7) Supposition, inaccuracy and suspicion
can be expressed by the
mentioned in item 5 affixal morphemes with the usage of the modal
in the sentence: Bu yerda sho’r imoratning ofati bo’lsa
kerak.(A.Q.); 8)Insistence is expressed by the mentioned in item 5
affixal morphemes followed by
and suffix
: Ha,
nima bo’ldi? Saltanat, gapirsangiz-chi.(A.Q.); 9) Absence of the
obstacle is expressed by adding affix
to the root or the stem
of the verb followed by the conjunction
( this type of the Uzbek
Subjunctive Mood is alike the English Subjunctive
in the adverbial
clause of concession): Tilim kelishmasa ham dilim kelishadi. Sening
tiling kelishsa ham, diling kelishmaydi(A.Q.); Safoyev ellikdan oshgan
bo’lsa ham, bu kiyimda yoshroq ko’rinar edi.(A.Q.); Ey qo’ying, xafa
qilmang ularni, bola-da. Sho’xlik
qilsalar ham, juda to’ydirib
sug’orayaptilar.(O.);10) Time and place with the additional meaning of
comparison is expressed by adding affix
to the root or the stem of
the verb ( we have seen this peculiarity in using the Subjunctive Mood
in the adverbial clauses of time and place and in the predicative clause):
Qayerda o’t ochilsa, o’sha tomonga granata yog’dirildi (N.S.)
In the Uzbek language as it is in English, the Subjunctive Mood is
used to express the emotional attitude of the speaker towards the
reality; in this case affixal morpheme
is added to the root or the
stem of the verb: Ichini ko’rsang, voy, biram
gilamlar bilan yasatib
qo’yilganki, og’zing ochiladi.(Sh.R.); Emotional attitude of the speaker
towards the reality is also expressed by the affix
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