Fontys University of Professional Education in the south-east of The Netherlands has 35000 students, 3400 staff members and education and training in 27 institutions in following sectors:
Fontys has a huge experience in international projects financed by bilateral funding, EU, WB, ADB, etc. under FORCE, PHARE, TEMPUS, LEONARDO and other programs. In this context Fontys is operating as certified Microsoft trainer also. A special "International office" of Fontys takes care of:
External relations in international projects.
Marketing, management, organisation and after care of international projects.
Internal and local implementation of international projects.
At this moment Fontys is contractor of the project.
Contact person:
Ger van Zantvoort
3. Bukhara State University
Bukhara State University (BSU), named after F. Hodjaev, was founded in 1930 and located in Bukhara city. There is about 400 professor -teachers at the University and out of them 40 are the doctors of science, more than 250 have the scientific degrees. Their scientific and pedagogical activities are well known to the society. Nowadays, about 3500 students and 50 postgraduates are undergoing the education at the University. Following faculties are existing at the University: Economy, Agriculture, Physics and Mathematics, Art-Design, Foreign Languages, Sociology and Law, Pedagogical Faculty, Faculties of Chemistry and Biology, History, Geography, Uzbek Philology.
BSU has a wide range of international relations: namely within the framework of Tempus-TACIS project T-JEP-10328-97 it is co-operating with the University of Grenoble, (France), University of Trento (Italy), University of Limerick (Ireland).
Contact person:
Prof. Davron Djuraev