Часть II
II hissəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части II
intermediate [ıntə'mi:djət] а ara, orta (промежуточный, средний)
border[b:də] п sərhəd (край; граница)
set п seriya, yığım (ряд, серия; набор)
dilute [daı'lju:t] v boşaltmaq (разбавлят, разводить)
excessive [ık'sesıv] а artıq, həddən artıq (избыточный, чрезмерный)
intensify [ın 'tensıfaı] v gücləndirmək (усиливать)
Çalışma 1. Aşağıdakı sözləri oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова.
hypothalamus, anterior, intermediate, posterior, microscope, fibre, secretion, circulation, neurons, neurohumoral, gigantism, acromegaly, oxitocin, to intensify
Çalışma 2. Verilmiş sıralarda mənası öndə olan söz və söz birləşmələrini tapın.
Упражнение 2. Найдите в данном ряду слово или словосочетание, значение которого дано в начале ряда.
1. nə qədər ki (поскольку) - in so far as, so far as, as far as; 2. seriya, sıra (серия, ряд) — row, line, series, set; 3. yəni ki (то есть) — all that, so that, that is, that is why
Çalışma 3. Verilmiş sıralarda öndə verilmiş sözə sinonim söz və söz birləşmələrini tapın.
Упражнение 3. Найдите в данном ряду слово или словосочетание, синонимичное данному в начале ряда.
1. fairly – rather, too, enough, actually, completely; 2. to break up – to believe in, to end, to divide into...; 3. adults – teenagers, children, the old, grown-ups; 4. Insufficient – enough, lacking, deficient, excessive
Text В
Hypophysis (the Pituitary)
We know the hypophysis to be a small oval body weighing about 0,5 g; it is located in the cranial cavity and is connected with the hypothalamus. The gland consists of an anterior lobe, an intermediate part and a posterior lobe; the borders between them can be seen only under the microscope. Experimental and clinical observations strongly suggest anterior lobe to be necessary for proper growth to adult stature, for normal development and fu-nction of the reproductive system and for control the activities of other endocrine glands. The posterior lobe remains connected to the brain by means of the pituitary stalk, through which nerve impulses travel from the hypothalamus. The anterior lobe, so far as is known, receives no nerve fibres of any kind, and its control must then depend on the presence of substances in the blood. In spite of all this, there appears to be a way whereby the brain can exercise a fairly direct control over the anterior lobe. The blood vessels leading to the hypothalamus break up into capillaries; having passed through these capillaries, the blood is gathered into small veins; these veins pass downward so that they open into another set of capillaries in the anterior lobe. This is called the hypothalamic-hyophyseal portal system. Excision of the anterior hypophysis neither alters the lipid content of the liver nor inhibits the accumulation of large amounts of lipids in the liver.
The hypothalamus has been found to secrete special substances which regulate the secretion of the hypophysical hormones. The activities of the other endocrine glands are thus subject to neurohumoral regulation through the hypophysis.
Disfunction of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. For example, excessive secretion of the growth hormone in childhood results in gigantism. Such people may grow to a height of 2,5-2,6 m. Excessive secretion of this hormone in adults results not only in excessive growth of the bones of the face, fingers and toes, but in enlarged nose, tongue and certain other organs. This disease is called acromegaly. Insufficient secretion of the growth hormone in childhood is accompanied by retarded growth (dwarfism). It is a relatively rare condition iissociated with either early atrophy or absence of the anterior lobe.
The posterior lobe of the hypophysis secretes oxytocin and vasopressin. Physiologists consider oxytocin to intensify the contractions of the uterine muscles and it is therefore used to boost weak labour. We know vasopressin to cause constriction of the blood vessels, especially those of the uterus.
Çalışma 4. Aşağıdakı mülahizələri oxuyun. B mətnində bu mülahizələri daha dolğun ifadə edən cümlələri tapın və onları oxuyun.
Упражнение 4. Прочтите следующие суждения. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.
1. The hypophysis is connected with hypothalamus. 2. There are two lobes in the gland. 3. Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system of blood vessels supplies blood to the anterior lobe of the hypophysis. 4. Hypophysis regulates the activity of other endocrine glands. 5. Disfunction of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is accompanied by changes of different kind throughout the organism.
III Hissə
Часть III
12-ci dərsə aid ümumiləşdirici çalışmalar
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 12
Çalışma 1. Mürəkkəb tamamlıqlı cümlələri tapın və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите предложения со сложным дополнением.
1. Thyroxine is necessary in the body to maintain a normal level of metabolism in all body cells. 2. Parathyroid hormone causesm calcium to leave bone tissue and enter the blood stream. 3. Removal of the thymus gland is found to be helpful in treatment of muscular-neurological disorders. 4. Cells need oxygen to carry on metabolic processes. 5. We know the pituitary gland to be also called the hypophysis. 6. Pituitary growth hormone acts on bone tissue to accelerate its growth in the body.
Çalışma 2. Tərkibi bağlayıcılar istifadə olunan cümlələri göstərin.
Упражнение 2. Укажите, в каких предложениях использованы составные союзы.
1. Insulin is necessary in the blood stream so that sugars can pass from the blood into the cells of the body. 2. In acute nephritis some glomeruli are more severely involved than others, but practically no glomerulus escape some injury. 3. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis may include either thyroidectomy or management with antitheroid drugs. 4. The ovaries are held in place on either side of the uteres by the utero-ovarian ligaments. 5. In his last report the professor spoke neither of hyperfunction nor hypofunction of endocrine glands. 6. Overproduction of glucocorticoids leads not only to obesity, moonlike fullness of the face but also to elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure and weakness (fatigue).
Cerund (Герундий)
ing forması müxtəlif funksiyalarda (ing-формы в различных функциях)
I Hissə
Часть I
I hissəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части I
actually [æk't∫uəlı] adv həqiqətən (действительно, фактически)
touch [tΛt∫] v dəymək, toxunmaq (трогать, касаться)
bundle ['bΛndl] п dəstə, düyün (пучок, узел)
cerebrum ['serıbrəm] п beyin (головной мозг)
cerebellum [serı'beləm] n beyincik (мозжечок)
feel [fi:l] v hiss etmək, duymaq (чувствовать, ощущать
feeling п hiss, duyğu (чувство, ощущение)
treat [tri:t] v müalicə etmək, işləmək, müraciət etmək (лечить; обрабатывать; обращаться)
treatment ['tri:tmənt] п müalicə, terapiya, işləmə, müraciət (лечение, терапия; обработка; обращение)
Çalışma 1. Cerund işlənmiş cümlələri tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с герундием.
1. Stimulating the somatotropic hormone upon growth can be partly correlated with its acceleration of metabolism. 2. Certain researchers believe that the hypophysectomized animal differs essentially from the normal in that it has lost the power of converting fateto carbohydrates. 3 In acromegaly and gigantism X-ray pictures reveal deepening the pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone.
Çalışma 2. Aşağıdakı cümlələrdə -ing formalarını tapın..
Упражнение 2. Найдите ing-формы в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.
1. Thyrotropic hormone is of considerable importance not only in regulating the thyroid secretion but in accounting for many metabolic effects. 2. Related injections of extracts containing ketogenic hormones cause fat infiltrations of liver, reduction in fat of other tissues and keto- sis. 3. The stimulating action of the somatotropic hormone upon growth can be partly correlated with its acceleration of metabolism. 4. Injecting hormones into normal young animals results in animals of large size and precocious sexual development. 5. Acromegaly and gigantism produce overgrowing of bones and there may be an actual lengthening of the spinal column.
Çalışma 3. Aşağıdakı söz birləşmələrini oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие йловосочетания.
1. to react upon each other, reaction power, the reaction of eye to the light, Wasserman reaction, reaction of sensibility; 2. to feel one’s pulse, to feel like doing smth, to feel tired, to feel fine, a feeling of danger; 3. to treat with penicillin, surgical treatment, treatment by exercises, to try many treatments for pneumonia, to be under treatment.
Çalışma 4. A mətnini nəzərdən keçirin və məzmununa görə mətnin hər iki hissəsini müqayisə edin
Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А и сравните по содержанию обе части текста.
Text А
The Nervous System. Brain and Nerves
1. Nerves lead from the spinal cord or from the brain to each part of the body. Then they lead from each part of the body back to the brain or spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord are the centres of this system of nerves
2. All parts of your body are connected by nerves. The nerve cells with their fibres make up the nervous system. When we study one nerve cell, we see that it has a long fibre at one end and short fibres at the other. The nerve cells send impulses to each other by means of the fibres at their ends. These fibres do not actually touch but are so close to each other that an impulse can travel from one fibre to another. Physical agents become stimuli for nerve terminals by transferring energy from the external world to the nerve terminals.
3. Thus all nerve cells connect with each other. There are millions of these connecting nerve cells. Thus a stimulus from any part of the body can reach any other part of it. In the spinal cord and brain, the nerve cells connect with each other by their connecting fibres. Outside the spinal cord and brain, certain long fibres are grouped together forming nerves. Each nerve is made up of thouands of nerve fibres together in a bundle, as a cable is made up of separate wires.
The Brain Centre of the Nervous System
4. We know the nerves to carry impulses to the brain. We know that the brain sends these impulses along so that they go to the right place. The hrain is made up of three, partsr The cerebrum sits like a cap on the cerebellum. And the medulla is that long portion connecting the brain with the spinal cord. The cerebrum has certain parts that do certain work. Studying human beings with accidential injuries of brains helped scientists to get informaltOfi about these areas. For instance they have discovered that the part for thought, memory, and feeling is found in the front of the cerebrum. The part for hearing is found at the side of the cerebrum, and the part for sight in the back of the cerebrum.
5. Many experiments have shown that the brain is the centre of feeling and understanding. The nerve cells in the brain can be «put to sleep» with ether or other anesthetics. Then the brain does not feel any impulses from the part being operated on. Sometimes the nerve cells near the part of our body being treated may be deadened by novocaine, as when the dentist pulls a tooth. What the novocaine does is preventing the impulses from getting to the brain from the nerve in the tooth.
6. The cerebellum is the centre for making your muscles work as a team. The medulla is the centre of certain of our most important acts: breathing and heartbeat, on which life itself depends. The medulla is also capable of controlling acts such as swallowing and yawning.
Çalışma 5. A mətninin 5-ci və 6-cı abzaslarını yazılı tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 5. Переведите письменно абзацы 5 и 6 текста A.
Çalışma 6. A mətnində aşağıdakı suallara cavab tapın və onları oxuyun.
Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.
1. What do we know about the structure of the nerve cell? 2. How does a nerve react to a stimulus? 3. How many parts is the brain made up of? 4. What have scientists found out about the brain?
II Hissə- 210
Часть II
II hissəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части II
sense n hiss (чувство, ощущение)
pain [peın] n ağrı (боль)
smel [peın] n qoxu (запах; обоняние)
thirst [θə:st] n susuzluq (жажда)
scatter [skætə] v dağıtmaq, tökmək (рассеивать(ся), разбрасывать)
augment [':gment] v artırmaq (увеличивать(ся),
Çalışma 1. Aşağıdakı sözləri oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова.
classification, to classify, equilibrium, cutaneous, to distribute, corpuscle, reflex, stimulus
Çalışma 2. Verilmiş söz sıralarında öndə olan sözə sinonim tapın.
Упражнение 2. Найдите в данном ряду слово, синонимичное данному в начале ряда.
1. sense – feeling, sense organs, faculty, sensation; 2. to excite – to cause, to respond, to arouse, to stimulate; 3. completely – partially, always, fully, at last, to the end; 4. to augment – to decrease, to increase, to stop, to stimulate
Çalışma 3. Sıranın önündə tərcüməsi olan sözü tapın.
Упражнение 3. Найдите слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда.
tanış (знакомый) – famous, known, near, close, familiar; 2. hiss, qavrama (ощущение, восприятие) – sense, sensibility, sensation, sensationism; 3. Yorğunluq (усталость) – hunger, thirst, fatigue, tired; 4. düşmək (спускаться) – to ascend, to come down, to go down, to descend
Text В
Classification of the Senses
Sense organs are specialized endings of the sensory division of the peripheral nerves.
We are commonly thought to possess five senses. Actually, there are many more. We may classify them as follows: 1) the cutaneous senses —touch, heat, cold and pain; 2) the deeper senses — pressure and muscle sense; 3) the internal senses, or senses from the internal organs of the body; 4) the special senses, or those in which the receptors lie in special organs — sight, hearing, equili-brium, taste and smell; and finally 5) the general body senses – hunger, thirst, fatigue, sexual sensation, etc.
The cutaneous senses. There are said to be 500,000 touch receptors in the skin. They are unevenly distributed, being most numerous in the finger tips, lips and tongue, and least numerous on the back. Their receptors are specialized structures called Meissner’s corpuscles. The sense-organs for cold constitute 150,000 receptors; they are the end- organs of Krause. Warmth has about 16,000 receptors, the end-otgans of Ruffini; and pain has some 3,000,000 receptors. Pain receptors, however, are not. specialized; they are simply the naked ends of the pain nerves, 'somewhat branched at their terminals. The Pacinian corpuscles are the receptors for pressure, and the muscle spindles for muscle sense.
Proprioception. Everyone knows what pain and touch are, but proprioception («muscle sense») may be less familiar. It is a very important sense since it is the sensory link of a reflex controlling muscle tone and contraction; and it also gives the brain important information about the location or position of the limbs. Muscle spindles are tiny, spindle-shaped structures scattered throughout muscles, and they are most numerous around the tendons and joints. The stimulus exciting them is muscle contraction and joint movement. Since muscles are never completely at rest – one portion or another is contracting all the time – there is a constant flow of nerve impulses into the spinal cord over the muscle sense fibres. Any activity of muscles, such as walking, augments the flow. Let us analyze the fact of walking. One foot is lifted from the ground, moved forward, and, as it descends, the weight of the body is shifted to this foot. The other foot is then lifted, moved, etc. Once a child has learned to walk, he accomplishes this action not notising it; it is done reflexly, and this reflex is one in which the sensory information comes over the fibres of proprioception.
At any instant of time, the spinal cord is receiving information as to the immediate, present location of the feet and legs, and it is sending out, over motor fibres, impulses which continue the activity. At any time, a person knows, without looking, approximately where his feet are and where his legs are, since this information is also being sent to the brain.
Çalışma 4. Verilmiş mülahizələri oxuyun. Mətndə verilmiş mülahizələri daha dolğun ifadə edən cümlələri tapın.
Упражнение 4. Прочтите данные суждения. Найдите в тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений.
1.There are more senses than we are commonly thought to possess. 2. Besides touch receptors there are cold, warmth and pain receptors. 3. Proprioception is the sensory link of a reflex. 4. Muscle contraction and joint movements excite muscle spindles. 5. Walking augments the flow of impulses. 6. The spinal cord and the brain regulate motor activity.
Çalışma 5. B mətninin yazılı şəkildə əsas məzmununu verin.
Упражнение 5. Передайте основное содержание текста В письменно.
Çalışma 6. Ən vacib beyin mərkəzlərini söyləyin. 13-cü şəkilə baxıb özünüzü yoxlayın.
Упражнение 6. Назовите наиболее важные центры головного мозга.
III Hissə
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