© 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Research Article
Analgesic Efficacy of the Combination
Metamizol+Morphine After Subchronic Treatment
in Rats
Adriana Miriam Domínguez Ramírez,
* Gloria Patricia Hernández Delgadillo,
Rosa Ventura Martínez,
Ma. Irene Díaz Reval,
and Francisco Javier López-Muñoz
Departamento de Sistemas Biológicos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, México D.F.
Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F.
Departamento de Farmacobiología, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, México, D.F.
In the present study, the analgesic efficacy and the possible development of tolerance pro-
duced by the combination metamizol+morphine (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) during subchronic treatment (6 and 12
days) in arthritic rats using the PIFIR model was evaluated. This combination of metamizol+morphine
produced the maximum analgesic efficacy (AUC
= 353.4
24.7 au) when compared with morphine 5.6
mg/kg (AUC
= 196.6
35.3 au), metamizol 562.3 mg/kg (AUC
= 262.8
10.2 au), and morphine 10 mg/
kg (AUC
= 316.6
31.0 au) given in a single dose. The results were essentially the same when the
combination was administered for 6 (AUC
= 325.4
13.1 au) or 12 days (AUC
= 354.5
9.6 au). In
addition, the duration of the effect was longer when the combination metamizol+morphine was adminis-
tered either in single or subchronic treatment. Development of tolerance to the analgesic effect was ob-
served after 6 and 12 days of morphine administration. However, the analgesic effect produced by the
metamizol+morphine combination remained constant (near 100%) during both subchronic treatments.
The present data demonstrate that metamizol significantly attenuates the development of tolerance to mor-
phine. The mechanism involved in this effect of metamizol remains to be determined. Drug Dev. Res.
51:260–267, 2000.
© 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: synergism; analgesia; tolerance; pharmacodynamic interaction
Strategy, Management and Health Policy
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Preclinical Development
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Clinical Development
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Phase IV
Opioids and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) are commonly used to treat pain. Among opioid
agents, morphine is still the drug of choice. Narcotic an-
algesics represent the primary prescription for severe
acute pain, such as that following acute myocardial inf-
arction, renal and biliary colic, extensive surgical proce-
dures, burns, and other traumas [Cherny, 1996; Carr and
Goudas, 1999], as well as moderate to severe chronic pain
associated with malignancies [Cherny, 1996; Rodríguez
et al., 1994; WHO, 1996]. Although morphine is very
useful as an analgesic, its clinical application in chronic
pain is limited by the rapid development of tolerance
[Johnstone and Smith, 1992; Trachtenberg, 1994]. An-
other disadvantage of opioids is their short duration of
action, which requires frequent administration. In most
cases, this leads to the use of high doses that are associ-
ated with severe adverse side effects such as respiratory
depression [Cherny, 1996; Hill et al., 1990; Jaffe and
Martin, 1990].
On the other hand, NSAIDs are effective and long-
acting agents but their adverse side effects at high doses
*Correspondence to: Adriana Miriam Domínguez Ramírez,
M.Sc., Departamento Sistemas Biológicos, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Xochimilco, Calzada del Hueso #1100, Colonia Villa
Quietud, C.P. 04960 México, D.F.
Received 19 April 2000; accepted 9 October 2000
limit their degree of analgesia. For instance, a number of
studies have demonstrated mucosal damage in 50–57%
of arthritis patients treated with long-term NSAID
therapy. Also, gastric and duodenal ulcers are present in
10–30% of all patients taking NSAIDs. The incidence of
serious complications increases with age, especially in
those older than 65 years [Pearson and Kelberman, 1996;
Singh et al., 1996].
In order to increase the analgesic effects of drugs
and to reduce their unwanted side effects, combinations
of low doses of analgesic drugs that act through different
pharmacological mechanisms have been employed ex-
tensively. This may result in an overall potentiation of
the analgesic effect. In this regard, some combinations
of opioid drugs with NSAIDs have been proposed
[Bentley and Head, 1987; Calimlim et al., 1976; López-
Muñoz et al., 1993b]. Nevertheless, information on the
real benefits of such combinations in preclinical and clini-
cal studies is still scarce.
In previous studies we have shown the potential
therapeutic benefits of combinations of metamizol (MET)
with morphine (MOR) in arthritic rats [López-Muñoz et
al., 1994; López-Muñoz, 1994] using the “pain-induced
functional impairment in the rat” model (PIFIR) [López-
Muñoz et al., 1993a]. In addition to its usefulness for evalu-
ating the analgesic efficacy of individual drugs, PIFIR
represents a valid model to determine the efficacy of their
combinations [López-Muñoz et al., 1993b, 1995; López-
Muñoz, 1995; López-Muñoz and Salazar, 1995].
Thus, the combination of MET+MOR (562.3:5.6
mg/kg, s.c.) produced the “maximum analgesic effect”
(MAE) of 24 different combinations tested [López-
Muñoz, 1994]. This is a significant finding given the high
analgesic efficacy of the combination as compared to that
exerted by the individual components. Furthermore, the
probability of potential side effects is remarkably lower
than expected from equally efficacious doses of the indi-
vidual drugs.
As pointed out above, one of the major disadvan-
tages encountered during long-term treatment, i.e.,
chronic, therapy with morphine and other opioid drugs
is the development of tolerance. In this case, the combi-
nation MET+MOR that produced MAE in a single dose
(acute treatment) represents an alternative choice since
the dose of morphine in the combination is small. There-
fore, it may be expected that the development of toler-
ance could be diminished. It also may be expected that
as the toxic profiles of both drugs differ, adverse side ef-
fects would be avoided or diminished when low doses of
both drugs are administered in combination, either as
single or multiple doses. In this sense, it is necessary to
demonstrate that, in addition to the pronounced efficacy
of the combination of MAE in single dose, along with
the absence of untoward effects, its characteristics re-
main constant during subchronic treatment. This is of
great importance in the clinical situation, especially for
chronic treatment of pain.
The aims of the present study were to evaluate the
analgesic efficacy and the development of tolerance pro-
duced by the combination MET+MOR of MAE
(562.3:5.6 mg/kg) during subchronic treatment (6 and 12
days) in arthritic rats using the PIFIR model. In addi-
tion, we compared these results with those obtained af-
ter administration of the individual components of the
combination, MET (562.3 mg/kg) and MOR (5.6 mg/kg),
after single and 6 and 12 days administration.
Experimental Animals
Analgesia experiments were performed using fe-
male Wistar rats [Crl: (WI)BR] (weight, 180–200 g) from
the breeding facilities of CINVESTAV-IPN, México. All
experimental procedures followed the recommendations
of the Committee for Research and Ethical Issues of the
International Association for the Study of Pain [Covino
et al., 1980] and the guidelines on ethical standards for
investigations of experimental pain in animals [Zimmer-
mann, 1983], and were carried out according to a proto-
col approved by the local animal Ethics Committee. The
number of experimental animals was kept to a minimum.
They were kept in an animal room at a constant tem-
perature of 22
C, with a 12/h alternating light/dark cycle.
Twelve hours before experiments, food was withheld but
animals had free access to water. All experiments were
performed during the light phase and animals were used
only once.
Uric acid was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co.
(St. Louis, MO) and metamizol (MET) was obtained from
Hoescht (Mexico City, Mexico). Morphine hydrochloride
(MOR) was obtained from Mexican Secretariat of Health
(Mexico City, Mexico). MET and MOR were dissolved
in saline solution and administered subcutaneously. The
doses mentioned in the text refer to the salts of substances.
Measurement of Analgesic Activity
Pain was induced and the analgesic effects of MET
(562.3 mg/kg), MOR (5.6 mg/kg) and the combination
MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) were measured in the
PIFIR model, as previously described [López-Muñoz et
al., 1993a]. Rats received an intraarticular injection of 0.05
mL of 30% mineral oil-suspended uric acid in the knee
joint of the right hindlimb under light anesthesia with
ether. An electrode was immediately fastened to each
hindpaw between the plantar pad. Rats were allowed to
recover from anesthesia and then placed on a stainless-
steel cylinder, 30-cm diameter. The cylinder was rotated
at 4 rev/min, which forced the rats to walk. The variable
measured in this method was the time of contact between
each of the rat hindpaws and the cylinder. When the elec-
trode placed on the animal’s paw made contact with the
cylinder floor, a circuit was closed and the time that cir-
cuit remained closed was recorded. The cylinder was
rotated for 2-min periods, during which time recordings
were made, allowing the rats to rest for 28 min between
recording periods. Animals did not show any visible sign
of severe discomfort, such as licking, rearing, biting, shak-
ing, or vocalization. After the uric acid injection, rats de-
veloped a progressive dysfunction of the injured limb.
This was recorded as a decreased time of contact between
the right hindpaw and the cylinder. Data are expressed
as the functionality index (FI%), i.e., the time of contact
of the injured right limb divided by the time of contact of
the control left limb, multiplied by 100. After approxi-
mately 2 h the FI was zero; that is, the injected limb made
no contact with the cylinder. This time was considered
time zero for measurements of analgesia and rats received
the analgesic agents. Recordings were carried out for the
next 4 h. Recovery of FI was considered the expression
of the analgesic effect. For the purpose of the study, in-
ducing nociception in the experimental animals was
unavoidable. However, care was taken to avoid unneces-
sary suffering. At the end of the experiment the rats were
immediately sacrificed.
Study Design
Animals were randomly distributed in three sets in
which the analgesic effects produced by either MET
(562.3 mg/kg), MOR (5.6 mg/kg), and the combination of
MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) were studied after single
dose (acute treatment) or after a 6-day and 12-day treat-
ment (subchronic treatments). The schedule of dose treat-
ment administration is shown in Table 1.
The analgesic effect of a single dose of 10 mg/kg of
MOR was also studied. This dose was considered a con-
trol, as it has previously been demonstrated to produce
MAE in the PIFIR model. Drugs were dissolved in saline
solution (0.9% NaCl) and administered s.c. to animals pre-
viously injected with uric acid. Pain was induced the day
after completing the number of administrations, i.e., on
the 7th day for the 6-day treatment group or the 13th day
for the 12-day treatment group. FI was determined in all
groups at 0 and after administration of the compounds, at
0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4 h.
Data Presentation and Statistical Evaluation
Data are expressed as the percent of the function-
ality index (FI%) (i.e., the time of contact of the injured
right hindlimb divided by the time of contact of the con-
trol left hindlimb multiplied by 100). The curves of time
course (TC) were constructed by plotting FI(%) vs. time
(h), and the maximal observed effect (E
) was directly
determined from these plots. The cumulative antinoci-
ceptive effect during the entire observation period (4 h)
was determined as the area under the time course curve
(AUC). The area under the effect-against-time curve
) was estimated by the trapezoidal method rule
[Rolland and Tozer, 1989]. Analgesic activity and toler-
ance development during subchronic treatments were
evaluated using these two pharmacodynamic parameters.
is considered an indicator of analgesic efficacy and
as an overall expression of the analgesic action
during the entire observation period and, hence, consid-
ering both the intensity and the duration of effect [López-
Muñoz et al., 1993a]. Additionally, analgesic effect at the
end of the experiment (duration of effect) was estimated
by the observed effect at 4 h after the administration of
the drug(s) (E
All values in the text and figures are shown as the
SEM of eight animals. The AUC
, E
, and E
values obtained from data for the analgesic effects pro-
duced by the combination under different treatments
were compared with those obtained either by MET or
MOR (assayed separately) by ANOVA followed by the
Student-Newman-Keuls test. Significant differences be-
tween means were indicated by P
Intraarticular injection of uric acid induced a com-
plete dysfunction of the right hindlimb in 2 h, correspond-
ing to an FI% of zero. Rats which received vehicle did
not show any significant recovery of the FI during the 4-
h observation period. Temporal courses (TCs) of the an-
algesic effect (FI% vs. time plots) obtained after acute
s.c. administration (single dose) of MOR (5.6 mg/kg),
MET (562.3 mg/kg), and the combination MET+MOR
of MAE (562.3:5.6 mg/kg), are shown in Figure 1. MOR
(5.6 mg/kg s.c.) induced an increase in FI which reached
a maximum of about 70% (E
) in an hour and then
showed a gradual decrease to about 45% at 4 h. MET
(562.3 mg/kg s.c.) produced an E
of about 80% at 0.75
h. Thereafter, the time course of the effect remained prac-
tically constant during the 4-h experimentation period,
TABLE 1. Schedule Treatment
(5.6 mg/kg)
(562.3 mg/kg)
(562.3:5.6 mg/kg)
Acute treatment
Acute treatment
Acute treatment
(one dose)
(one dose)
(one dose)
6 Days
6 Days
6 Days
12 Days
12 Days
12 Days
with a negligible decrease at about 2.5 h. The FI at the
end of the experiment was around 70%. The combina-
tion of MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) was able to induce
a rapid and significant recovery of the FI, reaching an
of about 100% at 0.75 h and this effect was main-
tained until the end of the experiment (4 h). As a conse-
quence of the difference in duration and E
of the drugs
administered alone and that of the combination, there
was a marked difference in the AUC
(Table 2). The com-
bination MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) yielded an AUC
of 353.4
24.7 area units (au), whereas MET and MOR
alone gave values of 262.8
10.2 and 196.6
35.3 au,
respectively. Significant differences were found for AUC
= 88.9); E
= 4.23) and E
= 9.49) be-
tween treatments. In addition, all these parameters
showed statistical differences when the values obtained
for the combination MET+MOR were compared to those
of MOR (5.6 mg/Kg) and MET (562.3 mg/Kg), for pairwise
multiple comparison by Student-Newman-Keuls method
(Table 2). These results were comparable to those previ-
ously reported under the same circumstances [López-
Muñoz et al., 1994].
TCs of the two components MOR, MET, and the
combination MET+MOR after a 6-day subchronic treat-
ment are shown in Figure 2. Clearly, the analgesic effect
is markedly diminished in the case of MOR (5.6 mg/kg),
so a rapid development of tolerance was observed. The
obtained in this case was only about 40% of FI at
0.75 h, with about a 50% reduction when compared with
a single dose of MOR 5.6 mg/kg sc. The effect wore off
rapidly, reaching a value of zero at 2.5 hr. On the other
hand, the recovery of FI after chronic administration of
MET (562.3 mg/kg) following a six-day treatment was
practically the same as that obtained with a single dose
of the same compound, producing an FI recovery of
about 90% at 0.75 h (E
), and this effect reached a value
of about 76% at 4 h after administration. After subchronic
Fig. 1. Temporal courses of the antinociceptive effects (analgesia) ob-
served expressed as the recovery of functionality index (FI%) against time
(h), after s.c. administration of a single dose of the combination of
MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/Kg) of MAE and of the individual compo-
nents MET (562.3 mg/kg) and MOR (5.6 mg/kg) (CONTROLS). Data rep-
resent the mean
SEM of eight rats.
TABLE 2. Pharmacodynamic Parameters Obtained From Temporal Courses of the Analgesic Effect Observed With the Combination
Metamizol+Morphine (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) in Comparison to Metamizol (562.3 mg/kg) and Morphine (5.6 mg/kg) in Acute and Subchronic
Treatments (6 and 12 days) in Rats
Global efficacy
(FI %)
(FI %)
MOR 10 mg/kg
316.6 (31)
98.1 (7.7)
53.9 (14.1)
N.K. n.s.
N.K. n.s.
N.K. <.05
MOR 5.6 mg/kg
196.6 (35.3)
67.5 (7.9)
45.6 (13.6)
N.K. P < .05
N.K. <.05
N.K. <.05
MET 562.3 mg/kg
262.8 (10.2)
77.9 (2.6)
67.2 (4.4)
N.K. P < .05
N.K. <.05
N.K. <.05
MET+MOR 562.3:5.6 mg/kg
353.4 (24.7)
97 (9.5)
96.1 (4.8)
6 days
MOR 5.6 mg/kg
49.6 (14.3)
37.9 (10.4)
0.2 (0.1)
N.K. P < .05
N.K. <.05
N.K. <.05
MET 562.3 mg/kg
313.4 (14.5)
88.3 (4.4)
76.7 (7.3)
N.K. n.s.
N.K. n.s.
N.K. n.s.
MET+MOR 562.3:5.6 mg/kg
325.4 (13.1)
93.5 (4.1)
89 (3.9)
12 days
MOR 5.6 mg/kg
56.6 (10.9)
42.1 (8.1)
2.6 (1.6)
N.K. <0.05
N.K. <.05
N.K. <.05
MET 562.3
258.8 (23.7)
75.1 (10.7)
75.1 (10.7)
N.K. <0.05
N.K. <.05
N.K. n.s.
MET+MOR 562.3:5.6 mg/kg
354.5 (9.6)
100.6 (3.9)
83.5 (4.7)
Data represents the mean ± SEM of eight rats.
N.K. = significance for differences found in pairwise multiple comparison by Student-Newman-Keuls method (combination of MAE vs. individual
treatment for six days, the combination produced an FI
recovery of about 90% at 0.75 h, and the effect remained
at this level after 4 h. In this case, the global effect
reached by the combination rendered an AUC
of 325.4
13.1 au while MOR (5.6 mg/kg) and MET (562.3 mg/
kg) gave an AUC
of 49.6
14.3 and 313.4
14.5 au,
respectively (Table 2). In this case, significant differences
were found in AUC
= 124.2), E
= 19.6),
and E
= 16.2). Particularly, differences were es-
tablished when the combination MET+MOR was com-
pared with MOR (5.6 mg/Kg), while values obtained for
MET were similar to those of the combination of MAE
and no differences for MET were found by the Student-
Newman-Keuls method. In addition, the cumulative
analgesic efficacy obtained with the combination
MET+MOR after subchronic treatment (6 days) was
similar to that obtained by a single dose of MOR (10 mg/
kg) AUC
= 316.6
31.0 au, while the duration of the
effect observed with the combination was longer than
the one obtained by a single dose of 10 mg/kg of MOR
and showed significant differences (Table 2).
TCs of analgesic activity for the individual compo-
nents MOR (5.6 mg/kg), MET (562.3 mg/kg), and the
combination of both MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) af-
ter a 12-day subchronic treatment are shown in Figure 3.
The advantages of the combination MET+MOR over the
individual components is clearly demonstrated. MOR
only improved an FI recovery of about 40% and its effect
rapidly diminished to zero at about 2.5 h; MET produced
only an FI recovery of about 75% at the same time and
this effect remained at the same level until the end of the
experiment (4 h). On the other hand, the analgesic effect
reached by the combination of MET+MOR was about
100% and this effect remained constant for 2.5 h. After
this time, the effect diminished gradually and reached a
value of about 85% at 4 h. The AUCE after 12 days of
treatment was 56.6
10.9 au for MOR, 258.8
23.7 au
for MET and 354.5
9.6 au for the combination of
MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/kg). ANOVA showed that sta-
tistical differences between treatments exist, as indicated
by differences in AUC
= 90), Emax (F
= 12.9),
and E
= 15.5). When the values obtained for AUC
, for MET an MOR (5.6 mg/Kg) given alone were
compared by the Student-Newman-Keuls method, sig-
nificant differences were also found. Differences for the
duration of the effect, as evaluated by E
, were also found
for MOR (5.6 mg/Kg).
The analgesic effects shown by the combination
after acute and subchronic treatments were also com-
pared with those observed after the s.c. administration
of an equiefficacious dose of morphine (10 mg/kg) (single
dose). These data are included in Table 2. The global
analgesic (AUC
) elicited by the combination was equiva-
lent to the one observed after administration of 10 mg/kg
morphine. Moreover, in the case of morphine (10 mg/kg)
the duration of the effect was shorter and diminished to
about 50% of the initial effect at the end of the experi-
ment. On the contrary, the effect produced by the com-
bination under study remained over 80% of FI during
the duration of the experiment, either after acute or
subchronic treatment for 12 days. These results confirmed
the utility of the combination under the present experi-
mental conditions and highlight the benefits of the com-
bination MET+MOR vs. the individual treatments.
The aim of the present study was to assess the anal-
gesic efficacy and development of tolerance produced
by the combination MET+MOR of MAE (562.3:5.6 mg/
Fig. 2. Temporal courses of the antinociceptive effects (analgesia) ob-
served after the s.c. administration of MET (562.3 mg/kg), MOR (5.6
mg/kg), and the combination MET+MOR of MAE (562.3:5.6 mg/kg)
during 6 days of subchronic treatment. Data represent the mean
of eight rats.
Fig. 3. Temporal courses of the antinociceptive effects (analgesia) ex-
pressed as recovery of functionality index (FI%) against time (h) after the
s.c. administration of the two components MET (562.3 mg/kg), MOR (5.6
mg/kg), and the combination MET+MOR of MAE (562.3:5.6 mg/kg) dur-
ing 12 days of subchronic treatment. Data represent the mean
SEM of
eight rats.
Kg) after subchronic treatment in arthritic rats using the
PIFIR model. Data obtained after administration of the
combination under acute and subchronic (6 and 12 days)
treatments were compared with those of the individual
components, MET (562.3 mg/kg) and MOR (5.6 mg/kg).
It was hypothesized that this design could show the po-
tential antinociceptive usefulness arising from the inter-
action of analgesic drugs that act through different
mechanisms. This was visualized as a potentially supe-
rior approach for the chronic treatment of pain.
The combination MET+MOR (562.3:5.6 mg/Kg) was
selected on the basis of previous studies in rats showing its
ability to produce MAE between 24 different combina-
tions under single administration protocols [López-
Muñoz, 1994]. In the present study, these results were
confirmed, as the cumulative analgesic efficacy (repre-
sented as the AUC
) for the combination MET+MOR
was significantly higher ( P < 0.05) than the one shown by
the individual components when administered at the same
dose used in the combination (Fig. 1).
The combination of centrally and peripherally act-
ing analgesics has theoretical justification because these
compounds work through different mechanisms. MOR
and other opioid drugs interact with
opioid receptors
and produce analgesia via the same mechanism as en-
kephalin. In addition, morphine can interact with opioid
receptors located in supraspinal structures activating the
supraspinal system [Martin, 1984; Jaffe and Martin, 1990;
Lipp, 1991]. Several lines of evidence support a role for
activation of bulbospinal noradrenergic and serotoner-
gic inhibitory pathways [Yaksh, 1979; Yeomans et al., 1992;
Kawamata et al., 1993]. In addition, morphine has a di-
rect effect on inflammatory hyperalgesic states [Loren-
zetti and Ferreira, 1982, 1985]. Ferreira [1993] proposed
that a downregulation of pain receptors by injection of
morphine or acetylcholine may be due to the activation
of the arginine-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway [Duarte et
al., 1990; Ferreira et al., 1991].
On the other hand, MET is a pyrazolone derivative
which is often classified as a peripherally acting drug, as
its major metabolites act as COX inhibitors [Brogden,
1986; Brune and Alpermann, 1983]. However, metamizol
is much more effective as an antipyretic and analgesic
than as an antiinflammatory agent in vivo, and it has also
been shown to have central analgesic effects [Neugebauer
et al., 1994]. Furthermore, it has been reported that the
analgesic effect of MET involves activation of the argin-
ine-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway in addition to prostag-
landin synthesis inhibition [Duarte et al., 1992; Lorenzetti
and Ferreira, 1985; López-Muñoz et al., 1996]. Experi-
mental evidence supports the hypothesis that metamizol
and aminophenazone (two pyrazolone derivatives) pro-
duce central antinociceptive effects by activating path-
ways discarded from the PAG and exerting an inhibitory
effect on nociceptive impulse transmission at the spinal
level [Carlsson et al., 1986, 1988; Carlsson and Jurna,
1987]. This might provide an explanation for the high
analgesic efficacy of MET observed after major abdomi-
nal surgery. It has also been shown to produce a great
analgesic efficacy when compared to morphine at doses
as high as 2 g every 8 h in cancerous patients [Rodríguez
et al., 1994]. It has also reduced the frequency of admin-
istration of MOR after major abdominal surgery
[Rockemann et al., 1996]. The great analgesic efficacy of
MET in such types of pain might provide an explanation
for the synergistic effect observed with the MET+MOR
combination in the present study. No attempt was made
to investigate the mechanism(s) involved in the poten-
tiation of the analgesic effects produced by MET and
MOR during single or subchronic treatment. Further
experiments are required to elucidate these mechanisms.
Additionally, the analgesic effects observed with the com-
bination MET+MOR may also depend on the global
pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic interactions between
the components, either after acute or subchronic admin-
istration. Possible mechanism(s) of pharmacokinetic in-
teractions remain to be determined.
It is well known that in addition to several adverse
side effects, one of the major disadvantages of MOR and
other opioid drugs under chronic treatment is the devel-
opment of tolerance [Cherny, 1996; Johnstone and Smith,
1992]. Development of tolerance to MOR was confirmed
in the present study and it occurred even when a small
dose was used (5.6 mg/kg) in subchronic treatments. In
contrast to the tolerance effects found with MOR alone,
tolerance was not developed when the drugs were ad-
ministered together, even after 12 days of treatment. This
is of great importance as, in most instances, clinical treat-
ment of chronic pain involves the use of long-term anal-
gesic treatments. Thus, in this case it might be expected
that an adequate combination for MET+MOR could be
an alternative treatment with fewer side effects arising
from the opioid component. Nevertheless, the potential
clinical usefulness of the combination in an adequate ra-
tio of doses must be evaluated in future studies.
No attempt was made in relation to the mechanism
implicated in the inhibition of tolerance development to
the antinociceptive effect of the drugs (MET and MOR)
when they were administered together. It might be pos-
sible that, although a marked (MOR) or negligible toler-
ance effect (MET) could be present with both components,
i.e., given alone, the synergism observed with the anal-
gesic effects of both drugs when they act together is pre-
dominant over any other adverse effect. Several
mechanisms have been proposed to explain the develop-
ment of tolerance. Although repeated administration of
MOR almost certainly leads to biochemical changes at
the receptor level, and possibly its transduction systems,
some of the most interesting aspects of morphine toler-
ance have come from studies implicating both the NMDA
and the nitric oxide systems [Bhargava, 1994; Pasternack
et al., 1995]. Inhibition of NOS, the enzyme that gener-
ates NO, blocks the appearance of MOR tolerance [Babey
et al., 1994; Bhargava and Zhao, 1996]. In this case, as
mentioned above, it has been demonstrated that the argi-
nine-nitric-oxide-cGMP pathway is involved in the
antinociceptive activity of metamizol. It has also been
mentioned that some drugs such as metamizol or
diclofenac cause a direct downregulation of nociceptors
already switched “on” during inflammation [Ferreira,
1993]. So it might be expected that these could repre-
sent levels of interaction that lead to the inhibition of
tolerance development to the analgesic effect of MOR.
Nevertheless, further studies are needed to confirm any
of these hypotheses. The present results demonstrate that
MET significantly attenuates tolerance development to
MOR by modulating the pharmacological process respon-
sible for tolerance development.
It is likely that the analgesic effect will be modi-
fied, depending on the type of pain and its intensity. The
PIFIR model involves, in addition to inflammation, a type
of pain very similar to the clinical situation encountered
with gout. Thus, it is plausible to suggest that the combi-
nation MET+MOR of MAE could have potential thera-
peutic usefulness in the treatment of gout. In such cases,
care must be taken when extrapolating findings obtained
with the PIFIR and other preclinical models to clinical
situations of pain. Further studies are necessary to deter-
mine the real benefits in similar clinical situations in
humans. The potential usefulness of the combination
employed in this method to treat other types of pain also
remains to be determined.
Our findings show an enhanced analgesic effect and
a diminished effect of tolerance development after
subchronic treatment as the result of the adequate com-
bination of MET and MOR, and indicate that the study
of combinations of analgesic drugs in humans will be very
important and constitute a superior approach in the treat-
ment of chronic pain.
The authors thank L.A. Salazar, Ph.D., for statisti-
cal assistance; A. Huerta, L. Oliva, and F. Sánchez for
technical assistance. A.M. Domínguez, M.Sc., G.P.
Hernández, M.Sc., R.M Ventura, M.Sc., and M.I. Díaz
M.Sc. are CONACYT fellows.
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Document Outline - INTRODUCTION
- Table 1
- Table 2
- Fig. 1
- Fig. 2
- Fig. 3
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