The freedom of choice can be used in the comparative typology
too, but it is limited within the definite levels. So proceeding from the
typological correspondence this category can be given in Turkic
languages by 1) adding word-changing and word-forming morphemes
to the stem of the verb, b) by means of nominated and non-nominated
verbal combinations. Differing from the typologist the translator goes
out of these regularities, as the most important
thing for him is to
convey the definite meaning in the other language; literal translation of
the text can be made a) by preserving regularities of the system
correspondence, b) by not preserving regularities of the system
correspondence. In the first case the
translator uses the synonymity,
variantness, stylistic colourance of some words, forms, affixes and etc.,
in the second case he uses such means, which don't possess
correspondence of typological regularities. Here the translator is
compelled to make free translation.
Under the plan of content we consider two kinds of meanings: I)
abstract grammatical, 2) concrete lexical meanings. The first is called
typological and the second is the basis for translation; these two kinds
of meanings are interdependent. They can't exist without each other.
Linguist Retsker (Я. И. Рецкер) is right to say: «Голая, лишенная
лексического наполнения, грамматическая структура также мало
показательна для переводчика, как железный каркас для будущих
обитателей дома». (Теория перевода и переводческая практика. М.
1974 , стр. 7-8).
The concrete lexical meaning
is expressed by means of words,
phraseological units and grammatical meaning is expressed by
connecting affixal morphemes to the root morphemes or stems, by
phonetic modification of the root sound structure,
by the complete
change of the root, by order of words in the sentence, by the
combination of function words with notional ones (analytical forms),
by suppletion and modulation. The
sum of the lexical-semantic
categories is not restricted, and the sum of the grammatical categories
is limited. Sometimes the change of grammatical structure of the
sentence doesn't cause a change in content. The tourists will arrive
tomorrow morning – Turistlar ertaga ertalab kelishayapti. As we see
two kinds of grammatical structures of the sentence don't cause any
change in the content of translation. Though the linguistic typology is
connected with translation, the latter can't be the constituent