Q152. Do you think te e nage rs should be allowe d to drive ? Q153. If you could me e t one world le ade r, who would it be ? Q154. Which do you think is be tte r, going to colle ge right afte r high school or afte r taking a fe w ye ars off? Q155. Which do you think is be tte r - to live on campus or to re nt an apartme nt off campus? Q156. Some pe ople pre fe r going to a movie the ate r inste ad of watching a movie at home . Which do you pre fe r? Why? Q157. What is your favorite way to spe nd your fre e time ? Q158. Some pe ople pre fe r le arning from books, while othe rs pre fe r le arning from e xpe rie nce s. Which one do you pre fe r? Q159. Who do you admire the most? Q160. De scribe an important social or political e ve nt in your country Q161. What are the advantage s and disadvantage s of moving to a ne w home ? Q162. You found $20 unde r your de sk at school. What would you do, te ll the te ache r or ke e p it? Q163. What is your pre fe rre d place to visit on we e ke nds?
Q164. Explain in de tail your happie st childhood me mory and provide re asons as to why it is your happie st Q165. What is your most value d posse ssion non-re fle ctive of mone tary value , but of se ntime ntal value ? Q166. Talk about a pe rson who has inspire d you. Explain why the pe rson is an inspiration.? Q167. Talk about a pe rson who has inspire d you. Explain why the pe rson is an inspiration.? Q168. Whe re in your town is a good place to have fun? Q169. Talk about an e mbarrassing e xpe rie nce in your life and de scribe why it was e mbarrassing Q170. What is your favorite subje ct in school? Q171. Discuss an inte re sting tourist attraction that you have visite d