Q172. Discuss a time in your life whe n you fe lt succe ssful due to a goal or obstacle be ing ove rcome Q173. Whe n hiring a ne w e mploye e , should the e mploye r hire a pe rson base d on the ir knowle dge or on the ir e xpe rie nce ? Q174. The re is such a thing as be ing too inde pe nde nt. Do you agre e or disagre e ?..55 Q175. Should the mistake s a pe rson make s in the past affe ct a pe rson’s future ? Why or why not?? Q176. De scribe a tactic that he lps you to study be tte r Q177. Is 18 an appropriate age to make a de cision about the future of a country, state , or city? Why or why not? Q178. Librarie s, bookstore s, coffe e shops, parks, and othe r locations are whe re pe ople study. Whe re is your favorite place to study and why? Q179. Explain about the one food you can’t live without Q180. What place has give n you fond me morie s? Q181. De scribe a pe rson with historical significance in your country. Explain the re ason for his or he r importance Q182. What type s of place s, tropical, de se rt, rainfore st, e tc., would you like to go to spe nd a vacation? Q183. De scribe an activity that you and your family e njoy doing toge the r....
Q184. Who is the wise st pe rson you know? What make s him/he r so wise ? Q185. What are more e ffe ctive re wards, intrinsic re wards, such as praise , or e xtrinsic re wards, such as mone y? Q186. What custom or tradition that is unique to your country? Q187. Which pe rson do you de pe nd on for advice whe n de aling with a proble m?.. 68 Q188. Name a place that you have visite d in your country that you would re comme nd to othe rs to visit Q189. Of all the type s of we athe r, rainy, sunny, snowy, e tc., which is your favorite type of we athe r? Q190. If you’re give n a month of le isure to do whate ve r you’d like to do, what would you do in that month?