part of the former. The comparative typology compares the system with
the system; translation compares the text with the text.
The linguistic typology has relations with many scientific subjects,
such as psychology, physiology, logics, anthropology, literature,
mathematics and so on. But it has a direct regard to the theory of
translation, methodology of teaching foreign language, lexicography
and stylistics. The linguistic typology and the theory of translation are
closely connected with each other, because both of them are generally
engaged in comparison of language phenomenon.
There are many points of contacts between them. For example, if
linguistic typology studies characteristic features of the system of two
or more languages and establishes the corresponding features between
them, in the theory of translation the interpreter transforms speech units
from one language into another establishing common points in the
system of both languages at the same time.
In this case professor L.S. Barkhudarov is completely right when
he stresses that the theory of translation is a scientifically well-grounded
comparison of the systems of two languages in its essence ( A linguistic
theory of translation. M., 1975, p. 22). That's why we can say that
translation plays an important role in comparing the systems of
In its turn, complete description of two languages from the point of
view of linguistic typology would give much for the interpreters in their
practical work. While comparing the systems of two or more related
and non-related languages the process of translation should be taken
into account. While translating from one language into another it will
be possible to find common elements of the grammatical meaning in
both languages and to separate grammatical categories common to both
languages. That's why isomorphic and allomorphic features of
compared units can be carried out by using the results of translation,
because the interpreter can find hidden features common to both
languages which are not known in typology. So translation works for
The problem of training to foreign languages serves as an object of
research for many sciences, including linguistic typology. The applying
of linguistic typology can be implemented through the methodology of
teaching foreign languages.