Q212. Who do you like the be tte r, athle te s or e nte rtaine rs? Q213. De scribe your most unforge ttable day. Why will you ne ve r forge t this day?..94
Q214. Who will you re me mbe r the most afte r you finish school, your frie nds or your te ache rs? Q215. De scribe your ide a of a happy life Q216. Which ge nre of books do you e njoy re ading the most? Why? Q217. Which fruit do you like the most? Why? Q218. What is your favorite TV show and why? Q219. What is your favorite movie and why? Q220. Compare the advantage s and the disadvantage s of Smart Phone s Q221. Which option is he althie r, e ating thre e large me als a day or e ating four to five small me als a day? Q222. If you could win a lot of mone y, how much would you want to win and why? Q223. We are continuously le arning and doing ne w things in life and ofte n time s we fail at our first atte mpt. De scribe your first atte mpt to gain some thing ne w Q224. De scribe your ide al holiday re sort. Q225. What is your bigge st ambition in life ? Q226. Which pe rson or te ache r influe nce d you the most? Why is this pe rson a positive role mode l? Q227. Whe re do you se e yourse lf in twe nty ye ars? Q228. What quality or qualitie s do you look for in a be st frie nd? Q229. Pare nts should be re quire d to pay for the ir childre n’s unive rsity e ducation. Do you agre e or disagre e with this state me nt? Q230. De scribe the qualitie s of a good citize n?? Q231. What are the most important qualitie s of a good te ache r? Q232. What qualitie s doe s a good stude nt have to have ? Q233. What would you change about your country if you we re give n the opportunity?