Q191. What is your most me morable mome nt that you have e xpe rie nce d in school? Q192. Compare the advantage s of positive re wards against the advantage s of ne gative punishme nts.? Q193. If a close frie nd was in ne e d of an organ, such as a kidne y, and you we re a viable option, would you give the m the organ ne e de d? Q194. What would you like to know if you could le arn one thing about the future ? Q195. De scribe a pe culiar dre am of yours Q196. De scribe what you would miss from your home if you we nt abroad to study Q197. Do you pre fe r to re lax or to do anothe r activity whe n you are taking a bre ak from studying? Q198. Do you pre fe r le arning about movie s be fore you se e the m or not knowing anything about the m and be ing surprise d? Q199. What must be conside re d whe n choosing a job or care e r? Q200. If you had the opportunity to le arn a musical instrume nt, what would you le arn? Q201. De scribe an e xpe rie nce of going on a picnic with your school Q202. De scribe how you dre ss. Why do you dre ss this way? Q203. De scribe your favorite holiday. Why is it your favorite holiday? Q204. De scribe how you le arn a fore ign language . Why do you le arn this way and is it the be st way for you to le arn? Q205. De scribe your favorite sport Q206. What is the most important subje ct you study at school? Q207. What has be e n your most important acade mic achie ve me nt? Q208. What type of music do you like the most? Q209. What e xpe ctations do you have of your pare nts? Q210. What would wish for if you had one wish? Q211. Some pare nts give the ir childre n mone y on a monthly basis. At what age should childre n re ce ive an allowance and how much should the y re ce ive ?