CONTENTS Introduction…………………………………………………………….................3Main Part: 1.A brief history of language teaching……………………………...……………5
2.Different approaches and activities in teaching English language……………..9
3. The significance of warming up activities in English class…..…………….14
4. The benefits of warming up activities in teaching English language...………...19 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. The list of used literature………………………………………………………...
In order to realize the aims and tasks put forward be the Law of the Republic
of Uzbekistan “On Education” and National Program of Personnel Training the
complex system of reorganizing the structure and the content of personnel training,
proceeding from perspectives of social, economic development of the society,
contemporary achievements of science, culture, technique and technology are being
created in the country. Besides on December 10, 2012 a decree was signed “On
measures to further improve foreign language learning system”. It is noted that in
the framework of the Law of The Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and “The
National program for training” in the country comprehensive foreign languages
teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated and
modern thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world
community, has been created [1.p.2].
Teaching as process was to give information to the learners. When doing
teaching, a teacher transfers his knowledge, message and skills to the students.
Teaching also created interaction between a teacher and his students. To support
their expected goals in teaching, teachers could use some different strategies to
support language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). Teaching
speaking was the teacher teaches the students to speak in a language target with the
good accent, word, and sentences. The purpose of teaching speaking was to improve
the oral production of the students. According to Nunan, teaching speaking means
that the teachers teach the students to: produce the English speech sound, word,
sentence, stress intonation pattern, the rhythm. And also select the suitable words
and sentences according to the proper social, setting, audience, situation, and subject
matter. [2.p.107].