-entering the room and limited exchange of indoor
air), and by the irritant effect reported by the subject.
This case report is of significance, as pyrethrins and py-
rethroids are ubiquitously applied in many commercial
products used to control insects, including household
insecticides, pet sprays and shampoos, potentially involv-
ing an exposure in both, workers and general popula-
tion. Our case report emphasizes the need for focused
attention on lowering pyrethrins’ concentrations in the
air to safe levels as well as the importance of adequate
exchange of air, prior to re-entering the rooms sprayed
with the insecticide, and for considering the appearance
of any subjective irritant symptoms after re-entrance as
a relevant warning sign.
but higher concentrations, related e.g. to a wrong or in-
adequate spraying procedure are possible, and the strong
nasal irritation referred by the subject is coherent with this
hypothesis. It is also difficult to evaluate the real duration
of the inhalation exposure; in any case a significant 6-hour
exposure during the first day is likely, especially considering
the irritant symptoms in the patient, as well as complaints
by other patients about the presence of odour. Exposure
to significant concentrations over the next few days is less
likely, but the persistence of undegraded active compounds
of the insecticide on the walls, furniture, door handles and
other objects, may have contributed to its persistence in the
atmosphere of the room. Nevertheless, the possible risk
cannot be reliably evaluated.
To our knowledge, at least one case of permanent anosmia
following inhalation of a spray insecticide containing py-
rethrum has been previously reported. Analogous to the
case reported herein, the symptoms appeared immediate-
ly after the first use of the insecticide. An allergic rhinitis
was diagnosed based on positive skin test, but the conclu-
sion of the Author was that “It would seem probable that
the pyrethrum has damaged the olfactory nerve endings
in the nasal mucosa” [34]. In the case described here, the
skin test was not available, but symptoms do not suggest
an allergic rhinitis.
A large collection of literature suggest that the olfactory
neuroepithelium is susceptible to environmental expo-
sures to several chemicals [20], and acute and chronic ex-
posures can induce both temporary as well as permanent
olfactory loss [19]. Changes in the olfactory mucosa were
described in many experimental studies in animals, includ-
ing degeneration and necrosis of olfactory neurons and
other neurotoxic effects [35].
The capacity for cellular reconstitution after lesion of the
olfactory system is remarkable, but recovery can fail in
severely injured areas, which subsequently reconstitute
as aneuronal respiratory epithelium [36]. Furthermore,
a strong genotoxic effect of pyrethrins on the epithelial
IJOMEH 2012;25(4)
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We would like to thank Dr. Michael Aschner for his invaluable
comments and revision of the manuscript, and the Patient, that
consented the presentation of the case.
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