Organicheskie vyajuщie veщestva — materialы Organic binders - materials of
Organik bog‘lovchi moddalar: Organik xom
organicheskogo proisxojdeniya, obladayuщie sposobnostyu pod vliyaniem fizicheskix ili ximicheskix protsessov perexodit iz plastichnogo sostoyaniya v tverdoe ili maloplastichnoe. origin that have the ability
under the influence of physical
or chemical processes to move
from plastic to solid or low-
ashyolarga tegishli, fizik va
kimyoviy jarayonlar ta’sirida
plastik xolatdan kamplastik
yoki qattiq xolatga o‘tadi.
Panel – 1) vertikalnыy ploskostnoy
element zavodskogo izgotovleniya,
primenyaemыy v stroitelstve zdaniy
ili soorujeniy razlichnogo
naznacheniya i vыpolnyayuщiy
nesuщie, ograjdayuщie ili
sovmeщennыe (nesuщie i
ograjdayuщie) funksii; 2) nijnyaya
chast stenы pomeщeniya,
otlichayuщayasya po otdelke ot
vsey stenы.
Panel - 1) a vertical plane
prefabricated element used in
the construction of buildings or
structures for various purposes,
and performs carrier, enclosing
or combinations (bearing and
protecting) function; 2) The
lower part of the walls of the
room, characterized by the
decoration of the entire wall.
Panel: Zovodda tayyorlangan
vertikal yuzali element. Bino
va inshootlarni qurishda
Paropronitsaemost — sposobnost materialov propuskat cherez svoyu Water vapor permeability - the
ability of materials to
Bug‘ o‘tkazuvchanlik: Materiallarni o‘z qalinligidan
tolщu vodyanoy par pri raznosti davleniy na protivopolojnыx poverxnostyax materiala. pass through its thickness of
steam at a pressure difference
on the opposite surfaces of the
bug‘ini o‘tkazish xususiyati.