s(-es ) in English (book-
books, yard-yards, class-classes),
-lar in Uzbek (kitob-kitoblar).
Besides, in English compound words take the morpheme of
plurality in different ways, for example: bookcases, passers - by and
men-of war.
On the lexical level the category of number may be expressed by
root morphemes, which possess basic lexical meaning, by affixal
morphermes, compound words and etc.
On the syntactic level we come across with different types of
combination of words in English: a large number, in company with; in
Uzbek: ikki yo'lovchi, ko'p havo.
Typological categories are interclass, because their meaning can be
expressed by means of different lexico-grammatical classes of words.
For example, the category of number, besides nouns, may be used in
adjectives (English: dual, limitless, crowded); ( Uzbek: behisob, turli,
mo'l ); pronouns (myself-ourselves, my-our, biz-bizlar, men-biz); verbs
(multiply, join, add; ko'paymoq, birikmoq); adverbs (together, twice;
ko'p, to'la, ancha ); numerals, prepositions and conjunctions: (with,
among; bilan, hamda).
There are some nouns, which have only the forms of plurality
(clothes, scissors, trousers, spectacles) , where there are the most part
names of things used in the form of plurality, consist of two or more
parts , and singularity (army, police, where the meaning of plurality is
uppermost in mind) in English; брюки, ножницы, очки (in plural),
снег, дождь (in singular) in Russian; xalq, olomon, armiya , qor,
yomg’ir (these words are used in singular where the meaning of
plurality is uppermost in mind) in Uzbek.
Self-control questions: 1.
Give the definition of the term "category".
History development of grammatical categories.
Different viewpoints to the problem of categorization.
Characterize notional, functional-semantic, grammatical-
lexical and other categories.
Speak about typological categories , their definition and main
criteria of modifying them.
How do you understand the main parameters of modifying
typological categories: interlanguage, interlevel, interclass?
Speak about the typological categories of number and case.