Typological category of number of nouns The English, Uzbek and Russian languages possess grammatical
category of number. This category expresses quantitative relations
expressed in the morphological level of the languages. For example, in
Indo-European languages, that is in Sanskrit, Greek and Latin the
category of number possessed three numbers: singular, plural , dual.
The category of number, which expresses quantitative relations
between objects is materially connected with the noun. In the English,
Russian and Uzbek languages the category of number possesses sems
of singularity, plurality expressed in the forms of singular and plural
numbers. In Russian sems of singularity are expressed both by marked
and unmarked morphemes, that is by special morphemes and without
them. For example, «й» for the nouns in masculine gender: край, сарай,
ручей; «а», «я» for the nouns in feminine gender: река, земля; «о»,
«е», «мя» for the nouns in neuter gender; окно, море, знамя.
In stated words singularity is expressed materially, that is by means of
special morphemes. Now we'll see the words where singularity is
expressed by zero morpherme : городØ, домØ, зверьØ, дверьØ, etc.
In Russian the meaning of singularity is expressed in case
forms:(нет)реки, (нет)тетради, (нет)окна, (нет)дома. In stated
examples singularity is expressed in case forms by «и» and «a». This
way we find out that morphemes «и» and «a» (genitive case forms for
feminine, masculine and neuter genders) express singularity. In word-
forms городом-городами one can easily notice that the morpheme
-ом expresses: singularity, objectness, case, gender and morpheme
-ами expresses sems of plurality, objectness and case.
In English singularity is expressed by the zero morpherme which
is opposed to the marked plurality of the noun, for example: townO-
towns, playO-plays, benchO-benches, etc. It is interesting to mark that
in Uzbek as it is in English singularity of nouns is expressed by the zero
morpherme as well: bolaO-bolalar, kitobO-kitoblar, odamO-odamlar .
Further we'll use words marked for the presence of word form, non-
marked for the absence of word form. So we can see that the meaning
of singularity of nouns in Russian can be marked and non-marked, in
English and in Uzbek it is only non-marked. The category of plurality
in these languages is marked. In Russian it can be non-marked too.
Examples show that in Russian singularity and plurality of nouns can
express the meanings of case and gender both by marked and non-
Nouns in Singular
Nouns in plural