gan followed by the affix of the locative
da –) followed by the auxiliary verb
edi and in the principle clause
, affix
–gan added to the root or the stem of the verb followed by the
auxiliary verbs
bo’lar edi (
-k,-im, -ing, -ingiz ) are used: Agar aloqamiz
ilgariroq boshlanganda edi, biz bu qora yuz sharmandalarni ilgariroq
fosh qilgan bo’lar edik.(Z.Fatxullin); O’sha vaqtda oyoqlaringni
mahkam tirasanglar edi, dadam Gulnorga uylanmagan bo’lardi : in this
example also the non-real action refers to the past which is formed by
adding affixal morpheme
–sa (-
nglar, -ngiz ) to the root of the verb
followed by the auxiliary verb
edi , sometimes without it, in the
subordinate clause , past participle with the affix (
-ma )
-gan , (-
mas )
- dingiz followed by the auxiliary verb
bo’lmoq in the form
bo’lardi .
As it is in English, the Subjunctive Mood with the mixed tense form is
used in the Uzbek language as well: Agar siz yaxshi odam bo’lsangiz ,
uydagi sirni ko’chaga chiqarmasdingiz.(Z.Fatxullin); 2. by adding
affixal morpherme
–sa the speaker’s non-real wish/dream can be
expressed: Ertaga bir to’yib uxlasam; 3. If the eddition of the affixal
–(ma)sa to the root or the stem of the verb is followed by
the auxiliary verb
edi on the one hand it makes the speaker’s wish more
emotional and strong, on the other hand the performance of the action
may be impossible :Bir kun Elobod kolxozi seni bag’rimdan uzmasa
edi,…((O.); 4. If the addition of the affixal morpheme