Historical and cultural grounds of the Renaissance philosophy formation.
Humanism – the new worldview orientation of the Renaissance.
The revival of Platonic tradition. Nicolas of Cusa.
Natural philosophy and new science.
Social theories of the Renaissance.
The demolition of the medieval worldview was assisted too by the Reformation, which undermined the traditional authority of the Church, and ultimately drove authority back to individual interpretation and inner experience.
The demolition of the medieval worldview was assisted too by the Reformation, which undermined the traditional authority of the Church, and ultimately drove authority back to individual interpretation and inner experience.
- was born in Italy in XIV century and later spread in Europe. In its genre it merged with literature and arts, it expressed its ideas in a metaphorical, figurative and artistic form.
Humanism manifested the unity of both poetic and ideological creativity. Humanism glorified man’s dignity and sublimity. It was rather optimistic and life-asserted.
the Renaissance worldview conception of human freedom and his right for happiness, and satisfaction of his earthly needs