Comparative typology and science of style. The typologist
comparing the definite linguistic category can't ignore the stylistic side
of the question. Galperin I.R. is right to sау: “языковые средства,
используемые в одних и тех же функциях, постоянно
вырабатывают своего рода новые качества, становятся условными
средствами выразительности и постепенно складываясь в
отдельные группы, образовывают определенные стилистические
приемы” (Очерки по стилистике английского языка. М .1958,
стр.4). While analyzing the definite plan of content the following forms
of the plan of expression are defined: 1) stylistically marked , 2)
stylistically non-marked forms. Stylistically marked units are always
expressive means of the language. Comparing the systems of the native
and non-native languages the typologist must deal with defining
stylistically marked and non-marked units as the comparative typology
analyzes the systems of compared languages as a whole. Without
defining stylistically marked and non-marked units one can't fix
regularities corresponding to the structures of the compared languages.
All the linguistic units: sounds, affixes, words, constructions, sentences
and texts can be stylistically marked. The comparative stylistics studies
the stylistic peculiarities of the units of every level of the language
separately. The phonological typology is connected with the
phonostylistics, the morphological typology with the morphological
stylistics and the lexical typology with the lexical stylistics.
Self control questions: 1. Speak about the cooperation of comparative typology with
theory of translation
2.Speak about the cooperation of comparative typology with
methodology of teaching foreign languages
3.Speak about the cooperation of comparative typology with
4.Speak about the cooperation of comparative typology with
science of style